City of Nashwauk

May 26, 2015

Mayor DeNucci called the meeting to order at 4:30 in the council chambers

Members Present: DeNucci, Bolf, Heyblom, Gangl,

Members Absent: Marinaro

*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Gangl to accept the minutes of the May 12, 2015 council meeting

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by DeNucci to approve all bills signed and file the claims report as official record

Ayes all present—motion carried

Special Items:

Lance Olson-Emergency Apparatus-discussed the history of emergency apparatus-handed out a manual with regards to the company and what they can do. Discussed the maintenance program and they also meet LMC insurance requirements. They keep a detailed inventory on all maintenance for each vehicle.

Gangl noted that the council would like things to be done locally and Mr. Olson agreed that they can work together with other business and the ambulance employees. If there are certain specialty items others aren’t able to do they can just do those items. They also work with others in the area to cut down on the travel expenses, work with other cities to save on mileage and call outs.

TJ’s Auto Repair said they can do some of the work also, and be willing to work with Emergency Apparatus to maintain the city vehicles

CJ Nelson-regarding buildings on Central-concerned with the structure of the buildings next to her dental office. The buildings are dilapidated and falling down. It’s an eye sore for the community and just wanted to express her concerns regarding the buildings and if there was anything the city can do about them. The Mayor thanked her for coming to the city council and expressing her concerns. The city has hired an inspector and those will be placed on the list of buildings to inspect.

*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Gangl to approve the communications as read

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Heyblom to approve the consent agenda as follows:

1) Approve mandated training for defensive tactics for Maddern, Dasovich and Peterlin on May 28, 2015

2) Approve $750 donation to Spartan Booster club for food court clean up on the 3rd and 4th of July

3) Allow Ben DeNucci to attend the Laurentian meeting in Chisholm on June 2, mileage and per diem

Ayes all present—motion carried


1)Handicap parking for 4th of July-no information—place on next meeting agenda

OLD BUSINESS: AS OF **5-26-15 meeting**

3-11-15 Housing Study City Clerk—contacted Community Partners regarding them being awarded bid gave information to do interviews with residents will contact us after that is completed. Will be conducting interviews and taking a tour of Nashwauk-in process-will attend next meeting June 9th

1-27-15 Bozich John Jamnick-called for bids-bids will be back the end of April, need to name roads on the Platt --will be done at special meeting. Cost approx. $250,000 w/o curb and gutter. Bids are due May 14, final plat for approval at the 4-28-15 meeting- in process bids are due June 4th will discuss at first meeting in June

1-21-15 Artificial Ice/Zamboni Brian Gangl-meeting set up 2-11-15 with

Company from Virginia –no quote received and would like to meet with JPJ regarding what can structurally be done. Heyblom met with JPJ and will look into changing the rink system, Gangl needs to update on the quote, Heyblom said they are looking at adding on a banquet hall and kitchen and will look at the plans for the next meeting-no quotes yet will update when they are received. Gangl has bid for artificial ice, Jamnick has budget numbers for add on and will meet with Heyblom, and Gangl—need to get together with Heyblom and getting numbers on the building and working on JPJ-waiting on contractors numbers for banquet hall and kitchen-Gangl gave quote for artificial ice to JPJ, Jamnick said addition for building is approximate $200/sqft

1-21-15 Paul Bunyan Mark Marinaro- no contact will call again-

Still no information—spoke with a person and they will get back to us in about 3 months and come to a meeting

1-21-15 Un-developed land owned by Council/ Mayor- DeNucci has looked

assisted living at the contracts and the letter from

Dimich and has a call into the attorney

will talk to him and then decide how to

proceed. DeNucci has looked over everything, need to contact them and see if they are going to complete the building if not then the council needs to proceed with getting the land back and processing the appropriate assessment. Dimich will write a letter to Range Development. Letter sent last week to Range Dev attorney—documents look as though they were changed in 2008 and they don’t have any obligations to the city anymore, gave file to Dimich to look thru to be sure, will discuss at special meeting—will have letter for next meeting-gave information to council to look at and discuss at next meeting-Dimich explained the change from phase 1 to phase 2 and the additions of units, the letter from them would eliminate the other language in the agreement. The language was removed regarding it coming back to the city when the amendments were done.

1-21-15 Motter Will be removing building in spring- no updates-check with them to see where they are at

1-21-15 Work session to discuss blight Council/Mayor-look at setting up next week and discuss job descriptions and annual review formats. Set for Wednesday, February 18th at 4:00.

Met last week and identified what needs to be updated, have an annual review format for everyone to go over. Dimich updated on the blight issues and how they can be handled by the city in the future.

Information given to city council, can proceed whenever-will discuss at upcoming work session

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by DeNucci to place an ad in the paper for someone to inspect homes for the city

Ayes all present—motion carried

Submitted ad to paper for inspector—nobody applied, Heyblom suggested speaking with the fire chief as rentals need to be tied in with fire codes. DeNucci will speak with him and some other contacts regarding inspections—approved to hire Doug Whitney as the inspector

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by Marinaro to hire Dough Whitney on an as needed basis

Ayes all present—motion carried

Discussed his title, hold off on that, and discussed adopting the state building code

Discussed address to send to the inspector, 212 & 214 Central Ave, 401 Central Av and 212 3rd St

If they are not allowed inside then there can be a court order issued to get inside

12-2014 Intersection of 1st and Central James Maddern-MN Dot set meeting

Waiting to hear from them –won’t be till Spring before we hear something

2-24-15 Rabbitt Road Dimich is in the process of getting the easement ready, needs to get a description from the engineer-in process-has description and looks about 800’ need to match the property with residents and make the easements. JPJ to get correct info and will then proceed—Dimich has all the info and will be getting the legal and draw up the easements

No change

2-24-15 Road by Latvala Lumber and Sinclair checking on easements John Dimich

In process-easement exists but is only 300’-no action—will be on special meeting

Agenda-work in process-Heyblom to get information to clerk-waiting on David Latvala

To forward when in place-gave Dimich the map, can contact Benchmark and get legal

And descriptions

2-24-15 Discuss wages for casual labor and part time patrol officer’s Council

On hold until after union contracts are settled

2-18-15 Dry runs for the ambulance service-most charge for

Supplies used on patient care Ed Bolf

Bolf would like to see some kind minimum charge will get more

Information for the work session-discussed at work session and will discuss with

Coordinator-motion made at special meeting to begin charging $100 per dry run-DeNucci

Said it has been discussed and is in progress-Gangl recommends to have the coordinator draft something up and to be able to make the judgment call on the charge. DeNucci implied he thought it was in place for the coordinator to make the determination. Gangl and Calaguire will meet and get back to council

*Motion by DeNucci, seconded by Heyblom to table till next meeting

Ayes all present—motion carried

Discussed proposal and Gangl likes the way it is worded motion to pass the proposal

*Motion by Gangl, seconded by Heyblom to approve the following: rename to Service Fee

Charge only for multiple calls to same residence for lift assists

1)First two free in any calendar year

2)then charge $100 foreach additional call out after that

If there appears to be other abuses of a party (patient) calling the ambulance for unnecessary purposes

1)the EMS coordinator has the discretion to charge the caller accordingly for a service fee

If we treat a patient and use medical supplies and patient refuses transport

1)upfront inform the patient they will be billed

2)Charge $100 plus supply /medication charges

Ayes all present—motion carried

4-28-15 Campground host information Marinaro & Gangl

Marinaro had talked with the street department and Gangl with police department. If Mr. Olson returns, someone can talk with him and see if he is interested in being the host again—contract in packet

Discussed the contract, Gangl wants some type of backup plan and something better in place if we don’t have a camp host, discussed ways to handle that and to come up with a plan to be on agenda for discussion next year

*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Heyblom to approve the contract with Ole Olson

Ayes all present—motion carried

5-12-15 Pigeon feces --in the feeding process Heyblom

5-12-15 Roof at city garage --quote in packet Bolf

*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Gangl to approve both the bids for the city garage to remove the chimney and the block wall cost of $1,667.00 and $3,981.00

Ayes all present—motion carried

5-12-15 Popcorn machine for rec center --the quote is coming Gangl

New Business:

*Motion by Gangl, seconded by Heyblom to approve one day liquor permit for DeNucci’s Saloon for a wedding dance on June 6th 2015

Ayes-Bolf, Gangl, Heyblom Abstain-DeNucci motion carried

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by Bolf to approve Green Again quote #145 in the amount of $2,494.50 for the little league field and city hall

Ayes all present--motion carried

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by Bolf for the city not to waive the monetary limits on tort liability

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Gangl to hire James Armstrong for the Nashwauk Ambulance contingent upon submitting proper paperwork and passing all background checks

Ayes all present—motion carried

Bolf told the council he will not be the liaison for any departments until after his next hearing. Heyblom volunteered to be the liaison for the police department for June and Gangl will complete May

DeNucci thanked everyone involved for the Memorial Day service

*Motion by Gangl, seconded by Heyblom to adjourn at 5:30 p.m.

Ayes all present—motion carried


City Clerk