Language Arts

6th Grade Direct Instruction

Miss Gingrich

Course Description:

The sixth grade direct instruction language arts class will focus on using a variety of materials to meet the needs of each student. Our focuses this year will include: reading comprehension and fluency, becoming independent readers,written expression, grammar, word usage, vocabulary, spelling, speaking, listening, and literary terminology and techniques.


Building Spelling Skills Spelling Book (Students will receive individually printed pages from this book)

Study Island

Read Naturally

Various novels & books



*Other materials may be used in order to meet the needs for each individual student.

Major Objectives:

Using each student’s individualized education plan, a program will be developed to ensure the needs and goals for each student are addressed. Focus may include:

1.Improving Reading fluency

2.Improving Reading comprehension

3.Developing an enriched vocabulary

4.Developing confidence when speaking in front of a group

5.Writing for a variety of purposes and audiences





6.Improving Writing Skills


b.Unity and coherence


d.Varying sentence patterns

e.Capitalization and punctuation




Course Expectations:

Come to class ready to work with your journal, independent reading material, planner and pencil.

Keep an organized notebook. Notebook checks will occur at least once per marking period.

Write assigned journal entries.

Complete required projects, composition pieces, quizzes and tests

Participate in class discussions and group work

Accept responsibility for your actions

Always do your best

Homework Policy:

For every three missing homework assignments, students will be assigned an after school academic detention. This will take place from 2:45 until 4:30, at which time students will ride the activity bus home. Notification will be sent home in advance, requiring a parent signature.

Grading System:

Each student’s grade is determined by homework, written assignments, projects,quizzes and tests. Work is graded using the district scale:

90-100% / A
80-89% / B
70-79% / C
60-69% / D
59% and below / F

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

Please e-mail me or call me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the class or your student’s performance.

Miss Catie Gingrich