BSU Graduate Committee Meeting-MINUTES

Wednesday, April 1, 2015 8:00 a.m. 111 Deputy Hall

Committee Website:

Voting Members: Heidi Hansen (Math), Porter Coggins (Education), Wendy Greenberg (Environmental Studies); Rick Koch (Biology); Christel Kippenhan (At-Large); Mark Christensen (English); Tammy Bobrowsky, Colleen Greer

Absent: Sanjeev Phukan (Business)

Non-Voting Members: Joan Miller (GSO); Tammy Bobrowsky (Library); Colleen Greer (CAS)

I.  *Approval of the Minutes of March 18, 2015 [use the committee website listed].

Mark moved(Heidi 2nd) to accept the minutes as presented. Motion passed.

II.  Announcements/FYI:

a)  Graduate Education Subcommittee (Rick) – Dean Frost? Met Monday, March 30; Dr. Tadlock and Joan attended via WebEx. Joan will send out earlier meeting minutes as well as the current minutes from the March 30 meeting. Still no response from Dean Frost.

The letter reads: The Graduate Education Subcommittee of the MnSCU Academic Affairs Council has been meeting and discussing the history, current status, and future of graduate programming with the Minnesota State Colleges and University System. There has been a significant decline in the number of students pursuing graduate degrees in the System, which is consistent with national trends. We believe that this decline disadvantages Minnesota’s future workforce and need for innovative, creative leadership to address significant global problems, maintain our state’s competitive place in the global economy, and better prepare Minnesota citizens for participation in the knowledge economy.

We believe there is an opportunity to reverse the decline in graduate enrollment if the

following steps are taken:

1.  A clear, concise and strongly worded position from System leadership on the future of graduate education in MnSCU.

2.  Influence of System leadership to encourage university presidents to address the need for expansion of graduate education within MnSCU.

3.  Marketing and promotional support of graduate education across all MnSCU universities.

4.  Advocacy for collective bargaining initiatives that may positively influence expansion of graduate education in the future.

5.  Pursuit of additional funding for graduate assistantships across MnSCU through external partnerships and funding allocation from System.

We request that the Academic Affairs Council endorse our request and bring it forward to System


This letter will be presented to the MnSCU Academic Affairs Council (AAC) at the 3/31/2015 AAC meeting by Dr. Tadlock.

  1. Old Business –

a)  Graduate Faculty Nomination Form and Criteria: Nomination Form approved by Senate? Rick will check to make sure this is on the April 5 Senate agenda?

b)  HLC Assumed Practices: Graduate Faculty Requirements-response needed by end of April.

Dr. Greer just returned from a HLC conference in Chicago to discuss the “HLC Assumed Practices-Policy Changes Proposed on First Reading.”

Section B2a. Qualified faculty members are identified primarily by credentials, but other factors may be considered in addition to the degrees earned.

a.  “….appointment process. Faculty teaching general education courses, or other courses that transfer, typically hold a master’s degree or higher in the discipline or subfield. If a faculty member holds a master’s degree or higher in a discipline or subfield other than that in which he or she is teaching, that faculty member should have completed a minimum of 18 graduate credit hours in the discipline or subfield in which they teach.”….this section will affect our graduate assistants (pursuing a master’s degree).

Section B2b:

b.  “Instructors teaching in graduate programs should hold the terminal degree determined by the discipline and have a record of research, scholarship or achievement appropriate for the graduate program.” This will affect faculty who have a master’s degree but teaching graduate level courses.

HLC’s rationale for revisions is the continuing concern for rigor in graduate degrees across the nation. Students graduating do not appear to be prepared for the workforce with what is being taught. If the second reading is approved, institutions must be in full compliance by January 1, 2016.

Dr. Greer asked that any further questions from the committee be provided to her by Friday, April 3. She will attempt to secure answers prior to our next meeting in two weeks.

c)  *Graduate Catalog – Policies and Procedures, Sections II and IV. Reviewed through page 7;

IV. New Business

d)  Graduate Petition: Biology student

e)  Graduate Assistantships Allocations: Future-make a list of priorities to determine the best way to recommend allocations

f)  Graduate Faculty Orientation as presented by the School of Graduate Studies

g)  80/20 Model: Potential for graduate study growth

h)  Work experience for credit

i)  MAGS Guidelines and Deadlines for 2015-16

j)  How many absences are allowed before a member is asked to remove themselves from the BSU Graduate Committee?

Meeting adjourned: Adjourned at 8:55 a.m.

Next meeting: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 beginning at 8:00 a.m., Deputy 111

Joan Miller, Reporting Secretary