The minutes of the meeting of Ansty and Staplefield Parish Council held in the Committee Room above Staplefield Village Hall on Monday 25th June 2012.
Members Present: Pete Bradbury (Chair), Brian Wright, Jon Gilley, Crispin Salimbeni, Brad Williams, Bob Birthwright, Maria Fielding (following co-option)
Also Present: Liz Bennett (Clerk), 12 members of the public.
Residents of the area considered for development as part of the Burgess Hill Northern Arc wanted to hear the Parish Council’s proposal regarding the parish boundary. Pete Bradbury explained that there are no proposals to move the parish boundary, but the Parish Council will be deciding on the area to be covered by the Neighbourhood Plan. The recommendation from the Neighbourhood Plan Executive is to exclude the area covered by the Northern Arc proposals as well as sites at Sandrocks and Borde Hill Lane. The Northern Arc is already in the MSDC draft District Plan and so would not be influenced by the Parish Council’s Neighbourhood Plan. The three sites proposed for exclusion are there to support the housing needs of Burgess Hill or Haywards Heath and so it is not considered appropriate to include them in the Ansty and Staplefield Parish Council. The Parish Council and local community also lack the resources that would be needed to cover them as part of the Neighbourhood Plan project.
One resident asked whether they will have an opportunity to comment on the proposed plan area. The clerk explained that MSDC will advertise the plan area in the local press and residents can comment then.
Another group of Staplefield residents have experienced flooding recently and are concerned about blocked gulleys, ditches that need clearing and the condition of the car park outside The Victory. The residents were asked to send details to the clerk and to Pete Bradbury who is also a County Councillor, so that they can look into the matter and discuss it with Highways.
1. Apologies for absence.
Apologies were accepted from Simon Stokes.
2. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
Pete Bradbury declared a prejudicial interest in the Ansty Village Centre because he is the next door neighbour. He also declared that he is a member of Ansty Sports and Social Club, Chair of Staplefield Cricket Club and that he is a County Councillor.
Jon Gilley declared a prejudicial interest because he is a member of Ansty Village Hall Trust.
There are no decisions to be made regarding Ansty Village Centre and so both members remained in the room.
Crispin Salimbeni declared a personal and prejudicial interest in a part of item 8 on the agenda. This declaration is in reference to land in Staplefield known as Tanyards Field. He is the owner of land adjoining the site, and would be adversely affected by any development on it. This interest also affects item 4 because one of the candidates for co-option is the owner of Tanyards Field.
3. Minutes of the meeting held on 14th May 2012.
The minutes were AGREED and signed by the Chairman.
4. To consider co-option of new members.
There are two vacancies; one in Staplefield ward and one in Ansty ward and there is one candidate for each.
a) Staplefield Ward. Crispin Salimbeni declared his interest and left the room for the co-option of the Staplefield candidate.
It was AGREED that Maria Fielding should be co-opted to the Council to represent the Staplefield ward. Maria signed the declaration of acceptance of office and joined the meeting.
b) Ansty Ward. Harry Lloyd Owen is the candidate for the Ansty ward. He has sent his apologies because he is unable to make the meeting, but would still like to join the Parish Council. It was AGREED that Harry Lloyd Owen should be co-opted to the Council to represent the Ansty ward.
5. New Code of Conduct.
The Parish Council is required to adopt a new Code of Conduct to take effect from July 1st as part of the Localism Bill. The clerk has circulated the model proposed by MSDC. It should be noted that it is a criminal offence to fail to comply with aspects of the new Code. The new register of interests form is being prepared by MSDC and will be distributed as soon as it is available. All register of interest forms must be made available on the Parish Council and MSDC websites.
It was AGREED that the new Code of Conduct as proposed by MSDC should be adopted without alteration. The new Code will take effect from 1st July.
6. Finance Matters:
a) Annual Return.
The Finance Committee has met and reviewed the financial report in detail. The Internal Auditor has also visited and has signed off the papers. The Parish Council is now required to sign two parts of the Annual Return; Section 1 which is the Accounting Statement and Section 2 , the Annual Governance Statement. It was AGREED that the Annual Return should be signed. The Chairman and Clerk signed the relevant sections.
b) Monthly Finances.
The schedule of payments was approved and the receipts and bank reconciliation for May were noted.
7. Attendance during previous year.
The attendance report was noted.
8. Neighbourhood Plan.
The minutes from the Neighbourhood Plan Executive (NPEX) have been circulated. Brad Williams provided a brief report. The Parish Council was asked to ratify the minutes and recommendations. The key recommendations are:
- that the plan area should include the whole parish except the large development sites around the periphery i.e. the Northern Arc, Sandrocks and Borde Hill Lane. These sites support the housing needs of the adjacent towns and including them would require far more resources than are available. A map showing the exact area was circulated.
- the Neighbourhood Plan is to be community driven. The Residents Association representatives are working hard to recruit local volunteers to work on the tasks identified by the Planning Consultant. NPEX will pull this work together to actually produce the plan. The Parish Council makes the decisions.
- everyone working on the Neighbourhood Plan will be given a copy of the Code of Conduct and asked to complete a register of interest form. If their interests are considered to be prejudicial then they will not be able to work on the plan. This is to ensure that the process is seen to be fair and unbiased. However, only Parish Council members are actually bound by the new Code and volunteers would not be criminally liable for any breaches. MSDC advised that owners of land submitted for consideration would have a clear prejudicial interest. Other interests will have to be considered on a case by case basis.
The minutes and recommendations were AGREED. The clerk was asked to post all NPEX minutes on the website once they have been approved by the Parish Council.
Brad also suggested that a newsletter should be distributed to the whole parish to provide an update on the progress. The newsletter will also contain a call to landowners to come forward if they have sites that they would like to be considered for development. NPEX members plan to meet with all landowners and developers to hear their proposals. The clerk reported that the newsletter will cost in the region of £320 to produce. This was agreed and it was suggested that all councillors could assist with the distribution.
NPEX representatives would also like to meet with the residents group opposed to the Northern Arc development.
Pete reported on the situation in Dawlish, where the Neighbourhood Plan was rejected at examination. Pete also commented that the NPEX minutes imply that the MSDC draft District Plan is not complete, which is not the case. The draft is ready, but the Government has not yet withdrawn the South East Plan. The South East Plan has a housing target of 17100, whereas the draft District Plan proposed 10600 new houses. The draft District cannot therefore be issued until the South East Plan is withdrawn.
9. Increase in Clerk’s hours.
It was AGREED that the Clerk’s hours will increase from 20 to 25 per week to enable her to assist with the Neighbourhood Plan. This is a temporary increase which will be reviewed later in the year. The increase will be backdated to the beginning of April.
10. Response to HTTC Neighbourhood Plan consultation.
This was delegated to Brad and Bob in consultation with the clerk. The clerk was asked to request an extension to the deadline for response.
11. Ansty Village Centre.
At the last meeting it was reported that MSDC will not commit resources to the project until a PID document supported by the proposed governance arrangements etc, is agreed. MSDC agreed to draft the document so that AVHT and AS&SC can see what is required of them. The clerk reported that MSDC have nearly completed the document. In the meantime it appears that AVHT and AS&SC are progressing and have arranged a meeting for tomorrow to discuss governance arrangements.
Crispin and Jon are hoping to attend this meeting. The Parish Council asked that they emphasise that the Parish Council will only support a joint project.
12. Cancelled Cricket Matches
Pete Bradbury declared a prejudicial interest and left the room for the duration of the discussion. Bob Birthwright also declared a prejudicial interest and left the room. The cost of maintaining the cricket square, pavilion and outfield exceeds the income that is generated by it, and cricket is played by a relatively small number of local residents. It was AGREED therefore that cancelled matches that cannot be re-arranged must still be paid for. This complies with the Conditions of Hire sent to all hirers at the beginning of each season.
13. Community Service Award.
Sam Butler was nominated to receive the Community Service Award and to attend the garden party at Borde Hill. The Chairman has also been invited to attend the Garden Party, but is unable to attend. Brad Williams will be attending in his place.
14. Reports from meetings attended, not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
Bob Birthwright and Crispin Salimbeni attended a preview exhibition of the A23 widening scheme. Bob provided a report on the scheme, which is expected to take 2 years.
15. Chairman’s Correspondence and Progress Report.
The following correspondence was noted:
WSCC – letter requesting reports on blocked gullies.
WSCC – West Sussex Waste Local Plan consultation – close date 27/7/12.
South East Water – letter stating that despite recent rain the water restrictions are likely to remain in place until at least the autumn.
Highway Improvements at PRU Cuckfield Road, Burgess Hill, as part of Safer Routes to school scheme.
Audit Commission – consultation on proposal to Littlejohn as the new external auditor for parish councils in West Sussex.
The Parish Council agreed not to comment on the Waste Local Plan.
The progress report was noted. The clerk was asked to send Pete the contact details of the fingerpost contractor who is responsible for the Ansty fingerpost. She will also contact Highways regarding the removal of the existing metal sign.
16. Minor matters and items for the next agenda.
Bob Birthwright agreed to speak to the caretaker regarding caretaking arrangements at the pavilion.
Ansty and Staplefield Parish Council Finances 25th June
Payments for approval
TalkTalk / 34.39
EDF / 17.00
South East Water / 6.00
Mr Stevenson / 50.00
Mr Webster / 50.00
Mr Garman / 50.00
Tony Fullwood Associates / 3375.72
WSCC / 1568.88
Open Spaces / 40.00
Staplefield Village Hall / 80.00
WSCC / 2727.26
Peter J Consultants / 94.20
Elizabeth Bennett / 22.80
TalkTalk / 32.64
Receipts in May
Co-Operative Bank 3.59
Ansty and Staplefield Parish Council:
Bank Reconciliation 31st May 2012
Current / 30498.23 / Bal Fwd / 27169.69Instant / 0 / Receipts / 23686.21
Deposit / 1.18 / Payments / -11769.17
Ansty village centre / 8587.32
39086.73 / 39086.73
Signed by Chairman of meeting on 25th June 2012
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