The 4 Way Forum

March 12, 2013

Volume 7 Number 34

Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Presider:Ed McGeehan

Invocation:Michele Weiss

Guests: Bill Weik

Doug Price

Jim Godfrey

Barbara Fisher, speaker

Students of the Month:

Drew Skundrich

Amy, Chris, and Jake Skundrich

Dixie Young

Dave Young

Happy Bucks:

Bill Hager:Celebrated his new glasses with a dollar

Jim Godfrey:Grandchild? Sorry, the reporter missed it.

Brenda Becker: $1 because she is heartened to see the HHS students here today. It’s why she does what she does! And $1 for calling off school for a no-snow day.

Michele Weiss: $1Granddaughter took 2nd at a cheerleading completion, $1 Grandson finished with Annie.

Dan Forrey: The guidance department is hosting a career fair for all 10th graders on April 19th from 8 to 9:45 am. If you are interested, please see the attached flier.

Fran Haldeman: Sad to see the haunted house torn down at the corner of Centerville Road and Marietta Pike. She claims she never played beer pong there.

Right and Below: The house where Fran never played Beer Pong


Shop for a Cause in Full Swing.

Looking good, but need more sponsors. At this point, everything is a “go”.

The Rotary Club of Lancaster South is having their Annual magic show on April 6, 7pm. Go to their facebook page here to Like and Share the post to help them get the word out.

The Lancaster-Lebanon chapter of the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials (PASBO) created the Joseph Kurjiaka Memorial Scholarship Fund in memory of one of its members who passed away unexpectedly at the age of 47. Joe was a member and past president of the Rotary Club of Lancaster Hempfield.

PASBO is sponsoring the Joseph Kurjiaka Memorial Golf Outing at Crossgates Golf Club on Friday May 17.

The brochure to sign up is here.

EREY – Every Rotarian is asked Every Year to make a $100 contribution to the Rotary Foundation. Our Rotary year runs from 7/2012 to 6/2013. If you have NOT made your contribution, make it now. Ed Jeager can take your check (if he ever gets back from California), or make it online at

our club # is 5348

district # 7390

Are you a young professional looking for an opportunity to travel to Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina on an expense paid 4-week tour to study the local culture and to enhance your vocational skills? Consider Rotary Group Study Exchange (“GSE”). Here is the Brochure.

Rotary District 7390 is looking for potential team members for our upcoming Group Study Exchange with Rotary District 4855 in May, 2014.

District 4855 encompasses the metropolitan region west of the Federal Capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires called Greater Buenos Aires. The district extends approximately 100 kilometers west and southwest into a very rich agricultural region of Argentina. Argentina, located in the southern portion of South America, is the second largest country in South America and the eighth largest in the world.

Team members will stay with Rotary families and visit the Capitol city and surrounding metropolitan area as well as towns and cities in the countryside. The team will depart the US on Friday May 2, 2014 and return home on Sunday, June 1st.

Deadline for submitting Team Member applications – October 15, 2013.

Students of the Month

Dixie Young

Introduced by Jim Eshleman

  • Junior at Hempfield HS
  • Creative Writing is favorite class
  • National Art Honor Society
  • Has taken college Art courses at PCAD
  • During middle school made honor society every semester
  • Actively volunteers at her church’s fundraisers
  • Loves building ideas through writing and sketching
  • Next year going to CTC, would love to become an animator!

Drew Skundrich

Introduced by Paul Heimer

Soccer soccer soccer and more soccer

Co Captain of his PA Classics away soccer team

Helps run clinics and coach young kids

Wants to attend a division II college and play soccer

Stanford made him an offer!


Barbara Fisher

Student at Hempfield

Presented her Four Way Speech Contest Speech to the club.

Barbara Fisher took on the challenging subject of war, and what we can learn from reflecting on war through the lens of the Four Way Test.

She noted that in this country we have become “Masters of War”. Some times do call for war.

But people on this earth are all one family. What if you are on the other side in a war? How is killing each other fair to all concerned? How does it build goodwill and better friendships? How is it beneficial to all concerned?

Barbara Fisher concluded that these are not easy answers, but that we must end war before war ends us.

Cheers for Barbara!

Member Advertisement:

(Your free ad can go here – email it to me at . If I don’t have a compromising photo of a club member for this section, I’ll put in a club member’s advertisement.)

The Girls of Rotary were out on the town last week, prowling for new members at Hayden Zugs. Did they catch one?

In their unofficial Board Meeting, did they make any plans and decisions for the future of the club? I guess only that guy on the right knows for sure.

The End
