Christ the King 3316

Christ the King Catholic School (Burnside)


2014 - 2016

Kei te hiki tatouhai angitu



The school’s intent is, in partnership with parents, caregivers and Christ the King Parish, to provide high quality spiritual, academic, cultural, physical and social education in a caring Catholic environment to Catholic pupils and to others whose parents choose a Catholic education for their children.

The Vision

Our vision is for our students to be confident, connected, actively involved life-long learners.

Our Values and Key Competencies are embedded within the Vision for our Christ the King students.

  • Express their Catholic faith
  • Be positive in their own identity
  • Be happy within ourselves
  • Be able to manage themselves
  • Take risks
  • Strive for personal excellence.

To foster and promote this, teachers will:

  1. Create an environment where all students feel safe
  2. Care for and be actively involved with the development of the ‘whole’ child
  3. Encourage aiming high and persevering in difficulty
  4. Celebrate success of all students
  5. Use an Inquiry Learning process with the students.
  • Be able to relate well and respond positively to others, as our faith calls us to do
  • Understand and respect the cultural identity of one self and others, including Te Ao Maori (The Maori World)
  • Experience that new ways of thinking and doing things can come from working effectively with others
  • Show respect for the environment
  • Confidently and effectively use ICT tools.

To foster and promote this, teachers will:

  1. Teach and demonstrate Catholic values and virtues
  2. Encourage and model inclusiveness
  3. Promote student responsibility and leadership
  4. Value and respect the diversity of students
  5. Teach and practice working and playing co-operatively.


Live by their Catholic faith every day

  • Understand New Zealand history, culture, identity and language
  • Participate and contribute positively as a member of a team or community in a range of contexts
  • Be involved in the school and parish life
  • Be prepared for the future
  • Make a difference to our world.

To foster and promote this, teachers will:

  1. Implement Religious Education programmes throughout all learning
  2. Provide authentic learning contexts including future issues
  3. Provide relevant programmes that celebrate our national identity and multi-cultural society
  4. Integrate Te Reo Maori and tikanga through all teaching and learning
  5. Provide opportunities for leadership.

Continue to deepen their faith

  • Understand who they are as a learner
  • Enjoy learning
  • Be literate and numerate
  • Think creatively and critically as they seek a higher level of knowledge
  • Be informed decision makers.

School Description
Christ the King School is a Catholic special character, state integrated, full primary school located in Burnside, Northwest Christchurch. Catering for up to 340 Yr 0-8 students, the school is an integral part of the parish and has strong links with parents and the wider school community. Christ the King is a decile 9 school opened in 1959, and has just undergone a major redevelopment of its buildings and grounds as a result of the February 22nd 2011 earthquakes. We are now able to boast a full contingent of modern teaching and learning spaces across all three syndicates.
Block 1 has been completely reinstated along with a brand new library/learning centre and we look forward to using these two buildings to their optimum potential. Our roll is closed for 2014, with a maximum of 340 students and a considerable waiting list of both preference and non preference students.
We have become a valued member of the Burnside Learning Community Cluster along with Burnside, St Patrick’s, Waimairi, and Fendalton Primary Schools, and Cobham Intermediate. The 6 schools have collaborated over the last year to form a pedagogically strong cluster that will continue together to create new and innovative education outcomes for students of our cluster and beyond.
National Education Priorities / Cultural Diversity
Christ the King School will determine its priorities by focusing on National Priorities and taking into account our special character of our school.
CTK priorities will be identified through:
  • The school’s programme of self-review.
  • Analysis of the school’s assessment data.
  • In meeting the national and local priorities, the school undertakes to work within the National Administration Guidelines.
CTK recognizes the Governments National Education Policies:
  • Providing a safe physical and emotional environment for students.
  • Providing opportunities for success
  • Improving Numeracy and Literacy throughout the school Yrs. 0-8
  • Develop assessment strategies and procedures in relation to the National Standards to report to parents in plain language at least twice a year.
  • Include school level data in the 2014 Annual Report using terms such as above, at and below the National Standard. Specific reports on Maori and Pasifika students should be included.
  • Developing a range of assessment and evidence gathering practices that provide sufficiently comprehensive data to evaluate the progress and achievement of students.
  • Improve the achievement of Maori and Pasifika students.
  • Reporting to students and parents on achievement of individual students and to the community on achievement of students as a whole and groups of students.
  • Providing careers education and guidance for Years 7 and 8. Special emphasis to be given to those at risk
  • Educating and awareness of the key competencies: Thinking, Making Meaning, Relating to Others, Managing Self, Participating and Contributing.
/ Christ the King Catholic School will develop procedures and practices that reflect New Zealand’s Cultural Diversity and the unique position of Maori Culture.
In recognising the unique position of the Maori Culture, Christ the King Catholic School will take all reasonable steps to provide instruction in tikanga and te reo Maori (Maori language) for students whose parents request it.
At Christ the King Catholic School we currently:
  • Support and resource a Kapa Haka group (approximately 90 students) directed by our joint resource teachers of Maori
  • Teach te reo Maori to an elementary level (greetings, counting, basic vocabulary for everyday items, pronunciation of place names) in all classes.
  • Sing waiata at assembly liturgies, masses and classroom music.
  • Use elements of tikanga such as hongi, Karakia and being aware of where we sit every day.
  • Use resources such Ka Hikitia and Tataiako in the curriculum (especially with Religious Education, Reading, Maths, Science, Social Studies, Art, Music and Phys. Ed.), which recognise New Zealand’s dual cultural heritage.
  • Follow the Te Reo and Tikanga plan set out in the Annual Plan.
  • Have staff attend our local marae at Tuahiwi and be familiar with the tikanga of Ngai Tahu
  • If a whanau requests a higher level of tikanga and/or te reo than is at present evident in our school’s Maori programme, the staff and family will discuss and explore the following options:
  • Further explanation of existing programmes
  • Further extend the existing programmes if and as appropriate.
  • Combine with local schools for parts of the day/programme.
  • Provide in-school support and resources to further enhance inclusion of te reo and tikanga Maori within the child’s classroom.
  • Explore other schools that may offer programmes closer to their expectations.
  • Use of the Burnside Learning Community Cluster (BLCC) expertise (people and places) to help with any of the above.

Christ the King Catholic School Strategic Plan 2014-2016

Religious Education / Maintain our special character where Christ the King Catholic School will be a community where Gospel values are central, where faith is nourished and where Christian celebration in Catholic tradition is upheld
Teaching and Learning / Promote teaching and learning in our school across the New Zealand Curriculum where children are encouraged to reach their full potential based on their personal ability and the National Standards
Promoting Tikanga Maori / Provide teachers with professional development and support in order to incorporate Te Reo and Tikanga in their daily programme that promotes the outcomes of Ka Hikitia and Tataiako
Curriculum / Review our Christ the King Curriculum to ensure that we are providing a well designed and balanced programme that covers the Principles, Values and Key Competencies of the New Zealand Curriculum
Digital Technologies / Promote Teaching and Learning within classrooms by including digital technologies that promote and cater for diverse learners and provide students with the skills to become 21st century citizens
Physical Environment / In conjunction with the Diocese of Christchurch, continue the development of the physical environment of Christ the King so that we maintain the high level
facilities that are in keeping with other schools in the Burnside Cluster

Strategic Goal Religious Education

Strategic Goal
Maintain our special character where Christ the King Catholic School will be a community where Gospel values are central, where faith is nourished and where Christian celebration in Catholic tradition is upheld.
  • Teachers actively promote our Catholic special character by portraying those characteristics that uphold our faith and provide our students with the example they need in their daily lives.
  • Attend all Professional Development and specific level courses set out by the school and the Catholic Education Office that will promote the teaching and learning of our special character. (Teachers need to note all professional development is counted towards their accreditation hours).
  • Actively promote prayer and praying throughout the school by going beyond the mandatory opportunities to pray at the beginning of the day, grace and the end of the day. (Special Character Review)
  • Teach each Religious Education strand as outlined through the curriculum and in consultation with the Director of Religious Studies
  • In consultation with the Director of Religious Studies work on areas of development to improve the quality of teaching and learning. (Appraisal Objectives)
  • Actively attend Masses, special feast days and ceremonies celebrated by the school inside and out of school hours that promote and uphold the mission and values of the School
  • Develop rubrics as a staff and syndicate to improve assessment outcomes for students. The rubrics will be developed across the different strands and levels of the RE curriculum

Strategic Goal Teaching and Learning

Strategic Goal
Promote teaching and learning in our school across the New Zealand Curriculum where children are encouraged to reach their full potential based on their personal ability and the National Standards
  • Promote and encourage teachers to form their overall teacher judgments on a wide range of appropriate assessment based on student self assessment, discussion, listening, observations, questioning, teacher made tests, running records, exemplars, sample books, PAT’s, STAR for Yr. 3s, AsTTle etc.
  • Ensure that the 3 Year Review cycle (based on the Teacher Inquiry and Knowledge-Building Cycle) we have running in our school is strictly followed and adhered to, so that we ensure our school based curriculum has full coverage of the New Zealand Curriculum
  • Provide meaningful professional development in the collation and analysis of data (especially with numeracy and literacy) to help teachers form overall teacher judgments that will result in deciding accurate and well-moderated student National Standards.
  • To foster the home/school partnership in our school where we promote a culture of inclusiveness with families that is centered around clear communication and mutual support
  • Provide full coverage of all curriculum areas through precise timetabling and self review, so our students get a well rounded education that does not focus entirely on academic results
  • Use strategies and approaches directly from Ka Hikitia and Tataiako that promote the enhancement of what it means to be Maori. As a result Maori students would be proud to be Maori at Christ the King because we promote Maori identity, language and culture
  • Creating writing exemplars (school-wide) within the primary school levels that can be used in moderation

Strategic Goal Promoting Tikanga Maori

Strategic Goal
Provide teachers with professional development and support in order to incorporate Te Reo and Tikanga in their daily programme that promotes the outcomes of Ka Hikitia and Tataiako
  • Establish contact with our Tuahiwi Runanga so we establish a working relationship with our local marae and have a place that is our turaungawaewae
  • Maintain high levels of te reo and tikanga through our special character and Religious Education programme where we use both in an integrated manner to support and influence the culture of our school
  • Provide Professional Development for all teachers in te reo that provides knowledge and context to be able to apply to everyday classroom use. A PD session per term that deals with identity, language or culture through our cluster.
  • Strengthen the identity of Maori students by making te reo and tikanga a part of all students cultural capital and help them understand the importance of our biculturalism to strengthen Aotearoa New Zealand’s identity in the world. Consult with Maori community in Term 3
  • Ensure that “kei te hiki tatou hai angitu” is as easy to recall as “stepping up for success” for staff, students and our wider school community.
  • Participate in staff meetings that acknowledge and recognize our journey with te reo and tikanga Maori and openly share our knowledge skills and classroom practice. Ka Hikitia and Tataiako discussed at syndicate and staff meeting level every term to gain a better understanding of identity, language and culture.
  • Our documentation (prepared by our lead teachers of Maori) distributed and disseminated so we are knowledgeable about tikanga

Strategic Goal Curriculum

Strategic Goal
Review our Christ the King Curriculum to ensure that we are providing a well designed and balanced programme that covers the Principles, Values and Key Competencies of the New Zealand Curriculum
  • Develop a greater understanding of the intent of the New Zealand Curriculum within the school context. The school context is determined by our Catholic special character
  • Review Christ the Kings curriculum and identify priority areas that need to be strengthened
  • Appoint two staff member who in conjunction with the Principal oversee the curriculum review
  • Develop in all staff a greater understanding of these priorities and incorporate them into their classroom practices the Teaching as Inquiry process
  • Develop in all staff a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of the school curriculum and the place of Key Competencies, Values and Principles in planning, implementation and assessment. This understanding will be imbedded within the CTK vision of the curriculum
  • Ensure all staff understand and implement the Teaching as Inquiry process to improve their teaching with positive outcomes for students’ learning and achievement
  • Teachers negotiate their own learning goals and outcomes for professional development based on the Teacher Inquiry and Knowledge-Building Cycle

Strategic Goal Digital Technologies

Strategic Goal
Promote teaching and learning within the classroom by including digital technologies that promote and cater for diverse learners and provide students with the skills to become 21st Century Learners
  • Continue professional and personal development appropriate to the differing levels and requirements of all staff so digital technologies are used across the whole school
  • Continue to update resources annually where the latest technology is being used to access learning across all learning areas of the curriculum
  • Develop a policy surrounding BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) that is in line with our Cyber Safety policies and enables students to use those devices both at school and in the home
  • Educate our children in the world of digital citizenship where they learn how to use digital technologies responsibly and appropriately in and out of school
  • Develop school-wide digital technologies where parent, student, teacher can interact and work towards the best possible outcomes for learning
  • Develop all possibilities with the BLCC schools to ensure our students are accessing the knowledge and skills of the children in our cluster
  • Promote keyboard skills within the classroom so children are developing a life long skill early in their education

Strategic Goal Physical Environment

Strategic Goal
In conjunction with the Diocese of Christchurch, continue the development of the physical environment of Christ the King so that that we maintain the high level facilities that are in keeping with other schools in the Burnside Community Learning Cluster
  • Redevelop our old library into Room 5 so that we can use the hall for whole school assemblies, ancillary teaching purposes, withdrawal groups, syndicate based activities and a wide range of activities
  • In conjunction with the Diocese of Christchurch upgrade the drainage system around the Block 1 and office area so the area does not flood as it has in the past closing the school
  • Develop the hard court area in front of rooms 1,2 and 3 into a playground area that will be used for sporting purposes as well as classroom lessons
  • Repair and restore the area behind Room 4 that has been weather affected. This will require restoration of rotten timber, painting and replacing of roofing (Block 1a)
  • Redevelop the 10 year cyclic maintenance plan to ensure Rooms 10,11, 12 and 13 are given priority with upgrades after the completion of Block 1a
  • Complete full fencing of the school boundary to ensure we are complying with all health and safety regulations
  • Investigate landscaping possibilities for a number of areas around the school in conjunction with landscape architect Kim Goodfellow and the landscape committee