Project Read, Spelling
Oct. 20-24
Monday Project Read (9:00-10:30)---Unit 16 Lesson 1 Skill: Consonant cluster str
Teacher will display the words grin, stop, and truck and ask students what are the beginning sounds of these words called? Consonant blends. How many consonants to a consonant blend? 2
In this lesson you will learn about consonant clusters. A consonant cluster has 3 consonants.
Teacher will display str and tell students that all 3 sounds are mixed together.
S, t, and r are stirred together to say /str/ like in the word strong. Teacher will build the word strong and display.
Students will skywrite str by hold non-dominant arm arched like holding a bowl. Say each sound while skywriting symbol inside bowl and stirring sounds together.
Teacher will pass out worksheet 16-3 and students will practice reading str words 2 times, once with finger blending and once with tap and sweep. Students will also read the sentences containing str words on the page.
Spell Tabs: Students will head a piece of notebook paper with Spell Tabs at the top and name and date underneath. Teacher will dictate some of the str words, use in a sentence, throw out the words, and students will catch and repeat the word, finger blend, and write the words. After this activity, students will check their spell tab work.
Dictation: Underneath their spell tabs work, students will write the following sentences after teacher dictates and the number of words are counted for each sentence separately.
1. The pup has the string.
2. Did you fix the strap on your backpack?
After dictation work, students will discuss, check, and correct their dictation work.
Teacher will place the story, “Wet Socks” (contains str words) under the document camera. Students will practice reading and discussing the story. This story will be sent home for reading homework.
Tuesday Project Read---Unit 16 Lesson 1 Skill: str Review and Lesson 2: Consonant clusters spr, spl, scr
Review str by skywriting and rereading str words and sentences on worksheet 16-3.
Teacher will place the story, “Wet Socks” (contains str words) under the document camera. Students will practice rereading and discussing the story. Oral reading check will be done. Teacher will leave the story up and students will take a short comprehension quiz over the story. Teacher will take up the quizzes and students will use the story to discuss what answers that they should have marked on the quiz.
Lesson 2: Consonant clusters spr, spl, scr
Teacher will display the word spring and ask students how many consonants are at the beginning of this word? 3 What are the consonants together called? A consonant cluster.
Students will skywrite spr and teacher will place worksheet 16-7 under the document camera. Students will practice reading spr words 2 times, once finger blending and another time, tap and sweep. Students will also read sentences on the worksheet containing spr words. This worksheet will be sent home for reading homework.
Teacher will display spl and tell students that s, p, l stirs together to say /spl/ like in the word split. Example: Mom will split the muffin.
Students will skywrite spl.
Teacher will place worksheet 16-11 under the document camera. Students will practice reading spl words 2 times, once finger blending and another time, tap and sweep. Students will also read sentences on the page containing spl words. This worksheet will also be sent home for reading homework.
Dictation: Students will head a piece of paper with Dictation at the top and name and date underneath. Teacher will dictate the following sentences one at a time and students will count the number of words in the sentence before writing.
1. Did the suds splash on you?
2. The ax split the log.
After work on this dictation, students will discuss, check, and correct work on these sentences.
Wednesday Project Read---Unit 16 Consonant Clusters: Review lesson 1: str, Review and complete lesson 2: Consonant clusters spr, spl, scr
Class will review str, spr, and spl by skywriting each and rereading and discussing worksheets 16-3, 16-7, and 16-11.
Teacher will display scr and tell students that this cluster captures the sounds s, c, r, stir /scr/ like in the word scrub. Example: The kids had to scrub the mud off the truck.
Students will skywrite scr.
Teacher will place worksheet 16-15 under the document camera. Students will practice reading the words 2 times, with finger blending and tap and sweep. Students will also read sentences on the sheet that contain scr words.
Sentence Dictation: Students will head a piece of notebook paper with Dictation at the top, name and date underneath. Teacher will dictate the following sentences, one at a time and students will repeat and count the number of words in each before writing each sentence. After dictation work, students will discuss, check, and correct their work on these sentences.
1. Peg stuffs the cloth cat with scraps.
2. Will you scrub the mud off your leg?
Teacher will place the stories, “Spring” and “Springs” under the document camera. Students will read and discuss each. These stories will be sent home for reading homework.
Thursday Project Read---Unit 16 Review Lessons 1 and 2: Consonant Clusters str, spr, spl, scr, and Lesson 2 Skill: red word were
Class will review the consonant clusters by skywriting each: str, spr, spl, and scr and by rereading worksheets 16-3, 16-7, 16-11, 16-15.
Teacher will place the story, “Spring” under the document camera. Students will practice rereading and discussing. Oral reading check will be done. Teacher will leave the story up and students will take a short comprehension quiz over the story. Teacher will take up the quizzes and students will use the story to discuss what answers that they should have marked on the quiz.
Teacher will place the story, “Springs” under the document camera. Students will practice rereading and discussing. Oral reading check will be done. Teacher will leave the story up and students will take a short comprehension quiz over the story. Teacher will take up the quizzes and students will use the story to discuss what answers that they should have marked on the quiz.
Teacher will display red word were and provide the following examples and facts:
1. Were you with Jack?
2. Were means that something has already happened.
3. Were can be a question word.
4. The kids were sitting in Bill’s truck.
Students will practice arm tapping and sweeping the word were 5 times.
Dictation: Students will head a piece of paper with Dictation at the top. Teacher will dictate the following sentences. Students will repeat and count the number of words in each sentence separately before writing. After dictation work, students will discuss, check, and correct work on these sentences.
1. Were the chicks in the shed?
2. The pans were hot.
Teacher will place the story, “The Black Angus Ranch” under the document camera. Students will read and discuss the story. This story will be sent home for reading homework.
Teacher will place Jeweled Treasure Box worksheet 16-19 under the document camera. Students will read and discuss words and sentences on this sheet. This will be sent home for reading homework also.
Teacher will pass out Unit 16 Study Guide and ask students questions using a copy of teacher question sheet. Students will fill in answers and this will be checked and sent home to study for an assessment tomorrow.
Friday Project Read and Spelling---Unit 16 Consonant Clusters str, spr, scr, spl and red word were
Class will review consonant clusters by skywriting each: str, spr, spl, scr.
An oral reading check will be done with worksheets 16-3, 7, 11, 15, and 19.
Teacher will place the story, “The Black Angus Ranch” under the document camera. Students will reread and discuss. Oral reading check will be done. Teacher will leave the story up and students will take a short comprehension quiz over the story. Teacher will take up the quizzes and students will use the story to discuss what answers that they should have marked on the quiz.
Teacher will pass out Unit 16 Assessment and use teacher question sheet to ask questions as students complete the assessment over the consonant clusters str, spr, spl, scr and red word were. Teacher will take up the tests when complete.
Students will complete a spelling assessment over the following words: strong, struck, strap, splash, split, spring, scrap, scrub, scram, were.