Chief’s Corner
February 16, 2005
We would like to offer our congratulations to Amanda Cirillo and Allison Maxfield the winners of the Circle K raffle for the parking permits. The Circle K raised $600 for the Tsunami Relief as a result of the raffle and we congratulate them for the tireless efforts to support such a worthy cause.
The members of the Student Senate have done it again! What a great coordination and display of school spirit at the bonfire on February 15, 2005 in support of our basketball teams. Nearly 300 students came to bonfire rally and a good time was had by all. The weather was outstanding, nearly 50 degrees, the bonfire was awesome, the DJ excellent, the cheerleaders great as usual and a good time was had by all. It could not have been accomplished without a lot of help from others including Dennis Lepore, Plant Management staff, the State Fire Marshall’s Office, the State Forestry Service and our extremely capable Pomona Fire Company. Special thanks to the organizers from the Student Senate. Your leadership in supporting the college and its members is very appreciated by this Department.
We have begun strictly enforcing the residential parking regulations and over 200 citations have been issued to date. Those that are persistent violators will receive a notice of the fine they owe with a description on how to pay it. We continue to ask for your cooperation in this matter. The shuttle has been operational for several weeks and there should be no reason why a student needs to take their vehicle from the residential areas to the commuter parking lots during the day. Our commuter students drive to school and need the parking spaces as they have no other option. Please be considerate of your fellow students and comply with the regulations. The only parking permits that are valid are the ones issued since September, 2004 and they are either orange or green in color. If you have an old white one, it is not valid. If you still have a question regarding parking regulations, you can visit our web site parking page. There is a frequently asked questions (FAQ) link on that page that should answer most of your questions.
We continue to ask for your assistance as safety is everyone’s business. So please report any safety or security concern to us at X4390 or dial 911 in an emergency.