Oregon Athletic Officials Association

Organizing Committee Initial Meeting

Minutes – 6/10/03

US Bank Board Room – OSAA Office

Present: JoAnn Hartley – Volleyball, Bill Elzie – PFOA, Bob Flood – Football ,Ric Wallace – Wrestling, Kevin Hatfield – PFOA, Debi Hanson – GPVOA, Jack Folliard – PBOA, Clark Sanders – PFOA, Howard Mayo – PBOA, Marcus Eng – Soccer, Bob Reichert – Softball, Bob Wellnitz – PFOA, Steve Rei – Baseball

OSAA Staff: Tom Welter – Executive Director, Brad Garrett – Asst Exec Director, Cindy Simmons – Asst Exec Director

I. Introductions and opening remarks by Tom Welter

Tom reviewed the history of the OSAA and its involvement with officials over the years. He pledged his and the staff’s commitment and support to the new organization believing it will be the much needed catalyst for advancing the quality of officiating within the state.

II. Discussion of vision

A lengthy discussion surrounding the issues of beginning a statewide officials association opened the meeting. There was some concern about making sure the general rank and file understood the purpose and the benefits of starting the organization.

The new association will be able to provide the leadership needed to promote officiating throughout the state. The group agreed that development of the association will have a number of benefits to all officials including increase representation within the OSAA, development of training and other professional development opportunities for all officials.

The concept of a statewide officials association is not new. The idea has been on the table for at least eight years with limited success in actual implementation. The cooperation of the OSAA and the continued development of the State Officials Council have combined to provide the perfect time to launch the effort again.

There was unanimous support to immediately move forward and begin the organizational process immediately.

III. Structure of the Association

1.  Name of the Organization - Oregon Athletic Officials Association (OAOA)

2. The initial governing and organizing body of OAOA will be the current members of the SOC including Jack Folliard as the initial Executive Director and Brad Garrett, representing the OSAA. The Organizing Committee will determine when it is appropriate to relinquish control to the constituted new Executive Board of OAOA. The following is the proposed structure of OAOA.

2.  Executive Board

a.  Seven (7) Commissioners – one from each sport (Football, Basketball, Wrestling, Volleyball, Soccer, Baseball, and Softball)

i.  Selection using current system (by vote at OSAA interpreters meetings)

ii. 3 year term – initial stagger to be determined

b. Seven (7) Regional Official’s Representatives

iii.  Initial appointments by the Organizing Committee

iv.  3 year term – initial stagger to be determined

Regional Alignment:

v. Metro Portland

vi.  Salem / Mid Valley

1.  Mid Valley

2.  Albany

3.  Salem

vii.  Coastal

1.  North Coast

2.  Southwest/ Coos Bay

viii.  Emerald

1.  Lane County

2.  Douglas County

ix.  Southern

1.  K- Falls

2.  Rogue Valley

3.  Grants Pass

x. Central

1.  Central Oregon

2.  Mid Columbia

xi.  Eastern

1.  Strawberry/Burns

2.  Northeast

3.  Malheur/Ontario

4.  Blue Mountain

c. OSAA representative (ex-officio)

d. Executive Director and Associate Executive Director

3.  Executive Committee – 6 members

a.  Executive Director

b.  Associate Executive Director

c.  Two commissioners – to be selected by the Board

d.  Two regional representatives – to be selected by the Board

The selections of Jack Folliard as the Association Executive Director and Clark Sanders as the Associate Director were ratified.

IV. Defining relationship with the OSAA

OSAA staff is supportive of adding a representative from the Oregon Athletic Officials Association to the OSAA Executive Board as a non-voting member beginning with the 2003-04 school year.

The staff will work to educate the OSAA Executive Board on the benefits of the association and the potential work loads and projects that the association will eventually assume. A comprehensive list of items relating to officiating currently performed by the OSAA’s staff was reviewed. The OSAA has offered office space, telephone, fax, computer services, accounting services and support staff to assist the association as it develops and assumes many of these tasks.

V. Funding of the Association

$10 per official per sport will be charged to each official and commissioner of all local associations. This fee will be known as a “certification fee”. The monies collected will be dedicated to the budget of the Oregon Athletic Officials Association and distributed as they deem appropriate.

VI. Establish start-up date

Start-up date is as of today June 10. 2003

VII. Communicating changes to the membership

OSAA and OAOA will work to develop a letter that will go out to all registered officials within the next two weeks to announce the formation of the association and the responsibilities and benefits afforded each member.

VIII. Defining next steps in the process

·  Develop budget

·  Brainstorming ideas for next 30-60 days

·  Executive Board – Executive Committee constitution and assignment

·  By-laws and Constitutions

IX. Next meeting date

Next meeting of the organizing committee will be July 10, 2003 and a follow-up meeting on August 27, 2003.