
I attached and pasted below the CC Report to the FS for the meeting tomorrow. Please check it for errors. I have been working on it for three days, and it is 27 pages long (sorry!). I have double-checked the document, but I might be reading over something.


(link to online version)

Curriculum Committee Report to the Faculty Senate

February 22, 2012

The Curriculum Committee approved the following course or program proposals and asks the Faculty Senate to accept the committee’s recommendations.


Course Modifications

ACC 134 Income Tax Preparation (3 credits)


Rationale for Change:This proposed modification is based on UHCC Accounting Program Coordinating Council tentative articulation agreement on 11/9/09. The Council met on 12/9/11 and will meet again to finalize the agreement. Other modifications are being made to update the field in Curriculum Central.

New Recommended Preparation:MATH 18 with a grade of C or better or equivalent and ENG 22 with a grade of C or better or equivalent.

PreviousRecommended Preparation:MATH 1B and ENG 21 or ENG 22 with grades of C or better or equivalent.

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

ACC 137 Business Income Taxes (3 credits)


Rationale for Change:This proposed modification is based on UHCC Accounting Program Coordinating Council tentative articulation agreement on 11/9/09. The Council met on 12/9/11 and will meet again to finalize the agreement. Other modifications are being made to update the field in Curriculum Central.

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

ACC 150 Using QuickBooks in Accounting (3 credits)


Rationale for Change:This course is being modified to agree with what is being taught at other campuses and better help students transfer across the University of Hawaii's Community College Campuses.

New Prerequisite:ACC 124 with a grade of “C” or better or ACC 201 with grade of “C” or better.BUS 101 or BUSN 150 or ICS 100 or ICS 101 or equivalent or consent of instructor.

Previous Prerequisite:ACC 201 with a grade of C or better, or ACC 125 with a grade of C or better or concurrent; and BUS 101 or BUSN 131 witha grade of C or better; or equivalent; or Instructor approval.

Action: 18 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

ACC 255 Using Spreadsheets in Accounting (3 credits)

(Formerly ACC 155)

Rationale for Change:Answers

New Prerequisite:ACC 202 or concurrent. BUS 101 or BUSN 150 or ICS 100 or ICS 101 or equivalent or consent of instructor.

Previous Prerequisite:ACC 125 with a grade of C or better, or ACC 202 or concurrent; and BUS 101 or BUSN 131 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent or instructor approval.

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

CHEM 161B General Chemistry I (4 credits)


Rationale for Change:The changes were made as part of the course review process and the SLOs were changed.

New Prerequisite:MATH 103 with a grade of C or better or equivalent.

Previous Prerequisite:MATH 103 or equivalent.

Action: 19 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

CHEM 162B General Chemistry II (4 credits)


Rationale for Change:The changes were made as part of the course review process and the SLOs were changed.

New Prerequisite:CHEM 161B or equivalent, and Math 135 with a grade of C or equivalent.

Previous Prerequisite:CHEM 161B or equivalent, and Math 135 or equivalent.

Action: 19 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

CHN 101 Elementary Chinese I (4 credits)


Rationale for Change:To update for currency.

New Recommended Preparation:ENG 22 with a grade of C or better or equivalent.

PreviousRecommended Preparation:ENG 22 with a grade of C or better.

Action: 19 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

DMED 140 Principles of Animation (3 credits)


Rationale for Change:Updating course specifics andclarifying student learning outcomes for assessment. The course will be more coherent with new program and methods, considering there was also a change in instructors.

New Recommended Preparation:None

PreviousRecommended Preparation:DMED 130

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

DMED 141 Introduction to 3D Animation (3 credits)


Rationale for Change:Updating course specifics andclarifying student learning outcomes for assessment. There was a change in instructors. A new tutorial is used and therefore adjustments have to be made to fit new lessons.

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

DMED 242 Character Animation (3 credits)


Rationale for Change:Updating course specifics andclarifying student learning outcomes for assessment. There was a change in instructor and with that a change in tutorial materials. Therefore, it is expected that the class will assume a different organization.

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

DMED 243 3D Modeling and Animation (3 credits)


Rationale for Change:Updating course specifics andclarifying student learning outcomes for assessment. The course is now focused on 3D animation techniques and can be assessed during class and the final production of a film. There was a change in instructors, and also a change in tutorials. Therefore, it is expected that the structure of the class is going to change.

New Prerequisite:DMED 141 with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor.

Previous Prerequisite:ENG 21 or ENG 22 or equivalent and DMED 141, all with a Grade of C or better, or consent of instructor.

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

DRAM 170 Introduction to Children’s Theatre (3 credits)

(Formerly DRAM 170 Creative Drama)

Rationale for Change:Changes to the fields are all up-to-date.

New Prerequisite:ENG 21 and ENG 22 with a grade of C or better or equivalent.

Previous Prerequisite:Not listed in Curriculum Central

Action: 18 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

DRAM 262 Local Style Theatre (3 credits)

(Formerly DRAM 262 Hawaiian Style Theatre)

Rationale for Change:Changes to the fields are all to update for currency.

New Prerequisite:DRAM 221 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent.

Previous Prerequisite:None

Action: 18 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

ED 285 Classroom Management Within the Instructional Process (3 credits)


Rationale for Change:The modification of ED 285 is the result of an articulation agreement with Kapiolani Community College.

New Prerequisite:ENG 22with a grade of C or better or equivalent;or placement in ENG 100; or consent of instructor.

Previous Prerequisite:ENG 22or placement in ENG 100 or consent of the instructor.

Action: 19 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

FAMR 230 Human Development (3 credits)


Rationale for Change:The modifications create a course similar to the same course offered at Kapiolani CC, where nursing students will enroll in the Nursing Program. The Social Sciences Division wants this program to accept Leeward's FAMR 230 course.

New Prerequisite:Qualification for ENG 100 and MATH 73.

Previous Prerequisite:ENG 100 or equivalent.
New Recommended Preparation:None

PreviousRecommended Preparation:MATH 73

Action: 18 Approved, 2 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

GEOG 101 The Natural Environment (3 credits)


Rationale for Change:The changes were made to update information, modify SLOs, and meet requirements for course assessment to fulfill accreditation standards.

New Recommended Preparation:ENG 21 or ENG 22 with a grade of C or better or equivalent; MATH 82 with a grade of C or better.

PreviousRecommended Preparation:ENG 21 or ENG 22 with a grade of C or better or equivalent; MATH 73

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

GEOG 101L Natural Environment Lab (1 credit)


Rationale for Change:To update and provide more specific information, modify SLOs, and meet requirements for course assessmentto fulfill accreditation standards.

New Recommended Preparation:ENG 21 or ENG 22 with a grade of C or better or equivalent; MATH 82 with a grade of C or better.

PreviousRecommended Preparation:ENG 21 or ENG 22 with a grade of C or better or equivalent; MATH 73

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

GEOG 102 World Regional Geography (3 credits)


Rationale for Change:To update information, complete uncompleted portions of the form, modify SLOs, and meet requirements for assessment to fulfill accreditation standards.

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

GG 103 Geology of the Hawaiian Islands (3 credits)


Rationale for Change:The changes were made as part of the course review process. The SLOs were changed, and the fields listed in field 28 were updated.

New Prerequisite:ENG 21 or ENG 24 with a grade of C or better or equivalent, and MATH 18 with a grade of C or better or equivalent.

Previous Prerequisite:None
New Recommended Preparation:Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENG 100, and completion of or concurrent enrollment in MATH 82.

PreviousRecommended Preparation:None

Action: 18 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

HAW 101 Elementary Hawaiian I (4 credits)


Rationale for Change:The SLOs were updated for currency.

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

HAW 102 Elementary Hawaiian II (4 credits)


Rationale for Change:The SLOs were updated for currency.

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

HAW 201 Intermediate Hawaiian I (4 credits)


Rationale for Change:The SLOs were updated for currency.

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

HAW 202 Intermediate Hawaiian II (4 credits)


Rationale for Change:The SLOs were updated for currency.

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

HSER 268 Survey of Substance Abuse Problems (3 credits)


Rationale for Change:The HSER 268 SLOs were not conforming to the current model of Bloom's Taxonomy with appropriate action verbs so modifications were made to uniformly have strong, action oriented and measurable SLOs and rid our selves of redundant SLOs. Also, aspects of this documentwere clarified by responding to the questionsin moredepth than what was in the original proposal.
New Recommended Preparation:HSER 100
PreviousRecommended Preparation:None
Action: 18 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

ICS 125 Personal Computer Maintenance and Repair (3 credits)

(Formerly ICS 125 Microcomputer Mainenance)

Rationale for Change:The SLOs needed to be updated to reflect current industry technology and standards. Other fields were updated as appropriate to reflect the change in SLOs.

New Prerequisite:ENG 21,ENG 22, and MATH 82or their equivalents with grades of C or better; consent of instructor.

Previous Prerequisite:ENG 21 or ENG 22 and MATH 83 and ICS 110, all with a grade of C or better; or consent of instructor.

Action: 19 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

ICS 184 Introduction to Networking (3 credits)

(Formerly ICS 184 NetPrep Network Fundamentals)

Rationale for Change:Changes in the fields are all to update for currency.

New Prerequisite:None

Previous Prerequisite:ICS 100 and MATH 103 or concurrent, or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
New Corequisite:ICS 125


New Recommended Preparation:None

PreviousRecommended Preparation:ICS 125

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

ICS 185 Introduction to Local Area Networks (3 credits)

(Formerly ICS 185 NetPrep Local Area Networks)

Rationale for Change:Changes in the fields are all to update for currency.

New Prerequisite:None

Previous Prerequisite:ICS 184 or consent of instructor.

New Recommended Preparation:ICS 184

PreviousRecommended Preparation:None

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

ICS 186 Introduction to Wide Area Networks (3 credits)

(Formerly ICS 186 NetPrep Wide Area Networks)

Rationale for Change:Changes in the fields are all to update for currency.

New Prerequisite:None

Previous Prerequisite:ICS 184 or consent of instructor.

New Recommended Preparation:ICS 184

PreviousRecommended Preparation:None

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

ICS 187 TCP/IP Network Architectures (3 credits)

(Formerly ICS 187 NetPrep TCP/IP Networking Architecture)

Rationale for Change:Changes in the fields are all to update for currency.

New Prerequisite:None

Previous Prerequisite:ICS 184 or consent of instructor.

New Recommended Preparation:ICS 184

PreviousRecommended Preparation:None

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

KOR 101 Elementary Korean I (4 credits)


Rationale for Change:To update for currency.

Action: 19 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

KOR 102 Elementary Korean II (4 credits)


Rationale for Change:To update for currency.

New Prerequisite:KOR 101 with a grade of C or better or equivalent.

Previous Prerequisite:KOR 101 with a grade of C or better, or KOR 101 equivalent by placement test or instructor.

Action: 19 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

MATH 18 Essential Mathematics for Algebra (3 credits)


Rationale for Change:MATH 9 (Whole Number Skills) was approved on March 2, 2011. CR in MATH 9 needs to be added to the MATH 18 prerequisite.

New Prerequisite:Any one of the following, or an articulated equivalent, within the past two years will qualify a student for MATH 18: C or better in MATH 1B, CR in MATH 9,OR qualifying placement test score (21 or higher in the COMPASS pre-algebra placement domain)

Previous Prerequisite:Any one of the following, or an articulated equivalent, within the past two years: C or better in MATH 1B OR qualifying placement test score (31 or higher in the COMPASS Pre-Algebra placement domain)

Action: 18 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

MATH 82 Accelerated Algebraic Foundations (4 credits)


Rationale for Change:The student learning outcome is being added as a result of it inadvertently missing from the original proposal.

Action: 18 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

MATH 103 College Algebra (3 credits)


Rationale for Change:The proposed modifications are dictated by the course assessment process.

New Prerequisite:Any ONE of the following, or an articulated equivalent, completed within the past two years will qualify a student for MATH 103: C or better (or CR) in MATH 82 OR C or better in MATH 83 OR qualified placement test score (62 or higher in the COMPASS algebra placement domain).

NOTES: The admissions and records office maintains a database of articulated equivalent courses. The two-year time limit on recognition of math course prerequisites is a UHCC systemwide agreement formulated by the Math Program Coordination Council (Math PCC).

Previous Prerequisite:Any ONE of the following, or an articulated equivalent, completed within the past two years: C or better (or CR) in MATH 82 OR C or better in MATH 83 OR qualified placement test score (62 or higher in the COMPASS algebra placement domain).

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

REL 202 Understanding Indian Religions (3 credits)


Rationale for Change:REL 202 has been inactive for ten years.

New Recommended Preparation:REL 150

PreviousRecommended Preparation:None

Action: 16 Approved, 0 Disapproved, 0 Abstained

SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I (3 credits)


Rationale for Change:The course has a few minor, very insignificant changes in the SLOs. Changes to the other fields are all to update for currency.