EXPENG 5622:BlastingDesignandTechnology

Asa subsequent course toEXP 6512, thisclassoffersadvanced blastingtechniques.Studentswillparticipatein intensive blast design exercise andapplycurrent technologyandindustrytechniques.


CatalogDescription:(LEC 2.0 andLAB1.0)Advanced theoryandapplication of explosives in excavation; detailed undergroundblast design; specialized blastingincludingblast casting,construction andpre-splitting. An introduction to blastingresearchand examination of field applications. Prerequisite: ExpEng5612.Students must be at least 21 years of age.Successful background check.


The course outline for Explosives/Mining 5622 (old Exp350) has been separated into 9 sections. A tentative outline for the lecture series is shown below to act as a guide to future lectures given as part of this course. You will be notified of what lectures will be given each week via the Course Announcements section in Blackboard. The lectures themselves will be placed in the Course Documents section of Blackboard.
1 Introduction
Introduction to the course and brief overview of the basic principles of blasting.
1.1 Introduction
2 Trends
Outlines the current trends in today's mining industry for the following topics.
2.1 Explosives
2.2 Initiation
2.3 Drilling
2.4 Loading
3 Underground Heading Design
Summarizes the different techniques used in advancing headings, incorporating drilling, blasting and charging design.
3.0 UG Heading Design Introduction

3.1 Heading Design Introduction

3.2 Burn Cuts

3.3 V Cuts & Fan Cuts

3.4 Main Round Design

3.5 Example Problem

3.6 Modern Main Round Design

3.7 Burn Cut Design using Modern Explosives

3.8 Alternate Modern V Cut Design
4 Underground Specialist Blasting
Outlines the specific blasting needs for specialized underground mining techniques.
4.1 Vertical Crater Retreat
4.2 Blind Raise Drilling
4.3 Mass Blasting
5 Environmental Factors
Looks at methods of monitoring and predicting the behavior of the surrounding environment when blasting.
5.1 Blasting Vibration & Fumes
5.2 Effect of Geology
5.3 Perimeter Control
5.4 Environmental Control
6 Fragmentation and Oversize Control
Creates an understanding of rock breakage and how to control the resulting rock size
6.1 Fragmentation
6.2 Oversize Control
7 Surface Blasting
Deals with issues that are specific to blasting above ground such as surface mining and civil engineering.
7.1 Advanced Blast Design
7.2 Powder Factor
7.3 Optimizing Shots
7.4 Sinking Cuts
7.5 Blast Casting
7.6 Angle Drilling
7.7 Construction
7.8 Close in Construction Blasting
8 Performance Monitoring and Troubleshooting
Shows how to monitor, identify then resolve any issues that may be shown in a blast.
8.1 Blast Monitoring Technology
8.2 Troubleshooting
8.3 Decking
9 Bulk Systems
Gives a description of bulk loading systems, how they are designed and some history. Presentations given by Tread Corporation the leaders in bulk truck delivery systems.

9.0 Introduction

9.1 The Evolution in Bulk Delivery Systems
9.2 Capacity and loading
9.3 Bulk truck selection

Lab Videos

Dead Pressing

Sympathetic Detonation

Underground Ramp Shot