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Math 1010
Dustin Turley
Optimization Lab Project-Reflection
Salt Lake Community College

For this lab assignment we were given the task of figuring out which options would be best for a company that was wanting to buy either radio advertisements, T.V assignments or both. We were given information based on their needs, like budget and what they want to buy. The goal was to the information provided as well as different math techniques like solving inequalities and creating and plotting figures and points on graphs to find out which option would expose their ads to the most number of people.

I think this project applied to the real world in the sense that this could have been a real business with the same needs that the business did in this lab. These results are important because it shows how a business can maximize their budget to get the best option for their money. This type of analysis can also be used for marketing companies who want to be able to give the best options for companies that are in the advertisement business.

If I was the owner of the company in this lab, I know that I would want my manager to be clear about this information and be able to show me how they found out the info that they did. This is because money is a very important part of what it takes to run a company and it is important to not only stay within budget but to also know that you are getting the best bang for your buck.

I had always thought about different parts of life and business in a mathematical sense and I understand the importance and worth that math can have in everyday life. It is very interesting to learn a bit of how to actually put the numbers on the paper and figure something out that could be a real life scenario. I am sure there will be math related problems that I face in the future in real life and I look forward to the challenge of figuring them out.