With reference to IHAF Bylaw, Article no. 12; Associating membership is open for; but not limited to, the followings:
- Accreditation bodies that have accreditation activities in the field of Halal.
- Accreditation bodies that have recognition within their operating economies as a provider of accreditation services in the field of Halal.
Requested Documents:
Electronic copies of the following documents shall be attached with the application on English language:
- Evidence on Applicant’s Legal Status.
- Proof that the Accreditation Body is recognized officially by their government.
- Background statement about the applicant.
- Copy of all procedures and policies required by ISO/IEC 17011 including the Quality Manual for accreditation bodies.
- Proof that the applicant is recognized officially by the regional economies it represents as a provider of Accreditation Services.
- Signed copy of the application and the “Declaration” in part 3 of this application.
- List of CABs accredited by Applicant in Halal Field for each scope of work, if any.
- List of staff with their relevant qualifications, experience, trainings and responsibilities assigned in HALAL field.
- List of other locations of the accreditation body, if applicable.
- Description about relations with other accreditation bodies or relevant organizations.
- Filled Annexes A, B, and C of this application.
Part 1: General Information:
This application is for Accreditation Body (AB) who is willing to be aAssociate member in IHAF.Name of Applicant:
Street name:
Telephone no. :
(including country code)
Name of applicant’s contact person:
Part 2: Status and Scope Information:
Legal Status: / GovernmentalNon-Governmental
Specify any relation you have with government:
List all accreditation scopes involved in / 1.
List all Arrangements involved in related to accreditation (if any, e.g. ILAC MRA, IAF MRA…etc.): / 1.
Part 3: Applicant’s Declaration
The applicant (Name), duly represented by the undersigned; declares that:
-It operates its system as per ISO/IEC 17011 for accreditation bodies and for related regional groups;
-It is fully operational and have at least one accredited conformity assessment body in the scope applied for (by Accreditation Bodies);
-Ensures that all conformity assessment bodies accredited by them in Halal field are complying with the specified requirements (by Accreditation Bodies);
-It will abide to bylaw and any other IHAF supporting documentsand requirements;
-It has been established as per international norms and requirement of IHAF.
-Constantly provide IHAF with updated required documents (Part 3 above);
-Committed to pay the membership fees when applied (please visit our website to get information regarding Membership Fees);;
-Submits the completed signed application.
Applicant Representative:
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IHAF/HRA Application-01:2016
Application for IHAF Membership Page 1 of 6
©December, 2016
IHAF/HRA Application-01:2016
Annex A:
Detailed Statement about Applicant’s work related to Halal Field:
Scope of work related to Halal Accreditation / Accreditation Criteria (ISO/IEC 17025/ ISO/IEC 15189/ ISO/IEC 17065/….tec. / Number of accreditations granted for each scope / Number of staff working on each scope (including external assessors)Laboratories:
-Testing/calibration labs
-Medical labs
Certification Bodies:
-For products:
-For systems:
-For personnel
Inspection Bodies:
Annex B:
For Halal Accreditation Bodies of Laboratories –Inter-laboratory comparisons/proficiency testing activities organized by the AB.
Inter-laboratory comparisons/proficiency testing scheme / Parameters measured/tested in the Inter-laboratory/PT / Z-score/ En valueAnnex C:
For Halal Accreditation Bodies of Laboratories – Statement about sources of traceability of measurement.
Parameter tested/measured / Traceability to SI units for calibration / CRMs for test parameters / Traceability to CRMs for test parametersApplication for IHAF Membership Page 1 of 6
©December, 2016