
To register your clubs interest in Club Mark/British Canoeing Quality Mark complete the registration formwhich can be found on the main page.

Submissions should be made every 3 years on or around your annual affiliation date by arrangement with your Regional Canoeing Development Officer (CDO).

Club Development plans should cover a 3 year period. In addition to this each year you will be asked to provide British Canoeing with your priorities for the next 12 months. Only 3 – 4 priorities/actions are requested. This is so British Canoeing can offer support to your club in areas which make the most impact. This information will be used by British Canoeing to support your club in areas for development such as coaching, facilities, events, equipment, management etc

Information required

There are 4 different sections which identify different areas of club activity or management. They comprise 12 areas where evidence or information

is required. The criteria for each of these 12 areas relates to all types of club, junior, senior, competitive or recreational.

Many areas are suited to the submission of information by URL links or attachments. However information/evidence can also be submitted by describing how your club works and by giving examples of how you manage certain situations or issues.

Assessment Method

Your Regional Canoeing Development Officer needs to review and approve your application. British Canoeing will accept different submission and assessment methods to suit the way your club operates and holds its information. To determine the best method for your club to provide evidence and meet the criteria, contact your CDO. Contact details can be found here.

Activity Programme/Quality of delivery

Criteria / Examples of evidence / Support available
  • Run regular weekly club sessions through the year
  • Identify how the club engages and trains new participants to the sport and how it helps people stay in the sport
  • Provide a varied programme of activities and coaching.
/ * Weekly programme of training/coaching activities.
* Regular sessions or courses/events for new participants or beginners.
* Annual club calendar/development plan
The club provides a pathway which offers a logical progression for personal advancement and achievement.
Long term paddler development is planned to offer the right opportunities at the right time.
and /or
The club offers development pathways for talented athletes or those with potential. / *Weekly or annual activities planned that demonstrate how individuals can progress.
*Evidence of how individuals who show potential are identified and supported.
* Examples of development pathways.
* Evidence of communication with parents, where appropriate.
Activity programmes are organised / led by suitably competent/qualified leaders or “updated” coaches for the activity undertaken.
The Club ensures all coaches understand their roles and responsibilities.
The club should demonstrate the delivery of a quality programme which reflects its potential and the level of expertise/qualification in its coaches and leaders
Clubs must have as a minimum a level 2 coach active within the club.
The club demonstrates ongoing commitment to recruit, train and develop coaches. / *Records of coaches / leaders / instructors and their relevant qualifications.
* Coach roles outlined/code of conduct
* Codes of conduct for officials and volunteers
* Details of achievements and activities in your chosen areas of the sport e.g. coaches qualified, performance/ results in competition, level and variety of club trips undertaken, grade of water paddled, events attended etc
*Evidence of the training and development of coaches and volunteers. / Coach Remits and Ratio’s
Club Code of Conduct

Welfare and Equity

Criteria / Examples of evidence / Support available
The club has necessary policies in place for the safeguarding, welfare and fair treatment of members and participants.
To include an Equity Policy and Safeguarding Policy.
The club complies with statutory and British Canoeing regulations and guidance on Safeguarding and Equity.
The club complies with statutory and NGB Disclosure requirements. /
  • Safeguarding Policy.
  • Equity Policy.
  • Appointment of a designated Welfare Officer with a clear role description.
  • Procedures for the recruitment, training and deployment of volunteers and employees.
  • List of those who have completed a Disclosure check, their role and renewal date.
/ British Canoeing Safeguarding Policies, Guidance and Templates can be found on the British Canoeing website.
Club Welfare Officer role description
Disclosure and Barring Service Requirements
Club members, volunteers and coaches have completed appropriate safeguarding training for their role including the designated Welfare Officer.
The Welfare Officer has completed a recognised Safeguarding and Protecting Children workshop and attended a Time to Listen workshop. /
  • Copies of certificates.
  • List of those who have completed Safeguarding training including course name and date attended.
  • Safeguarding reporting procedures linked to NGB.
/ Details of training and disclosure requirements can be found on guidance document G21.
Safeguarding training information
The Club ensures that all activities take place in a safe environment
Club coaches, volunteers and welfare officers are made aware of safeguarding responsibilities, policies and procedures. /
  • Accident/incident report form.
  • Welfare Officer contact details made widely available
  • Procedures for dealing with accidents/ injuries.
  • Evidence of how the club collects and safely stores all membership/participant registration details e.g. consent forms, medical details etc.
  • Evidence of how the club follows guidance regarding photography, events, travel etc
  • Examples of the actions taken to ensure members aresafe?
/ Paddlesport Consent Form

Promotion and engagement with your community

Criteria / Examples of evidence / Support available
The Club engages with its current members and volunteers.
Your club creates an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere for existing and potential members
The club has a competent system in place for receiving and responding to enquiries about the club. /  Systems or structures for collecting and acting on member satisfaction and feedback.
Club Inclusion/Equity policy. This must be communicated to all coaches, volunteers and club officials
 Welcome pack/Membership Pack/handbook
How the club welcomes and encourages new members from all sections of the community
 New members can be involved in volunteering and the running of the club
The club have a system to recognise the contribution of volunteers.
 The club has an appointed person or system for new member enquires.
The club has a system for managing waiting lists /

The Club demonstrates an awareness of its current membership and understanding of its local community.
The club proactively encourages new members and uses appropriate methods of communication to engage different groups or audiences.
Demonstrates what methods it uses to promote itself in the community. /  Awareness of your club age profile, male/female membership, maintains an annual record of the number of members.etc
 Can identify the groups it needs to attract as members and how to engage them e.g. young people etc
 Partnerships with local organisations, colleges, schools etc.
 Communications – newsletters, website, advertising, social media, etc.
 Recruitment activities.
 Statistics - number of new members /

Club Management

Criteria / Examples of evidence / Support available
The clubs premises are insured.
Where premises are owned, leased, shared or rented appropriate insurance should be in place.
NB. Your clubs British Canoeing insurance covers your activities, members and officials but excludes premises insurance. / Valid building insurance certificate.
If you own your premises you should have a separate policy for this.
If you lease, share or rent premises then the landlord/premises owner may provide such cover. / Perkins Slade insurance enquiries

Officials, volunteers, members and parents understand their roles and responsibilities within the Club and what is expected of them.
Clear standards and expectations of all, via codes of conduct /  Role of officials are clearly specified and key officers/roles are communicated to members
 Codes of conduct are communicated to all members / Club Governance and Roles
Code of Conduct – Parents
Club shows different classification of membership through a structured and appropriate pricing policy.
The Club has a specific membership category and pricing policy for children and young people where relevant /  Pricing policy.
 Membership forms.
 Publicity.
 Concessionary rates.
The club is proactive about development through structured forward planning
Aims to improve the quality of activities and improve the sustainability of the club. / * Club 3 year development plan.
* Partnership arrangements with community/youth groups.
*Succession planning in key roles.
*Aware and responds to safeguarding requirements
* Engagement in Club Matters mentoring scheme
*Output from Club Matters Club Improvement Tool. / Sport England – Club Development Plan
Sport England – Workshops and Mentoring
Sport England – Club Improvement Tool