April 4, 2013

A regularmeeting of the Coffee County Board of Education was held on April4, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board of Education Office, Elba, Alabama.


Joseph Arnold, Mike Bailey, Jimmy Clark, Danny Jernigan, Shag LaPrade, Rubin McKinnon, Galen McWaters, and Don McPherson, Superintendent




Terry Weeks, Carol Mooney, and Donna Hataway


Linda Hodge (reporter,The Elba Clipper), Jason Johnson (reporter, Southeast Sun), and Carol Brand (reporter, Enterprise Ledger)


Mr.Arnold called the meeting to order. Mr. McWatersopened the meeting with prayer and Mr. McKinnon led the pledge.


Mr. LaPrade made a motion to amend the agenda. Mr. McKinnon made a motion to adopt the agenda as presented and a second was made by Mr. Clark. In discussion, Mr. LaPrade stated he wished to defeat the motion and stated he had requested items be added to the agenda under New Business. He further commented that our policy states that board members are able to put things on the agenda, but it seems some members may add items and some may not.

Mr. Arnold asked for a vote on Mr. McKinnon’s motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Voting in favor of this motion was Mr. McKinnon, Mr. Jernigan, Mr. Clark, and Mr. Bailey. Opposing the motion was Mr. LaPrade and Mr. McWaters. Mr. Arnold abstained from voting. The motion to adopt the agenda as presented passed with a 4 to 2 vote.


The March7, 2013minutes were presented for approval. Mr. Jerniganmoved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr.McKinnon made a second to this move and it passed unanimously.


The February 2013 financial statement was provided to board members. Mr. LaPrade stated he had attended a conference regarding financial accountabilityand we need to look at our board policy. Mr. Arnold interrupted Mr. LaPrade and stated this is not the time for discussion, but if he would put his concern in writing, he would look at it and put it on the agenda.


Dr. McPherson requested permission to bid propane gas, bread and bakery products, and milk for the 2013-2014 school year. Mr. Clark moved to grant this request. Mr. Bailey made a second and it passed unanimously.


Dr. McPherson stated that he knew the board was split on hiring a board attorney and that’s the reason for the discussion and consideration of board policy changes; to talk about the pros and cons. Mr. Arnold opened the floor for discussion of this matter.

Mr. LaPrade stated he had talked with Sally Howell (AASB) and if we don’t hire an attorney, we would be the only board of education in the state that would not have an attorney. He further stated that if we only wanted to hire an attorney when we had an issue, we would have to call a special meeting to hire an attorney for each legal matter. He expressed his desire to interview and retain a board attorney and said he had talked to some local attorneys about the matter.

Mr. McKinnon asked when the board selected Mr. LaPrade to interview attorneys for the board; that it was not his duty. Mr. LaPrade responded he was gathering information to present to the board, but if an attorney is hired, it will be the board’s attorney and not the CEO’s attorney. He re-stated that he has not interviewed anyone, but was only gathering information.

After much discussion in this regard, Mr. LaPrade made a motion to look at hiring an attorney to represent the board, subject to board interviewing and approval. Mr. McKinnon stated that this agenda item is for discussion only. Mr. LaPrade stated that our policy says we will follow Robert’s Rules of Order and his motion is in order. Mr. Jernigan interjected that policy also says board members will have time to discuss issues and make decisions. Mr. Clark asked if this matter may be tabled and discussed at a work session. Mr. Arnold stated that a second to Mr. LaPrade’s motion is needed before an item can be tabled. Mr. McWaters made a second to Mr. LaPrade’s motion to look at hiring an attorney to represent the board. Mr. Jernigan stated that agenda item six is Discussion of Board Attorneyand surpasses agenda item two Adoption of Agenda. Mr. Arnold called for a vote on Mr. LaPrade’s motion. Voting in favor were Mr. LaPrade, Mr. McWaters, and Mr. Arnold (Mr. Arnold noted that he voted in favor of this motion due to the fact that our board policy states we shall retain an attorney). Voting in opposition to Mr. LaPrade’s motion were Mr. Clark, Mr. McKinnon, Mr. Bailey, and Mr. Jernigan. The motion died with a 3 to 4 vote.


Dr. McPherson informed members that he had spoken to the school board association and received a copy of a sample policy for consideration that states, “The Board shall have the right to retain and utilize legal counsel to represent its interests. The services of said counsel may be secured without competitive bids.”

Mr. LaPrade stated the board sets policy and the CEO is charged with carrying out that policy. He further stated this isn’t something we do because the CEO wants it. Dr. McPherson responded that this item is on the agenda so members have the opportunity to consider policy changes. He further stated he wasn’t trying to dictate policy and was only providing a sample because he knew the board was fractured on the issue.

Mr. Arnold asked Dr. McPherson to mail both the sample policy and the Board’s policy regarding hiring an attorney and to place this item on the agenda for next month.


Dr. McPherson requested out-of-state travel to Washington, D.C. to attend the National Association of Federal Education Program Administrators (NAFEPA) Conference on April 14-17, 2013. Dr. McPherson currently serves as the President of the Alabama Association of Federal Education Program Administrators. Mr. LaPrade moved to grant this request for out-of-state travel. A second was made by Mr. Clark and passed unanimously.


No executive session was held.


Dr. McPhersonpresented the following written personnel recommendations:


  1. Grant leave under the Family Medical Leave Act for Lori Martin, library media specialist at New Brockton High School. Mrs. Martin has requested leave without pay for a period of six weeks for maternity purposes beginning the first workday of the 2013-2014 school year.
  1. Accept the retirement of Annette Caylor, regular education/special education teacher at Kinston School, effective May 24, 2013.
  1. Accept the retirement of Catherine Sawyer, elementary education/special education teacher at New Brockton Elementary School, effective May 24, 2013.
  1. Accept the retirement of Bridget Mock, kindergarten teacher at New Brockton Elementary School, effective May 24, 2013.



A motion was made by Mr. Clark to approve Dr. McPherson’s personnel recommendations. A second was made by Mr. Bailey and passed unanimously.


Mr. Jernigan stated he appreciates the efforts everyone puts forward.

Mr. Bailey congratulated Kinston and Zion Chapel FFA teams for their winnings today.


Work session on April 22, 2013 – A work session will be held on April 22, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the following matters: district accreditation, 2013-2014 school calendar, diploma options, board attorney (if wish to discuss), etc.

Kinston Field House – Bids for this project should go out next week.

Upgrading technology infrastructure – Work is being done to update the system’s technology infrastructure with a goal of being wireless. Access points and switches are being upgraded.

Safety – We are adding a camera system at NBES and adding to existing camera systems at the other schools to upgrade school safety.

Community Involvement–At a special meeting held on March 26, 2013, community involvement was mentioned. Dr. McPherson stated he had eleven pages of information regarding parental involvement throughout our school system. The information will be included in board members’ packets at the next meeting.

FFA Competitions – Zion Chapel’s FFA won first place in Parliamentary Procedures, Safe Tractor Driving, and Quartet in the South District contests held today. Ashlyn Bentley had the highest individual score in Parliamentary Procedures. Kyle Kelley placed third in Extemporaneous speaking. Zion Chapel’s Scrapbook Team placed fourth in their competition. These teams will compete at the state level in June.

Kinston’s Forestry Team placed third in today’s competition and will compete at the state level in June. Jamison Bailey, an eighth grader, had the fourth highest score in Small Engines.

Congratulations were extended to Scott Hendricks and Dennis Busby, Zion Chapel and Kinston FFA Advisors.

AASB Webinars – Two webinars are available for board members to assist with needed hours of credit: Boosters Gone Wildto be held on April 18 at 11:30 a.m. and Students First Primerto be held on May 2 at 11:30 a.m. Members who wish to participate should let Donna know so she can register each person for the session(s).

State Ethics Commission Filing – Members were reminded of the April 30 deadline for filing their Statement of Economic Interests form.


The next regular meeting will be held on May2, 2013, at 5:30 p.m.


Mr. Clarkmoved to adjourn this meeting of the Coffee County Board of Education. Mr.McKinnonmade a second to this move and it passed unanimously.

Approved this ______day of ______, 2013.


Attest______Secretary Ex-officio.