Burwood Council Meetings

MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF BURWOOD held at the Council Chamber, Suite 1, Level 2, 1-17 Elsie Street, Burwood on Tuesday, 26 March 2013 commencing at 6.01pm.

ATTENDANCE Councillor Sally Deans

Councillor Tony Doueihi

Councillor John Faker (Mayor)

Councillor Lesley Furneaux-Cook

Councillor George Mannah

Councillor Justin Taunton

Councillor Ernest Wong (Deputy Mayor)

Mr M McMahon, General Manager

Ms V Lee, Deputy General Manager Corporate, Governance & Community

Mr B Macdonnell, Deputy General Manager Land, Infrastructure & Environment

Mr T Briscese, Executive Manager

Mr W Armitage, Chief Finance Officer

Mr B Mortimer, Manager Organisational Development

Mr J Inglese, Senior Manager Assets & Design

Mr R Di Federico, Manager Traffic & Transport

Mr B Olsen, Manager Building & Development

Ms D Luo, Manager Strategic Planning

Ms Y Tome, Governance Officer


The Mayor opened the meeting with a prayer.


There was no business for this item.

26/13 / RESOLVED (Carried Unanimously)
That an apology be granted to Councillor Justin Taunton.
(Moved Councillor Lesley Furneaux-Cook/Seconded Councillor Tony Doueihi)


Councillor John Faker declared a non pecuniary interest less than significant in Item T.6/13 Cheltenham Road, Croydon – No Stopping Restrictions of the Burwood Local Traffic Committee Meeting Minutes as his children are students at Holy Innocents, Croydon.


There were no declarations of political interests by Councillors.

Confirmation of Minutes
27/13 / RESOLVED (Carried)
That the minutes of the meeting of the Council of Burwood held on Tuesday, 12 February 2013, as circulated, be confirmed and signed as a true record of the proceeding of the meeting.
(Moved Deputy Mayor Ernest Wong/Seconded Councillor Tony Doueihi)

Address by the Public on Agenda Items

Name Ag / Item
Mr Aris Dimos
Omada Property Group / Item 18/13 Planning Proposal for the Strathfield Sports Club Site Located between Morwick and Lyons Streets, Strathfield

Councillor Justin Taunton arrived at the meeting at 6:04pm

Mayoral Minute

File No: 13/10249
The NSW Government appointed the Local Government Independent Review Panel to undertake the review of Local Government in NSW in respect of structure, capacity, services and boundaries. The Panel has been undertaking research and providing interim reports on the key aspects of their investigation since they commenced their work in July 2012.
In April 2013, the Independent Review Panel will release its third and final discussion paper (Future Directions). The paper will provide as much detail as possible on the Panel’s conclusions and the likely shape of its final recommendations to Government.
Whilst it is acknowledged that the NSW Government has reiterated its policy position of no forced Council amalgamations, I believe that Council should be in a position to seek the views of its community on either the outcomes of the Independent Review Panel or if the NSW Government’s policy position was to change in the future.
The consultation, if required should seek input from its residents as to their view about any proposed amalgamations with Councils in the Inner West. This information could also assist us in preparing our response to this final discussion paper which we expect to provide in May 2013.
I propose that Council have the option to undertake a number of different forms of consultation, including:
·  telephone surveys with 500 of our residents
·  an online survey through Council’s website
·  a direct mail out with a petition
The final form of the consultation, if required would be determined in consultation with the General Manager.
28/13 / RESOLVED (Carried)
1.  Council endorse the current NSW Government policy of no forced Council amalgamations.
2.  Council, if required, undertake a consultation that could include a telephone survey of 500 residents, an on-line survey on Council’s website and a direct mail out with a petition to seek the community’s views on the current Local Government reforms envisaged relating to proposed mergers/amalgamations of neighbouring Councils.
3.  The final form of the consultation be determined by the Mayor in consultation with the General Manager.
4.  If undertaken, the results of the consultation form part of Council’s response to the Independent Local Government Review Panel’s April final discussion paper.
5.  Council share any results with its neighbouring Councils and other members of the Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils.

Councillors Tony Doueihi and Ernest Wong called for a DIVISION.

The DIVISION was taken and the names of the Councillors voting FOR and AGAINST were as follows:

Councillor Wong / Councillor Doueihi
Councillor Furneaux-Cook / Councillor Taunton
Councillor Deans
Councillor Faker
Councillor Mannah
Total (5) / Total (2)

Councillor Tony Doueihi left the meeting at 6:18pm

File No: 13/10598
Late last year Council was involved in submitting a nomination for a well known and active senior citizen, Mr Russell Roy Kenny, for the 2013 NSW Seniors Week Achievement Awards. On Sunday, 17 March 2013, Mr Russell Roy Kenny was successful in receiving the highest honour in NSW as the winner of the Community Services Achievement Award.
Mr Kenny is 91 years of age and has been very involved in the Burwood area for over 65 years. He is very active in offering support to anyone who asks and has been a member of the Burwood Lion’s Club for 52 years. He currently serves as the Club’s first Vice President.
Mr Kenny has been the Master of Ceremonies for our ANZAC Day and Sandakan Memorial Services for over 20 years and is a member of the Sandakan and ANZAC Day Advisory Committees.
Mr Kenny served with the Armed Forces and as a police investigator. He has volunteered his time and leant his expertise to many organisations, including the Red Cross, the District Spastic Council, Veteran’s Association, Enfield Sub-Branch, and as a Justice of the Peace.
Mr Kenny is a worthy winner of this award, and I would like to recognise his qualities as a true Ambassador for Burwood.
29/13 / RESOLVED (Carried Unanimously)
Council formally congratulates Mr Russell Roy Kenny on his 2013 NSW Senior Citizens Community Services Award through a Certificate of Appreciation and a congratulatory letter from the Mayor, on behalf of Council.

Councillor Tony Doueihi returned to the meeting at 6:20pm

File No: 13/11584
The Local Government Amendment (Early Intervention) Bill 2013 has been presented to the NSW Legislative Assembly as legislation that will better address the possible poor performance or any dysfunction within local councils.
It is acknowledged that this is a worthwhile initiative, however I am concerned that the process outlined in the Bill may not be the best way of achieving the desired outcomes.
It is proposed in the Bill that the NSW Government have the authority to set aside, dismiss or “sin bin” a council without that Council having first been through a rigorous and transparent process such as a public inquiry.
I believe that the Bill should be either withdrawn or deferred to allow for broader consultation with stakeholders, including Local Government NSW, regional Organisations of Council and local Councils.
30/13 / RESOLVED (Carried Unanimously)
The Mayor writes to the Minister for Local Government requesting that the Local Government Amendment (Early Intervention) Bill 2013 be withdrawn or deferred to allow for broader consultation on the proposal.
Procedural Motion
31/13 / RESOLVED (Carried Unanimously)
That Item 18/13 Planning Proposal for the Strathfield Sports Club Site located between Morwick and Lyons Streets, Strathfield be dealt with first on the Agenda.
(Moved Councillor Tony Doueihi/Seconded Deputy Mayor Ernest Wong)

General Business

(ITEM 18/13) Planning Proposal for the Strathfield Sports Club Site Located Between Morwick and Lyons Streets Strathfield
File No: 13/8917
The Planning Proposal (PP) involves rezoning part of the Strathfield Sports Club (SSC) land to facilitate the construction of a new 10 storey residential flat building and a new two storey club house, and to retain nine tennis courts. The PP also intends to dedicate land to Council to create a new road between Morwick and Lyons Streets through a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA). The PP is assessed as having merits under the gateway criteria for the justification of new Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) sought through the PP process. It is recommended that Council endorse the PP in principle and seek a Gateway Determination from the Department of Planning and Infrastructure (DP&I). It is also recommended that the VPA be negotiated upon receiving a positive Gateway Determination.
32/13 / RESOLVED (Carried)
1.  That Council endorse in principle the Planning Proposal for the Strathfield Sports Club site, including the land offered for dedication as a public road, to be included in the B4 zone under the Burwood Local Environmental Plan 2012 and subject to the same development standards as apply to the B4 zone in the Strathfield Town Centre.
2.  That Council forward the Planning Proposal, this report and Council’s resolution to the Department of Planning & Infrastructure for a Gateway Determination.
3.  That Council note the offer of a Voluntary Planning Agreement for the dedication of the land and construction of the new road, and endorse negotiations for the VPA to commence when Council receives a positive Gateway Determination. The matters for negotiation include, but not limited to: the crediting of the VPA works and land against future development contributions, the timing of the VPA execution, and the timing of the dedication of the land and the construction of the road. The VPA is to be placed on public exhibition concurrently with the Planning Proposal.
4.  That Council investigate and negotiate with the Strathfield Sports Club the possible increase in width of the proposed road by 2.5m to allow parking without the Club losing any potential Floor Space Ratio as per the Plan tabled by and supplied by the Strathfield Sports Club.
5.  That the proponent be advised that support of the Planning Proposal at this stage is not an endorsement of the indicative development concepts included in the Planning Proposal, and that a range of detailed matters remain to be resolved as part of future development applications.
(Moved Deputy Mayor Ernest Wong/Seconded Councillor Justin Taunton)

Councillors Lesley Furneaux-Cook and Ernest Wong called for a DIVISION.

The DIVISION was taken and the names of the Councillors voting FOR and AGAINST were as follows:

Councillor Wong / Councillor Furneaux-Cook
Councillor Taunton
Councillor Deans
Councillor Faker
Councillor Mannah
Councillor Doueihi
Total (6) / Total (1)

Councillor Tony Doueihi left the meeting at 7:09pm

Councillor Tony Doueihi returned to the meeting at 7:11pm


(ITEM RC1/13) Burwood Local Traffic Committee Minutes - 7 March 2013
File No: 13/9258
Attached are the Minutes of the Burwood Local Traffic Committee from its meeting of 7 March 2013. The Minutes are hereby submitted to the Ordinary Council Meeting for formal consideration and adoption by Council.
33/13 / RESOLVED (Carried Unanimously)
That the minutes of the Burwood Local Traffic Committee of 7 March 2013 be noted and the recommendations of the Committee as detailed below be adopted as a resolution of the Council, subject to the following amendments:
Item T.1/13
·  Point 4 – addition of the following words – ‘excluding the section of roadway adjacent to the raised threshold on both northern and southern sides’.
·  Added a new Point 5 - That Council trial a section of No Parking restrictions on the northern side of Queen Street adjacent to the vehicular access of 96 Lucas Road, Croydon for a length of 6m.
·  Point 6 – 2P changed to 4P.
·  Added Point 9 - That Council conduct a survey of residents in Belgrave Street, Burwood for the expansion of the 4P parking restrictions to both the northern and southern sides.
·  Added Point 10 - That the General Manager investigate other locations for unrestricted parking within Bold Street and Belgrave Street.
Item T.5/13
That the matter be deferred following a Councillor Workshop and review of the Burwood Public Parking Strategy.
(ITEM T.1/13) Parking restrictions in Paisley Road and Queen Street Croydon and Tahlee Street Burwood
Following the changes to parking restrictions as part of the Burwood Public Parking Strategy Review, several streets have been impacted by all day parkers making it difficult for residents and their visitors to obtain a parking space adjacent to their property. A review of these streets was undertaken to determine appropriate measures.
1. That Council install 2P 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday 8am – 1pm Saturday Permit Holders Excepted Area 5 restrictions on the southern side of Paisley Road between Brady and Reed Streets, Croydon.
2. That Council retain the unrestricted parking on the southern side of Paisley Road adjacent to the side boundary of No. 2A Brady Street, Croydon.
3. That Council install 10.0m of No parking restrictions on the northern side of Paisley Road opposite the driveway of property No. 28.
4. That Council install 2P 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday 8am – 1pm Saturday Permit Holders Excepted Area 10 restrictions on the northern and southern sides of Queen Street between Lucas Road and Cheltenham Road, Croydon, excluding the section of roadway adjacent to the raised threshold on both northern and southern sides.
5. That Council trial a section of No Parking restrictions on the northern side of Queen Street adjacent to the vehicular access of 96 Lucas Road, Croydon for a length of 6m.
6. That Council install 4P 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday 8am – 1pm Saturday Permit Holders Excepted Area 5 restrictions on the eastern and western sides of Tahlee Street between Fitzroy and Murray Streets, Croydon.
7. That Council formalise the bus stops in Queen and Tahlee Streets, Croydon with the installation of Bus Zone signs to prevent vehicles parking in this area.
8. That Council write to residents of Brand Street, Croydon advising that no parking restrictions are proposed to be installed within their street at this stage and that Council will continue to monitor the situation.
9. That Council conduct a survey of residents in Belgrave Street, Burwood for the expansion of the 4P parking restrictions to both the northern and southern sides.