Academic Affairs Council
Monday, March 23, 2015
2:00 p.m. in AA 130, Hobble Academic Building

Attendees were: Todd Carter, Larry McLemore, Matt Pannkuk, Luke Dowell, Frances Brown,
Patsy Fischer, Kim Zant, Dale Doll, Mike Bailey, Hiran Gunasekara, and Alaina Rice
Unable to attend: Cynthia Rapp, Veda King, Travis Combs, and Janese Thatcher

  1. Meeting was called to order by Todd at 2:00 p.m.
  1. A motion was made by Luke to approve the agendaand 2nd by Patsy. The motion carried.
  1. Minutes from February 18thwere reviewed. One correction was noted for page three, spelling of SAPP. A motion was made by Luke to approve with the correction and 2nd by Kim.Motion carried.
  1. Standing Reports
    A. SCCC/ATS Assessment Report
    Todd reported Graduate Assessment day is scheduled for April 16th. Faculty
    Workshop is scheduled that same morning from 10:00-12:00 in the Tech building.
    Todd will be sending an agenda. The afternoon will allow faculty time to help students
    with their enrollment questions and concerns.
    B. Edukan Assessment Report—Cristy Mulanax—no report
    C. Edukan Curriculum Committee Report—Cynthia Rapp—no report
    D. AQIP Report – Cynthia Rapp—Strategy Form action project must be posted by April
    E. Adviser Report – Patsy Fischer–no report
  1. Unfinished Business
    A. Update on Project: 2014-15 Goals
  2. Credit for Prior Learning - Todd Carter
    No report
    Distance Learning - Luke Dowell
    Working on procedures and requirements for anyone interested in teaching distance learning. Training will be offered on how to set up a distance learning course. The plan is to have something ready to present to this team by the end of the semester.

B. Request for Input: Instructor withdrawal of students from courses(Luke Dowell)
Luke reported that In general instructors were in favor of withdrawing students prior to
cert date, but notafterwards. They felt this was a student’s responsibility.
Veda reported there was no attendance policy for their division except for attending
Dale reported that 80% of his instructors felt it should be the students’ decision not the
Follow up discussion included several topics of concern. Should the high school be at
the same level as a college student? Does the high school communicate drops?
February is the most prominent month for students not showing up for classes. How
many are at risk? It was decided to have each division and their faculty to review the
information that Alain pulled. Look at what is currently happening on campus and
make a decision based on the facts.
Withdrawal by the College policy (AAC 30.8).
Copy of Failed w Last Date.xlsx
Columbia Basin Wdraw Policy.pdf

C. Update on Project: New program development process (Todd Carter)
New Program Development Process
Went through discussing the process and provided steps. This process will be put
to a test this next year to see if it works. These steps should be added to Academic
Affairs Procedures section 10. All agreed.

  1. New Business

A. Discussion and Action: Approval of Health Information Management course title
changes and new courses
Request for the approval of two course title changes and the addition of two new
courses. These requests are due to KBOR alignment.
Copy of 510713_Coding_2015.xlsm
HI 1303 Electronic Health Records.docx
HI 1203 Computer Systems for Healthcare Professionals.docx
Motion was made by Alaina to approve the changes to the programs. Motion was 2nd
by Dale and the motion carried.

B. Discussion and Action: Approval of eduKan Old Testament course
Request for approval of EduKan Old Testament course. It was reported that the new
course was reviewed by Gary Damron and another instructor from another location.
Gary reported to Dale that he did not feel all recommendations were reviewed and
considered. This course has already been approved by EduKan--no actions are
Proposal to Develop a New eduKan Online Course -.docx
Christian Watkins_Introduction to Old Testament.docx

C. Request for Input: AAC Policy 30-1Attendance policy (Dale Doll, Todd Carter)
Some instructors are counting absences for school activities as part of the total for the
course. Is this in alignment with the intent of the AAC 30-1 attendance policy?
Attendance Policy AAC 30-1
Should this policy be changed? The student should contact the instructor if they are
attending activities to be excused from class. Hiran excuses his students if he
receives an email concerning the school sponsored activity. It was decided a
committee of 3 should meet and work on a statement for this policy. That committee
will include Cynthia, Todd, and Patsy.

D. Discussion and Action: Review of AAC Policies 20.16-20.29
20.16 Developmental Courses
Make changes to agree to the KBOR guidelines.
20.17 Dual Degrees
Luke made a motion to approve with changes and Patsy 2nd the motion. Motion
20.18 Enrollment Status
Luke made a motion and to remove 20.18 as the information is covered in 20.40.
Motion was 2nd by Kim and carried.
20.23 Computer Course Requirements
Alaina made a motion to inactivate this policy--motion was 2ndby Larry and passed. .
20.26 Graduation Fulfillment Requirements
Luke moved to eliminate and Alaina 2nd the motion—motion carried..
20.27 Graduation Ceremonies
Get rid of 1st 4 paragraphs which have to do with the graduation process. Modify 5 per
changes to be made by Todd. Dale mad a motion to approve per the changes and the
motion was 2nd by Luke. Motion carried.
20.28 Graduation with Honors
No revisions necessary
20.29 Honor Roll
Changes will be made by Todd. Alaina will check on “D” portion. To be approved at a
later date.

E. Informational: Program Review
Programs scheduled to start the review process in April 2015:
Medical Assistant
Health Information Management
Programs behind schedule:
Transportation programs
Drafting and Design Technology

  1. Other
    No items discussed.
  1. Adjournment
    Next meeting will be held on April 20, 2015at 2:00 p.m.