Staffordshire Archery Association AGM

10th March 2010

Held at Staffordshire Young Farmers’ Club, CountyShowground, Stafford


Chase: L Ankers, K Ankers, L Ankers, N Hubbard

County: H Heeley, A Goad, M Cross, H Pooley

Leek: R Rigby, M Turnock

Lichfield: D cooper, R Hall, K Greatrex, T Mudan

Staffordshire Moorlands: A Stevenson, A Hines

Stafford: J Dunster, C Thorpe, N Goad, P Wilson, C Beardmore, P Beardmore, B Warburton, B Warburton, T Warburton, S Taylor, W Taylor, S Taylor, D Dean, B Jones, P Jones

TrentValley: G McLeary, Q Edwards, H Parrish

Apologies: P Shipley, P Pooley

  • The Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true record.
  • Matters Arising : none
  • President’s Address: Harry Heeley (enclosed)

Helen Parrish replied mentioning that other archers have been put forward for awards local to her community.

  • Presentation of Year Bars and Medals: Juniors and Seniors
  • Coaching Officer’s Report : Robin Hall (report enclosed)

Concern was expressed about the delay for those upgrading from L1 to L2 (GM) though it was said that this would be imminent.

  • GNAS Coaching Invitation: This has been received from Sue Williamson for a session with Lloyd Brown the new GB Team Coach. Details are on the GNAS site.

Treasurer’s Report Mike Cross (report enclosed)

DC questioned the period of financial reporting. She noted this was for 15 months rather than for a calendar year. AH agreed. MC explained that he has done this in order to ensure that all know about expenditure from the start of the year to the AGM as this may have relevance to other financial matters e.g. setting of fees etc. AG said that 12 months figures will be posted on the website. MC suggested the alternative of moving the AGM to the beginning of January.

GM acting as Auditor with QE expressed concern about the number of medals ordered this year but noted they could be used as deferred stock. Everything else was found to be in order.He also noted that obsoleteCountyFITA trophies have not been found. (KG has the current trophy book).

AH asked about backup records.MC told the meeting that paper and computer copies are kept.

GM reminded us that turnover is £17,000 - £20, 000 so it needs to be stewarded well.

Record’s Officer Report : K Greatex (report enclosed)

West Midlands Report : Steve Taylor (report enclosed)

Junior Squad:Steve Taylor (report enclosed)

DC commented on the fact that there has been much success for the juniors since their start in 2006. PW expressed special thanks to Wendy and Steve Taylor who in turn thanked the support of parents. HH suggested that all monies requested by the Junior Squad should be remitted to them.

Chairman’s Address : Tony Goad (report enclosed

Particular stress was put on moving forward, particularly in the light of GNAS Constitution changes. Emphasis will be put on the dissemination of information through the website.

AG also mentioned that CPOs have still not all been registered and that each club will have to have CRB checks through GNAS and not through places of work. He also asked for volunteers to train as judges and was supported in this by PJ.

Election of Officers

President: Harry Heeley Proposed - A GoadSeconded -M Cross

Chairman:A Goad Proposed - Mike Cross Seconded - B Jones

Secretary: H Pooley Proposed - M Cross Seconded - B Jones

Treasurer:M CrossProposed - D Dean Seconded -B Jones

Records’ Officer: K Greatrex Proposed -A Goad Seconded - L Ankers

West Midlands Delegates: Steve Taylor, Barrie Warburton

Proposed - H Heeley Seconded - A Goad

Junior Squad Representative: Nominated by the Juniors -S Taylor

Coaching Officer:Nominated Robin Hall by the Coaching Group.

Deputy Coaching Officer: Nominated by the coaching group George McLeary

Auditors: George McLeary and Quentin Edwards nominated by A Goad and seconded S Taylor.

All officers were elected unanimously by the meeting.

Concluding remarks were made by ST explaining GNAS amendments to the constitution and asking for support in his election to the GNAS Junior committee

The next AGM is set for 9th March 2011

The next general meeting will be 16th June 2010

H Pooley 11/3/2010