March 1, 2013
RFQ #3684DB Roofing and Building Envelope Consultant Services
Addendum#1 forRFQ #3684DB Roofing and Building Envelope Consultant Serviceshasbeenissued to provide answers to questions received. The answers arein red italicfontand underlined. Thisaddendumis currentlypostedonourwebsiteasaMicrosoftWordand aPDF formatdocument. To download thedocument,goto Linkssection. OnceontheBidOpportunitiespagescrolldownthetabletotheRFQtitleand clickforalistofallthecurrentinformationanddocumentspublishedforthisRFQ.Please contact Diane Bennett at or 352-253-6766 if you have difficulties downloadingor needfurtherassistance.
A. The professional shall provide a licensed Architect and shall perform Roofing and Building Envelope Consultant services for the SCHOOL BOARD, on an as-needed basis.” Can a professional engineer qualify in lieu of an architect?No
- Are there any current or previous contract holders and if so, who are they?Yes, the previous contract information may be viewed on the Procurement website at:
- We provide Roof and Building Envelope Evaluation Services under CCNA for other Municipalities. We employ a Registered Roof Observer, ASHE Certified Healthcare Constructor, Civil Engineer, Licensed Electrician, Certified Mechanical Systems Coordinator and Certified Building Inspectors in this Division in house. Can the Applicant Firm use a Licensed Architect as a Key Subconsultant to respond to this RFQ?No
- Is there any reason that an engineering firm meeting the same criteria as an architectural firm as they relate to this contract and licensed in the State of Florida cannot compete for this contract?No, as long as the engineering firm has a licensed Architect on staff that will be providing the services required in this RFQ.
- With regards to RFQ #3684DB for Roofing and Building Envelope Consultant Services, can you clarify Item 3.2 “Proposal Content and Submittal”? It states that “Proposals shall be submitted in electronic format, formatted in either Microsoft Word, or Adobe PDF” as one file.”
- Do we submit only 1 CD (or electronic media)?Yes.
- No need to submit printed copy(ies) of the proposal?Correct, we did not request paper copies for this RFQ. Therefore make sure your electronic media contains all the information requested in the requested format.
- Should items J(resumes) and K(project experience) be provided additionally in our own format or only as part of the SF300(item I)?If all of the information requested in items J and K is included in your item I submittal, you do not need to submit additional information.
- Is it possible to receive Minority firm status through teaming with minority sub-consultants?
No, the submitting firm must be a State of Florida certified minority vendor to receive minority status in this RFQ process.
- Change to evaluation portion of schedule as follows:
Evaluation of Proposals and Short-Listing...... March 21April 4, 2013
Please note that the opening date has not been changed. All proposals are due in the Purchasing Department, 29529 County Road 561, Tavares, Florida 32778 by no later than 2:00 PM, local time, on Monday, March 11, 2013.
Acknowledgement of Addendum by Vendor:
This addendum shall be completed by Vendor and returned with the Proposal Package. If a Proposal package has already been submitted, this addendum must be submitted to the above address in a sealed envelope, which is marked on the outside: Addendum to RFQ #3684DB Roofing and Building Envelope Consultant.
This is to acknowledge receipt of this addendum, which will become a part of the proposal document. This addendum must be signed and returned in order for your proposal to be considered.
Company Name
Name (Typed or Printed)Title
“Equal Opportunity in Education and Employment”