LA Lesson Plan

Subject: Language ArtsLesson Focus: Theme

Grade Level:6Teachers: Gwynne

Unit: 3 ThemeQuarter: 1

Stage 1 - Desired Results
Content Standard(s) for Unit:
1.02, 1.03, 1.04, 5.01, 5.02, 6.01, 6.02
Areas of Interaction:
Environment / MYP Unit Question:
  1. Who has style?
  2. What makes a poem a poem?

Essential Question: Who has style?
Common Core Standards: RL6.1;6.2;6.4;6.5
RI 6.1;6.2;6.7 / What students will be able to do:
  • Define and understand the elements of style in literature.

Stage 2 - Learning Activities
(Instructional Block)
Time / Activity/Explanation/Best Practices
(The “what” and “how”) / Selected Resources
15 minutes – Warm-up / Students will copy down their week 10 stem words and study weeks 1-9 with a partner.
PASS BACK PAPERS!!! / Composition Notebook
15 Minutes – Assessment / Week 9 Stem Test
10 Minutes- Guided Practice / Together we’ll analyze the styles of the two author’s featured on page 438 in our textbook using a spider map.
First students will list the elements of style:
Word choice (does the author use adjectives? Adverbs? Precise nouns? Specific verbs? What are some examples? Is the vocabulary challenging or familiar? Are the words simple or big?
Sentence structure(Are most of the sentences short or long? Does the selection include sentence fragments? Is there a variety of sentence types?)
Imagery(What literary devices such as imagery, similes, metaphors, repetition, or exaggeration does the author use?)
Other elements (does the writer include dialogue? Or is the story mostly narration?
How does the choice of speaker affect the selection? / Daybook
10 minutes / In their daybooks students will create a spider map analyzing the style of each author on page 438. / Textbook
15 minutes / As a class we will read the excerpts on page 438 and students will complete the
notetaking worksheet on style in partners. / Textbook and Worksheet
15 Minutes – Guided Practice / In our daybooks we’ll create a spider map to analyze the poem “People Equal” by James Berry. First we will listen to the poem being read aloud by the poet himself. Our spider map will deconstruct Berry’s style by looking at his word choice, sentence structure, literary device, and other elements. / Daybook
Hip Hop Speaks to Children
5 Minutes – Packup / Write homework in planners, packup. / .
Lesson Reflection—Daily
Activity / What Worked? / What did not work?
Instructional Input
Reference Text
Guided and Independent Practice
Formative Assessment
Integration of Technology