Course Name: Algebra 1 (MES21/MES22)

Teacher: Ms. JuferRoom: 225


Course Description:

Algebra 1 is the first course in the three-year high school mathematics sequence. Throughout this course students will develop skills and a range of techniques to successfully solve problems in a variety of settings. The goal is for students to become more confident in their ability to work with mathematical concepts and relationships. This course will review algebraic expressions, integers, and mathematical properties that will lead into working with variables and linear equations. There will be an in-depth study of graphing, polynomials, quadratic equations, data analysis and systems of equations through direct class instruction, class work and homework. Emphasis will be placed on reasoning and writing.

Success in class is based on three fundamental areas:

  1. Attendance, Participation and Preparedness

Students are expected to be in class everyday, on time, ready to work with their own notebook, pen/pencil, and completed assignments. Students should contribute to the class discussion and investigations.

  1. Responsibility for one’s own learning

Students are expected to complete all assigned work in a timely manner. My website ( and Engrade will be updated regularly. Students who are having difficulty must make time for extra help when needed. The expectation is that everyone will work hard.

  1. Respect for one another’s ideas, opinions and class time.

Class meets for 50 minuteseveryday so every moment counts! Maintaining a pleasurable learning atmosphere in our classroom is a must. Students are expected to practice self-discipline, patience, andavoid interrupting others.


In order to succeed in this class, students will have to bring the following daily:

  • A large notebook (at least 120 pages)
  • A durable folderor binder (to keep homework, completed tests and collected class work organized)
  • A pack of lined paper (some of which should be carried in the folder for collected class work)
  • Pencils (preferably mechanical pencils with replacement lead) and colored pens
  • Calculator (for use at home) Can be purchased at any electronic or office supply store.

A scientific calculator is all a student really needs. They range from $10.00 - $20.00.

For students who will most likely move onto Advanced Algebra and potentially Calculus, you may wish to invest in a graphing calculator. These tend to run about $100.00 or more depending on the features.

  • Computer with Internet access (at home or permission to use the WHSAD computer lab)
  • Agood, healthy attitude, body and mind. Studies in children have shown that eating a nutritious breakfast results in:

-Improved attention in task performance

-Quicker and more accurate retrieval of information (i.e. memory)

-Fewer errors made in problem solving activities

-Better concentration and ability to perform complex tasks

Grading Policy:

Engrade allows both students and parents to view course grades throughout the marking period. Students are expected to stay up to date. Students will not be allowed to make up all their assignments at the end of the marking period. Grades are based on the following percentages:


CCSS Writing Performance Tasks20%



Exams/Quizzes (50%)

Since this course terminates in a Common Core State Exam, full period unit assessments will be given approximately every two weeks. Dates will be announced and posted on the website. Students should not wait until the day before the exam to seek extra help.

CCSS Writing Performance Tasks (20%)

Math is best learned through steady effort. With repeated practice students should be able to recognize patterns and use standard problem solving strategies. Performance Tasks will be graded based on clarity of method, completeness, and accuracy. Performance Tasks provide an opportunity to showcase understanding, mathematical reasoning, and creative thinking. Students will be allowed to work with others on completing the tasks, but must turn in their own solutions and be prepared to justify their solutions.

Classwork/Participation (20%)

Classwork refers to the level of attention, participation and behavior in class. Study time is easier with an organized notebook. Notebooks should contain detailed class notes with a Topic and completed Do Now, key formulas, examples, key vocabulary and complete summary questions. Preparedness (see materials list), and evidence of strong work habits (notebook and organization) are important for success in school and for the future.

Homework (10%)

Often homework will be a direct extension of an activity done in class, preparation for the next day’s lesson or reinforcement of previously learned material. Homework will be graded based on accuracy, completion, presentation (neatness) and following directions properly. Homework may be in the form of video notes or problem sets. Homework can be accessed on my website ( Those students who do not have computer access at home, can arrange time to use the WHSAD computer lab. Late work will not receive full credit.

Code of Conduct

All rules in my classroom revolve around creating a caring and effective learning environment. There will be ZERO tolerance for any disrespect towards other students, Ms. Jufer, other teachers and the classroom. Lateness creates a disruptive environment. Repetitive lateness will result in parental notification and a guidance referral. No cell phones, Blackberries, IPods, hats, beads, inappropriate dress, etc. These rules have been put in place by the NYC DOE and will be enforced.

Contact Information

Students and parents are welcome to contact me anytime by emailing me at or by calling the school at 718-388-1260. I look forward to meeting you in person at the parent-teacher conferences on October 24th and 25th.

Algebra 1


I’m looking forward to an exciting and rewarding school year. Please review the course guidelines with your child and keep it in a safe place, as you may want to refer to it throughout the year. We will share the responsibility for achieving desired outcomes.

Return ONLY this portion to Ms. Jufer by Wednesday, September 11th. This will count as the first Homework Assignment.

Teacher Responsibilities:

  • Provide a safe and effective learning environment for the student
  • Provide ample time for students to receive any additional help needed
  • Enforce school rules consistently
  • Provide students with clear and concise expectations

Teacher’s Name: ______E-mail address:

Teacher’s Signature: ______Date: ______

Student Responsibilities:

  • Practice self-discipline, patience andavoid interrupting others
  • Put 100% effort into work everyday
  • Remain in compliance of the classroom and school rules
  • Be present, prepared, and participate in class
  • Be responsible for learning. Get help when needed!!!

Student’s Name (print): ______E-mail address: ______

Student’s Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities:

  • Monitor child’s school work
  • Communicate with teacher or school officials with any concerns
  • Will make sure my child is prepared for school

Parent/Guardian Name (Print): ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Phone Number: ______

(please provide a phone number where you can best be reached between 1:30-4:30pm)

Parent/Guardian Email: ______

I want to hear from you – parents and/or students!!! Please use the back of this contract.

Let me know any important information about yourself or your child. How do you learn best? What did your favorite teacher do that made you like his/her class? What motivates you in the classroom? What are your interests and goals? What was your experience in grade 8 Math?

Talk to me! I am always open to listening and discussing any questions, concerns, worries, comments you may have. Help me help you!























