Poetry Summative

For this summative, you will be working with a partner that I will pair you with. This means that both of you are responsible for the project, and should participate EQUALLY! After you have completed the required tasks, you will have the opportunity to rate your partner. I expect you to be completely honest; however, I also understand the pressure some of you may feel having to do this. If you are working w/ someone who isn’t fulfilling their responsibilities, please let me know immediately. If you’re unable to tell me in class, send me an email. Those who do the work are the ones that WILL receive the credit, so I suggest everyone participate equally!

For this assessment, you will be using Voicethread. In order to use this program, you will have to create an account, and this will require you to use an email address. This weekend, I would like for you (after getting permission from your parents) to create your account and watch tutorials (videos that Voicethread has in order to show you how to use the program. I have posted the video on the homework page (on both A day and B day). Just Google “how to create Voicethreads free.” This means that in our next class, you should be prepared to begin the summative! If you have not set up your account and made yourself familiar with the program, you will lose at least 1 point (if you got an 8 on the assignment, you would now have a 7 or less) on your summative grade. Please keep in mind that all of these programs offer a “free” option, which is the one I suggest you use. Some programs have options that cost money to use, and there is no need to purchase these. What you will be required to do can be completely fulfilled by using the free option.


  1. You will be “interviewing” a Hispanic poet/author. This means that you will need to come up with at least 8 questions that will provide those who view your Voicethread w/ a clear understanding of who this author is, where they’re from, why they began writing poetry, etc. One person can ask the questions, and the other can answer them (pretending to be the author). The Voicethread should include pictures of the author, as well as be able to hear the interview. It should also include one of the author’s poems where you will identify all the figurative language the poem has.
  2. Create a critique of Under the Mesquite. The critique should discuss what it’s about, who the main characters are, and why you would or wouldn’t suggest that someone read the book.
  1. You will write a poem based on the book, Under the Mesquite. The poem can be written in free verse, as a ballad, couplet, or whatever type of poetry you choose. But most importantly, it should reflect the main idea and theme of Under the Mesquite. Your poem should include at least 1 simile, 1 metaphor, and 1 personification. You should also determine the rhyme scheme.

All 3 parts should be included in the same Voicethread!

Digital Storytelling : Under the Mesquite Summative
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY / 7-8 / 5-6 / 3-4 / 1-2
Interview / Creates an interview of a Hispanic author that asks at least 8 high quality and meaningful questions. The questions are answered correctly, showing that the students properly researched the author. There is also a poem written by the author and any figurative language is identified. / Creates an interview of a Hispanic author that asks at least 7 high quality and meaningful questions. The questions are answered correctly, showing that the students properly researched the author. There is also a poem by the author that and most of the figurative language is identified. / Creates an interview of a Hispanic author that asks a few questions, however, most are not high quality. The questions are answered, but several aren't answered correctly. A poem by the author is included, but no figurative language is identified. / The questions asked are not important, and did not require much effort. Many of the answers provided were incorrect. A poem by the author is not included.
Critique / The Voicethread gives a thorough critique of the novel. The critique provides a detailed description of why or why not the student would recommend the book, and includes many examples to support their stance. / The Voicethread gives a thorough critique of the novel. The critique provides a rather detailed description of why or why not the student would recommend the book, and includes a couple examples to support their stance. / The Voicethread includes a critique, however, it only provides a limited description of why or why not the student would recommend the book. Little to no examples were given to support the student's stance. / The Voicethread includes a very brief critique of the novel. It does not provide an explanation of why the student does or doesn't recommend the book.
Poem / The Voicethread includes a creative poem written by the student that clearly addresses the correct main idea and theme of the novel. The required simile, metaphor, and personification are all included, as well. / The Voicethread includes a poem written by the student that addresses the correct main idea and theme of the novel. The required simile, metaphor, and personification are all included, as well. / The Voicethread includes a poem written by student, but the main idea and theme is not correctly addressed. The poem also does not include all of the required figurative language. / The Voicethread does not include a poem written by the student.
Voice - Consistency / Voice quality is clear and consistently audible throughout the presentation. / Voice quality is clear and consistently audible throughout the majority (85-95%) of the presentation. / Voice quality is clear and consistently audible through some (70-84%)of the presentation. / Voice quality needs more attention.