Getting Started with Drawing your


Updated: 3-9-15WEK


Oxford Area School District

Oxford High School


How will CADD help me to complete a floor plan quicker and with more accuracy to create a Lake Cabin?

Updated: 9-28-12WEK




Updated: 4-4-13WEK



Elevation Markers

3D View

1st.Floor Fl. Plan

Orbit the Drawing

Concrete Slab

Zoom In

2X4 W/ ½” Drywall

Scale of your Fl. Plan



Chained Together

Visual Communications Technology





Teacher: Mr. Kromer Unit Topic: Lake Cabin Floor Plan Dates of Lesson:

Lesson Essential Question:
How will CADD help me to complete a floor plan quicker and with more accuracy to create a Lake Cabin?
DAYS: 10-15 days
Activating Strategies: (Learners Mentally Active)
Show the class the examples of the “Lake Cabin Floor Plan” shown in the layout instructions. Use the print out in the binder and the projected image.
Acceleration/Previewing: (Key Vocabulary)
Elevation Markers, 3D View, 1st.Floor Fl. Plan, Orbit the Drawing, Concrete Slab, Zoom In, 2X4 W/ ½” Drywall, Scale of your Fl. Plan, Dimensions, Text, Chained Together
Teaching Strategies: (Collaborative Pairs; Distributed Guided Practice; Distributed; Graphic Organizers) Discussion, Lecture. The overhead projector will be used to demonstrate the basic layout practice for each symbol icon.
Summarizing Strategy: (Learners Summarize & Answer Essential Question)
Do a quick rap up of how we will now using “Lake Cabin Floor Plan” layout instructions to complete the Floor Plan answering the Essential Question.
Assignment and/or Assessment:
LAKE CABIN #1 Exterior and Interior Walls 100pts./ _____
LAKE CABIN #2 Adding Windows 75pts./ _____
LAKE CABIN #3 Adding Doors 75pts./ _____
LAKE CABIN #4 3-D Views 60pts./ _____
LAKE CABIN #5 Labeling Rooms 50pts./ _____
LAKE CABIN # Slab View 25pts./ _____
LAKE CABIN #7 Bath Room 75pts./ _____
LAKE CABIN #8 3D of Bath Room 25pts./ _____
Re-teaching Focus & Strategy: During the Beginning of this class remind them of what is expected as stated in Layout of the “Lake Cabin Floor Plan”
Demonstrate with, one on one instruction, at the student’s work station as needed how to use the correct floor symbols icons.
Resources & Materials:
·  The Overhead Projector
·  Essential Question Poster :
·  Arch. Draw - Lesson Plan 4 E. Q. Lake Cabin.doc
·  Arch. Draw - Lesson Plan 4 Word Wall.doc
·  Arch. Draw - Lesson Plan 4 ArchiCAD Lake Cabin Wall info.docx


Updated: 3-9-15WEK

The first thing you must do is to (Click on) open up the “ARCHICAD” icon on your desk top screen. This will take a little time to open, be patient.

1.  Open up a new project. Click: “Create a New Project”

2.  Make sure that the “Set up Work Environment” window is set to

“Default Profile”

3.  Now click on “NEW”.

4.  The below window is where you will do your drawing and

what you should see.


How to Get Started with Drawing Walls for your:

Lake Cabin #1 Walls

1. Double Click on the Wall tab in the

TOOL BOX list on the left side of the desk top. This

will open up the tools for drawing walls.

2. Go to the “Wall Height” window and change the wall

height from 10’ to 9’.

3. At this time you will keep the other settings as they are.

Please note at the bottom of the window that you are

working with an Exterior wall.

4. Click the OK box/tab.

5. Now look for the Info Box In the “Default Settings”

above the drawing area.

6. Click on this small arrow, this will open up choices on

how to draw the walls, pick

This will allow you to draw Chained walls.

7. When drawing your walls, work within the

“Elevation Markers” . Place your curser “+”

on the X, it will change to a √ then a .

8. When drawing your walls, do it counter clockwise.

9. Begin by drawing what will be the 48’ front wall of the 26’ X 48’ Lake cabin.

Adjusting the Tracker

10. Make sure the “Tracker” icon is on, or the

Distance box will not show up. Ask for help if it does not appear.

11. To make your 48’ wall; type 48’ and hit “Enter”, Or click on this check mark.

12. Next move your curser pencil up, type 26’ hit “Enter”

13. Continue to construct the exterior walls of the Lake Cabin.

Moving your “Elevation Markers”

1. Click on the “Arrow tab” on the left side of the screen. You then will be able to click on the “Elevation Markers” to move them.

2. Move your “Elevation Markers” to the center of the walls

and place the about an inch away.

3. Next shorten the length of the elevation lines,

bringing them to a tight corner. To do this, click on

the black dots and drag them to make the corner.

4. Next: Click on at the lower part of your

Screen. This will center and enlarge the walls.

Saving the Floor Plan

Before you go any further let’s “Save” what you have completed.

1.  First you will need to create a ArchiCAD Folder to save all of your upcoming work.

2.  Click on file at the top of the screen, scroll down and click on SAVE AS, this will open the “Save as” window.

3.  Click on “Create New Folder” , this will open up, click inside the text area and type: “ArchiCAD Folder”, , next click off this, to set it.

4.  Now double click on the new, this will place it in the “Save in” area.

5.  In the “Save Plan” box, next to File name: Type: LAKE CABIN #1, add your initials and today’s date. Example: LAKE CABIN #1 WEK 12-25-17 Then click .

How to Delete Walls

1.  To delete a wall you do not want, you will need to click on the “Arrow” tab in the “Tool Box”.

2.  Now, right click on the wall that you want to remove, it will turn “Green”,

pick the word “Delete”, this should remove the wall.

Adding Dimensions

1.  After placing your exterior walls you need to dimension them. This will assure that the walls are correctly sized.

2.  First increase the given dimension number size before placing dimensions double click on the tab in the column, The window will open, look for the cell high light the 6.75 and change this to 12.00, hit Enter. This will make your dimensions (Bigger) easier to read.

3.  Now, add the Exterior wall dimensions 26’ X 48”. (48’ Dim. under the front wall, and 26’ Dim. to the right side wall.)

4.  Click Save


1.  Next you will create your interior walls. First, you will need to change the wall type. To do this look for the tab. Now click on the small black arrow. This will bring up a window with a long list. Look for the following checked information. Now click on the “A-WALL-INTR”, this will allow you to draw interior walls.

2.  Next, look for the tab. Now click on this small black arrow. This will bring up a window with all kinds of materials. Look for the section; COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. In this area look for and click on . Your interior walls will be constructed with 2 X 4 Studs and ½” drywall/Gypsum board. The actual measurement of a 2 X 4 equals 1 ½” x 3 ½”. The actual thickness of the interior wall will equal 4 ½”. (Please Note: Your view of the below “Info Box” may be different.) Below is illustrated where the areas that can be changed are shown.

Click here, and find these tabs.

Below is the example of the interior measurements and how the interior walls should be placed.

Bathroom is 7’ x 10’ Bedrooms are

12’- ¾” X 20’

This is the front

of the cabin.

Interior Wall Layout

1.  The interior dimensions = Bathroom is 7’ x 10’, the two bedrooms are 12- ¾” X 20’.

2.  Let’s start with the 7’ x 10’ bathroom.

3.  Click on the tab in the TOOL BOX list on the left side of the desk top.

4.  Begin to draw the wall.

5.  Click on the Dimensiontab. Click on to the corners of the bathroom

(Left side)

interior walls, this will create a crosshair. For the vertical wall click on the left and the right corners and then move the curser to the middle of these two points and right click. This will produce the dimension. If your exterior

wall and interior wall are not at 10’ apart you will need to adjust the interior wall as needed.

Now proceed to do the same for the horizontal walls.

In summary:

1.  Select Dimension on the TOOL BOX bar.

2.  Select the ends of the wall you want to dimension.

3.  Select the middle of the wall.

4.  Right click and select OK.

5.  Then drag up to the location you want, and then Left click.

Deleting Dimensions

1.  To delete a dimension you do not want, you will need to click on the “Arrow” tab.

2.  Next bring the cursor arrow to the “dimension line” and right click.

3.  Next you can move the cursor to the and click on it.

4.  This should have removed the unwanted dimension line.

Increasing Dimension # Size

A.  To increase the given dimension number size after placing them, 1st click on the “Arrow” tab.

B.  Now click on the # dimension, this will place a box around the #’s, and change the “info Box” at the top of the screen.

C.  Look for the cell high light the 6.75 and change this to , hit Enter. This will make your dimensions easier to read.

Adjusting the Walls

1.  To adjust a wall you may have made too long or short, click on the wall end you want to move.

If you know the length you want it to be, type the length in, or you can drag the wall to the

length you want by holding on to the black dot.

Type the length in


You can try this:

To trim an element, take the following steps:

• / Choose the Edit > Reshape > Trim command, or press the Ctrl key.
• / The Scissors cursor appears. Move it to a trim able element and click the segment you want to trim.

Note: In the 3D window, you can also click on a Wall or Beam surface for trimming.

• / The clicked part of the element between the two nearest intersection points will be deleted.

Saving the Floor Plan

6.  Click Save on the Standard toolbar.

7.  In the dialog box,

type LAKE CABIN #1-Walls,

add your initials and today’s date,

for the File name. Please remember

to save this in your .

Example: LAKE CABIN #1-Walls, WEK 12-25-17

Click Save.

8.  Now go to the Text click and

drag out a box in the lower left of the

lake cabin.

Add your information and Print your LAKE CABIN #1-Walls. Hand in to be graded.

Add the below information:

Drawn By: (Your Name)

Title: LAKE CABIN #1-Walls

Date: (Today’s date)

Period: (Your class period)

Score: ____/100


Printing Setup Instructions

1.  Click on “File” to get drop down menu and select “Page set up”

2.  Next select the printer and click on

“Landscape” option. Click “OK”.

3.  Click again on “File” and select “Print”, select “Fit to Page”

4.  Now click on . You should now be printing.

5.  Hand this in for your grade.

LAKE CABIN #2 Adding Windows

Save your drawing as LAKE CABIN #2-Windows

In the dialog box, type LAKE CABIN #2-Windows, add your initials and today’s date,

for the File name.

Example: LAKE CABIN #2- Windows, WEK 12-25-17 Click Save.

1.  To create a window click on the tab. Next click on the settings tab in the “Info Box”.

2.  The window will pop up. In the lower box you should see the folder is open displaying various types of Casement Windows.

3.  Scroll down thru this selection and select the window: “W Triple Sash 15”,

and click . This is the window we will be using for the front of the cabin.

4.  Now evenly place 3 of these windows on the front wall of the large room and in the middle of the front bedroom wall.

5.  Next you will add windows to the sides of the cabin.

6.  Look in the “Folder View” and select

To access this style of window. Select: “W Double Hung MU 15”

7.  Center one of these windows in the left side wall, Living room area,

and center one in each bedroom side wall, and the bedroom back wall.

8.  Next you will place a “W Single Hung1 15” in the side wall of the Bathroom and one in the back wall just outside of the bathroom.

9.  Your drawing should appear

as it does here.