Name: ……………………………………………………. DOB: …………….…..
NHS Number/ID: ………………………………..……………………..…………..….. /
This plan should be implemented alongside a risk management plan. The two plans will proactively and reactively manage risk and support the reduction of restrictions. Restrictions include any intervention (environmental, physical, relational, psychological or pharmacological) that prevent a person in your care from pursing free action.
This plan should be developed with support from a clinician with behavioural expertise following an assessment and functional analysis of the problem behaviour. All staff implementing this plan should be supported via appropriate levels of training and supervision.
Date of plan: / Last review of plan: / Named nurse/manager:
Part A: Background
1. Who
/ Name: ………………………………………………………………...……………
Date of Birth: …………………………………………………………………..…
Address: …………………..………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………………………………… / Personal details
2. Where
/ ………………………………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………………………………… / Place where the plan is to be used.
3. Background
/ ………………………………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………………………………… / Pen picture of the person.
Background information & description of the person’s baseline state.
How they are when they are not escalated?
4. How do we get it right?
/ What do we need to get right from beginning?
……………………………………………………………………………………… / What do we need to get right to support this person so that they do not need to use this behaviour?
How do they like to be supported?
What are their communication preferences?
What do they like to do?
Who do they like to spend time with?
Part B: Assessment of Behaviour
5. What
/ What is the behaviour that places the person or others at risk?
……………………………………………………………………………………… / Describe the behaviour.
Include risk to self and others and behaviours that risk the person being denied access to everyday community living.
6. When
/ Activities: …………………………………………………………………………
Places: …………………………………………………………………………
Other people: ……………………………………………………………………
Times of Day: …………………………………………………………………… / When does the behaviour tend to happen?
Are there triggers in terms of:
· activities
· places
· other people
· times of day
Use information from your assessment.
7. Why
/ Why does the person behave in this way?
What are the triggers & consequences? ………………………………………………………………………………………
What functions (e.g., attention, escape, sensory, access to an object, expression of an internal state) does the behaviour serve for the person?
……………………………………………………………………………………… / What are the reasons that these behaviours are displayed by this person?
What do we know about the person’s history that could explain these behaviours?
What are their preferences, needs and motivations that help to explain the behaviours?
Work with a Behavioural Nurse or Clinical Psychologist to complete:
Behavioural problem monitoring looking at behaviour type, frequency, intensity & duration.
Antecedent – Behaviour – Consequence (ABC) recording.
Weekly time and day scatter plots.
Analysis of environmental mediators.
Analysis of the function and motivation driving behaviour.
Part C: Restrictions
8. Restrictions
/ What restriction are being placed upon this individual currently?
……………………………………………………………………………………… / Examples include:
Detention under MHA, seclusion, deprivation of liberty, physical restrictions, and pharmacological restrictions?
9. Reducing restrictions
/ What strategies are in place to monitor, evaluate and reduce restrictions for this person.
……………………………………………………………………………………… / How is the use of restrictions being measured?
How are restrictions being evaluated and reviewed over time?
How are we learning together with the patient and their family?
Part D: Positive Behavioural Support
10. Coping better
/ What focussed support or coping skills do they need to reduce the frequency, intensity or duration of problem behaviour?
……………………………………………………………………………………… / What can we do to support the person to cope better?
Can we teach them relaxation or anger management to help them cope?
Can we teach them alternative ways of expressing their needs?
Is there a role for medication?
11. Reinforcing the positive.
/ Outline plans to reduce negative behaviour and reinforce positive behaviour here. (Include input from Clinical Psychology/Behavioural Nurse Specialist)
……………………………………………………………………………………… / Plans that reinforce positive behaviours by:
Using prompts,
“Catching the person doing well”
Offering rewards for positive alternative behaviours
Offering rewards when periods of time have been achieved where positive behaviours have been evident.
Plans that match progress with reduced restriction and increased opportunity.
12. Positive life skills
/ What life skills or supports can we offer that will help the person enjoy a better quality of life?
……………………………………………………………………………………… / What does the person want to achieve in life?
What would a person good future look like for them?
What can we do to support the person to have fun and enjoy life?
Can we support access to opportunities that will help them build self-esteem, pleasure and mastery?
Can OT or Social Services offer support, skills training and access to new opportunities?
Part E: Risk Management
13. Early signs
/ What are the early signs that we need to respond?
……………………………………………………………………………………… / What are the early signs that something is wrong?
What does the person do? (e.g., pace, frown, scratch self etc).
14. Prevention
/ What actions should we take to keep the person and other people safe?
……………………………………………………………………………………… / If the behaviour continues, how will we keep the person and other people safe?
What primary prevention measures can we use?
What helps calm the person?
Would distraction, redirection, active listening or de-escalation strategies help?
Describe who should do this and how it should be done.
Think about what should be communicated and how this communication should be given.
Write the actions in a clear way that any member of staff could understand.
15. Reactive strategies
/ What PRN medication can be used?
What planned breakaway techniques are in use?
What reactive strategies can be used as a last resort?
……………………………………………………………………………………… / If medication is to be used include or reference a PRN/rapid tranquiliser protocol developed by nursing/medical staff. Be clear about how it is to be given and what it is aiming to achieve.
Name the breakaway techniques and the holds that are to be used.
Be clear about who is responsible for making decisions about what should be done and when.
Highlight where supporting documents regarding these techniques and those who are trained to use them can be found.
16. Escalation traffic lights
/ This section provides a summary of the escalation signature of the person.
Information from this section should be mapped onto a more detailed risk management plan.
The traffic light format (green to red) shows how the person’s behaviour becomes more risky as it escalates.
It provides a one page overview of the key behaviours in each stage.
It also provides the key supportive actions that staff can undertake to respond.
Part F: Post Incident
17. After
/ What should happen after the behaviour has stopped?
What learning can take place to improve future practice?
……………………………………………………………………………………… / How should the service user and those affected be supported after the event?
How will staff be debriefed and supported to process the emotional reaction and clinical learning post incident?
Who should be informed and what paperwork should be done?
What learning can take place?
Does this plan need updating to include new insights?
18. Inform
/ Who do you need to inform about incidents? Which colleagues, managers and professionals need to know if the behaviour has happened?
Are there any major unmanaged risks?
Who is taking responsibility for these?
DO YOU NEED TO INFORM SAFEGUARDING? / Communication is the key to sharing good practice and keeping people safe.
Who needs to know behaviour has occurred?
Have any other risks been identified that remain an ongoing worry?
Identify staff who will take responsibility to develop a plan for these risks.
Has a senior carer, nurse or manager been informed of any safeguarding issues?
Part G: Quality & Standards
19. Quality checklist
/ YES [ ] NO [ ]
YES [ ] NO [ ]
YES [ ] NO [ ]
YES [ ] NO [ ]
YES [ ] NO [ ] / 1. Does the plan clearly indicate how restrictions placed on the individual are being monitored and evaluated?
2. Is the plan reviewed with the patient and where appropriate family/carers to ensure it is working?
3. Are records being kept up to date that enable you to see if the plan is working and restrictions are being reduced safely over time?
4. If the plan is not helping or the person is facing increased restrictions is this being proactively raised with senior professionals involved in the person’s care?
5. Are there any safeguarding concerns that need to be raised regarding this plan? / Keep records and track improvement.
Meet and review care to ensure joint learning is taking place.
Refer to your policy and guidance and ensure all recording and reporting has been completed.
Part H: Consent, Capacity & Best Interest
Check the person understands the content of this plan before they are asked to sign it*.
/ I agree with the use of this planSigned Service User:…………………………..………………… Date: ………………
/ If you are not happy with this plan or do not consent to it please talk to staff.
Staff will listen to you and try and make the plan better.
If you are detained under the Mental Health Act the plan may still be used to keep other people safe.
If you are still unhappy staff will support you to talk to an advocate and use the accessible complaints procedure if needed.
Signed named nurse/manager:………………………..………… Date: ………………
Signed:……………………..………………………..……………… Date: ………………
Signed:……………………..………………………..……………… Date: ………………
Signed:……………………..………………………..……………… Date: ………………
* If the person cannot understand the plan please use MCA paperwork to record the assessment of capacity and best
interest decision making. Consider Deprivation of Liberty assessment and safeguards where appropriate.
Part I: Plan Evaluation & ReviewREVIEW 1 / Completed By: / Date:
Number of incidents since last review?
Has frequency of behaviours decreased? / YES / NO / Details here:
Has severity of behaviours decreased? / YES / NO / Details here:
Has duration of behaviours decreased? / YES / NO / Details here:
Is there a full record of each incident and the interventions used? / YES / NO / Details here:
Were interventions used effective? / YES / NO / Details here:
Have there been any changes in behaviours? / YES / NO / Details here:
Is there evidence of a reduction in restrictions? / YES / NO / Details here:
Have all reasonable measures been put in place to safeguard the well-being of the person and other people? / YES / NO / Details here:
If you have answered ‘No’ to any of the above questions please escalate your concern to a senior professional/MDT.
Are changes to this plan or the risk management plan needed? If YES please state: / YES / NO / Details here:
Responsible Person: / Date:
REVIEW 2 / Completed By: / Date:
Number of incidents since last review?
Has frequency of behaviours decreased? / YES / NO / Details here:
Has severity of behaviours decreased? / YES / NO / Details here:
Has duration of behaviours decreased? / YES / NO / Details here:
Is there a full record of each incident and the interventions used? / YES / NO / Details here:
Were interventions used effective? / YES / NO / Details here:
Have there been any changes in behaviours? / YES / NO / Details here:
Is there evidence of a reduction in restrictions? / YES / NO / Details here:
Have all reasonable measures been put in place to safeguard the well-being of the person and other people? / YES / NO / Details here:
If you have answered ‘No’ to any of the above questions please escalate your concern to a senior professional/MDT.
Are changes to this plan or the risk management plan needed? If YES please state: / YES / NO / Details here:
Responsible Person: / Date:
PPSP developed by Dr D Newman / CONFIDENTIAL