SAC Meeting


  1. Call to Order: (3:00PM)
  1. Roll Call: All present

III.Prayer: Given by Kevin, Sarah to give prayer at next meeting.

  1. Approval of minutes: November 2, 2011 minutes were approved without change.
  1. Public Forum

Johari Idusuyi: African Student Association: it takes a village to raise a child dance party.

Ricky narsinghani: Thank SAC for supporting cupcakes with SGA. We will have one next month TBA.

Morgan: Distance for Dreams ½ marathon fundrasier at Max & Erma’s.

Former SACer emailed to Morgan.

Kevin: CFJ Stress relief day, hunger awareness day

Do you need to register? Yes, sign up (link on facebook page, or can send you email) you’ll receive a sticker and awards being given out.

VI.Review of the Budget

Crystal Guffey

VII.Report of the SGA Executive

Report of the President, Ryan Alleman

You’ll probably recall from our meeting last week, I discussed WeCar coming to campus to present to us. That presentation occurred last week and went fairly well. WeCar plans to submit a proposal within the next few weeks. In addition, Auxiliary Services and I met with UCarShare – a competitor to WeCar - on Tuesday to review their potential offerings. Purchasing is going to begin working on Requests for Proposal from both of these vendors.

A quick note about the Convenience Store. Auxiliary Services and the Gallagher Student Center would like to take a field trip to UC this week to review UC’s on-campus convenience store. Tom Barlow and Joe Christman have asked for a few SGA reps to attend and they have selected Thursday November 10 at 3:00pm as the time for the trip. If any or you are interested in attending, just let me know!

A representative from the Graduate Student Association e-mailed me this afternoon inviting us to their Charity Ball, which takes place on November 19th from 7 to 10pm in the Cintas Center. GSA has reached out to see if 5 or 6 of us would be interested in attending, so if you are free and would like to attend, let me know. I know this is the day that we return from workshop, but it could be a great way for us to support GSA.

Those of you who are in your first or second year at Xavier and are new to the board, please consider attending the Emerging Leaders Retreat. See Dustin or Leah for more details.

Lastly, I wanted to let all of you know about an information session that I held this weekend for students in the weekend degree program. These students are undergraduate students who are pursuing their degree part-time on the weekends. As a result, these students do contribute to our Student Activity Fee and so it is very important that we are seeking out ways to better serve them. Right now, a few members of the CAPS office are considering staring a club for part time and weekend degree students.

Report of the Legislative Vice President, Brock McMorran

Quick report today as there are only a few items that I would like bring you all up to speed on:

1.)First, the Ad Hoc committee for the Provost has already met three times and will be meeting again tomorrow night. We have begun writing statements of purpose for Senate, SAC, and the Executives and will have a draft for your review by workshop! To ensure that we are both getting what we are looking for, Dr. Chadwick and I will be meeting early next week to to discuss our progress and direction.

2.)I have been working with Senator Idusuyi on the ride-board replacement project and had a great meeting with Joe Christman, Director of the GSC, this morning to discuss potential options. I will be looking into “way-finding” options to make this a more interactive space, and will definitely keep you posted.

3.)On Monday morning I had a chance to sit down with Amy Reed, Director of TriO, to discuss Pell grants in more depth and to get a better feel for what TriO is and their standing within the University. In this meeting we discussed various ways SGA could collaborate and/or assist TriO and/or SASS, so if any of you are looking for a project in this area, please let me know!

4.)Lastly, I wanted to let you all know that next Monday when you come into the office, it may have a very different feel. After examining why SGA is not “the most welcoming environment” I realized that our office space is physically unwelcoming. This weekend, Crystal’s desk is being temporarily moved to where the mailboxes are and the mailboxes will be moved near the couch space. I need to emphasize that this is only a test, but Leah, Dustin, Ryan, Lydia and I think this will be a beneficial move in the long-term.

Other than that, I hope you all have a great week and remember my door is always open if there is anything you would like to discuss.

Report of the Administrative Vice President, Lydia Gerlach

Please thank Makenna for the snacks! Next week, Ariana is bringing the snack!

For my project update:

  1. Logo Committee

The logo committee has been meeting throughout the summer and this semester and will be presenting a report of our progress at the workshop. I’m sure the whole committee is as excited as I am to let you know all of the work we have put into this project.

  1. Student Rights Representative (SRR)

SGA’s Student Rights Representative, Taryn Buckley, is unfortunately unable to attend workshop. So I will be presenting her report at workshop which will consist of an overview of her role within SGA and an update on her lawyer referral project she has been working hard on

  1. LGBTQ Position: LGBTQ Training and Support Intern (LTSI)
    I’m happy to say that the LTSI applications went out on Wednesday after the SAC meeting after both boards saw no need for further discussion regarding the position. I contacted four people that were interested in the position and also set out several copies of the application. When I checked out the pile of applications sitting by the mailbox, only one was left! Very exciting. Please let anyone you may think is interested in applying know that applications are available and are due this Friday (11/11) by 5PM.

VIII.Report of the SAC Chair, Morgan Zuziak

Meeting with UC:

  1. Sunday November 20th at noon at Five Guys. Emailing a sign-up sheet.

Proposals due Sunday November 13:

  1. L&C Event on December 8th


  1. None

Promotions: I want to give a huge thanks to Kevin, Matt, and Whitney for going around alter next Wednesday and taking off all the old promo and making sure all the boards look neat!

Office Etiquette: put away event supplies 3 days after the event

Planning Day: Wednesday, December 7th! More info to come soon.

Will there be more instructions about hearing about what is going on at NACCA? No.

IX.Report of Advisor, Dustin Lewis(read by Morgan Zuziak)

Sorry I can’t be with you today – I’m in Covington getting set for NACA. Make sure you wish your delegates luck in finding SAC lots of great acts! I also want to wish all of you luck with the awards that we applied for this year. I’ll be facebook updating and tweeting from the SAC Account any updates or “wins” we have. Fingers crossed!

For your Senate Minute, I only have a few brief updates this week:

  • Community Affairs is partnering on a community project with NPHC – the governing body for our campus’ fraternities and sororities – more info coming soon.
  • FAC Constitution Changes were discussed as coming soon in Senate. I anticipate you’ll hear more about this from Jimmy later in the meeting.
  • Christmas Airport Shuttle info is available now. Check out the SGA website for the Christmas Shuttles and sign up in the office right after Thanksgiving!
  • Joe Colak is working on a new Safe Walks program for students at night around campus. More information coming soon.

Thanks to all of you for getting your release forms and Workshop paperwork in on time with me. I hope you get excited for next weekend – Morgan and Seth have been working really hard at planning a really fun weekend for you!

I am available by cell or email – feel free to email me anything or text me if you have any questions.

X.Report of the SGA Resource Assistant, Crystal Guffey


XI.Opinion Entries


The reason I am writing to you today is in light of Late Night Snack last Thursday. This event went amazing and I think it was a great collaboration between committees on the board to provide an event for students to enjoy on a Thursday evening. However, I was a bit frustrated with the behavior of SGA.

I was frustrated because cupcakes were being put aside before the event was even started for SGA members to eat then after. But I was most frustrated because, it was in front of the students that were waiting in line. I feel after the debacle of Wicked and students questioning how many tickets were set aside for SAC and then when we are obviously taking food in front of the students I feel that looks poorly upon us. In the evaluation, several of us pointed out that we have a lack of concern for students and we conduct ourselves negatively to people outside of SGA. I think we displayed that on Thursday.

Therefore, I think we need to be less about our own needs and wants for the food and think about the students first. I believe we can remedy this by either deciding to wait in line rather than helping behind the table if one really wants the snack or choosing to wait until all students are served that have waited in line. I do think that is important that we are rewarded for our hard work and are able to participate in the events that we give to student. But I also think it is unfortunate that we think we can take the purpose of the event away from the students that have been patiently waiting in line.

Moreover, I want us to re-evaluate the purpose of late night snacks and our participation as SGA members. I want Late Night Snacks to still be fun for all of us. But, I also don’t want our image as an organization to be tarnished because of silly things as hoarding food for ourselves in front of the student body. I hope you all understand my concerns and we can as a board find a balance of enjoying the event but also being a student leader and possibly foregoing the snack.

Did you know I am glad you brought this up, I think SGA was poorly represented during Wicked ticket sales and Late Night Snack.


For some reason SGA is failing rull bad at sending in reports to go in the minutes. These are university publications by SGA and also something that not only SGA members but students all across XU use for reference and should be something we use to increase transparency and visibility of what SGA does. This is not Crystal’s job and something we really need to improve upon. Don’t mean to be a drag or anything like that, I just know it will be very beneficial for not just us, the administration, but all students both on and off campus.

So as Morgan said, Matt Morefield, Whitney and I went through Alter Hall last week, putting up the promo for 6 different SGA related events. During this process, we tore down the expired promo (some that were up there for far too long) and then, with the help of Whitney’s OCD, we then organized all the boards to be clean and crisp, also removing all non Xavier student related promo. It would be appreciated that whenever any SACer or SGAer places promo up in Alter and any related board, that they take it upon themselves to clean the boards up in the same manner. All of the student body will appreciate this, as I have heard many a rando walking past the boards stating they look oh so good.

So just please try and remember that the cleaner the boards are, the more easy it is to read the promo and then the more people can know about the event!

I noticed in my class is Alter that the boards look nicer.

One of the reasons why there were no reports last weekend we usually email out reports right after meeting, we got out early, but we had a chair meeting and we forgot.

(Crystal)This was in issue addressed in the Senate meeting Monday. And to be honest I think it is a much bigger problem for SAC than for Senate. Let me start off by saying I honestly could care less if your reports get into the minutes. There is no skin off my back. However, these minutes aren’t for me, they are for you, the students, and the future SGA. It’s pretty obvious to me that the minutes are something you don’t care about or think is important, and that a decision you need to make. You do find it important to give a report in the meeting and most, if not all of you, already have written what you are going to say and have probably already typed it. Your role is that of a public servant, what you are doing isn’t just something to keep to yourself and other members in SAC. You are here for the students, they are paying your way, and you are reporting to them. So just do it.

I have been adding reports into the minutes after they have been sent out to everyone. I will no longer do that. If your report wasn’t turned in on time, I will hold you to your own rules. If you want to add your report, you will have to table the minutes.

Pat: Former SACer(read by Morgan Zuziak)

"Hey all! I hope for my sake that you keep planning such awesome events in the Spring because I can't wait to attend them. Congratulations on getting 300+ people for a dance and (from what I hear) a really great crowd at Xavier's Got Talent! I am sure you have a ton of awesome events to close out the semester, but every now and then it can be nice to get a little recognition for all your work. To the new SACers (even though they aren't so new now), welcome to the board! I hope you have enjoyed your time at Xavier so far and are adjusting into being a representative of Student Government better than your taste-buds likelyacclimatedto the Hoff/Caf (reader preference) food. I encourage you to attend as many events as you can and stick your arm out at meetings so much that you start participating in class with a horizontally raised hand - no worries, we all do it. To the rest of the board, keep up the fantastic work you started in May. I look forward to seeing you all soon!

XII.Proposals (must be emailed prior to meeting)

FAC, Jim Reitenbach



Festival of Lights
Chairs: Ryan McGoron

Date: December 2nd

Time: 6:30-9pm

Event Description:

SAC will be busing 40 students to the Festival of Lights at the Cincinnati Zoo. Each ticket will cost $5 for the students.

Cost Breakdown:




Total Amount Proposed: $780

(Initial Questions)

Sign up for tickets?

Week we get back from Thanksgiving Thurs/Fri. Will be promoting with candy canes.

Did you budget candy canes? Promotions proposal will cover.

(Debate and Discussion)


Festival of Lights candy Canes
Chairs: Life and Culture (Ryan McGoron)

Date: Friday, December 2nd

Event Description:

Publicity will assist Life and Culture by purchasing candy canes to promote the Festival of Lights event. We will hand them out Monday, November 28th outside of the café 6-7pm to remind students of the event as they return from break.

Budget Requested From: Publicity

Total Amount Proposed: $50.00

(Initial Questions)

Has Cafe been reserved yet? Is the publicity out side of café before tickets? Yes, before.

Will there be anything on candy canes? Yes, little advertisement.

(Debate and Discussion)


LateNight Snack: Sugar N Spice
Chairs: Blake Barlow and Jacquelyn Reineke

Date: December 1, 2011

Time: 10pm

Location: GSC Atrium

Estimated Attendance – 250

Event Description:

Pancakes from Sugar N Spice with Hot Chocolate to feed 250 people.

Budget Requested From: Late Night Programming

Cost Breakdown:

Pancakes from Sugar N Spice $530

Hot Chocolate or other drink $60

Promo $60

Total Amount Proposed: $650

(Initial Questions)

SGA finals night late night breakfast in the café happening this year? I haven’t heard any conversation about it. If we are it would be pancakes twice a week.

Did you know if they do end up doing it, they should get on it? Did you know I’m real tight with the manager at Sugar, let him know I sent you.