Curriculum Vitae
Shane Desselle, Ph.D., R.Ph.
Home Address
4256 Guildford Ct.
Sacramento, CA 95864
I. Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacy and Health Care Administration,
University of Louisiana Monroe (ULM), Monroe LA, December 1995
Bachelor of Science (Pharmacy), ULM, Monroe, LA, May 1990
II. Professional Work Experience
President, Applied Pharmacy Solutions. Chief officer of firm providing single-
source strategies to strengthen operations of pharmacy organizations and enhance
patient care through solutions in personnel management, financial management,
patient messaging, pharmaceutical services marketing, epidemiologic
considerations, root cause, and statistical analysis.
Dean and Professor, California Northstate University COP. Oversight of all
academic programs, development and relationship-building with all internal and
external constituents. 07/12-03/15
Associate Dean for Tulsa Programs and Chair, University of Oklahoma College
of Pharmacy, Department of Clinical and Administrative Sciences (PCAS)—Tulsa.
Work with other College administrators to ensure delivery and integrity of
academic programs on the Tulsa campus. Responsibilities include program delivery
contracting, site creation, budget, student affairs issues, external affairs, faculty
mentoring and governance, graduate programs, residency oversight. 07/09-06/12
Professor and Chair, University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy,
Department of Clinical and Administrative Sciences—Tulsa. Implement policies
established by the Dean and Executive Council. Provide guidance and mentorship
to Department faculty in teaching, scholarship, and service. Liaise with
administrators from other academic units and key stakeholders in Oklahoma.
Develop profitable programs and cultivate new faculty positions. 12/2007-07/11.
Clinical Professor and Vice-Chair, University of Oklahoma College of
Pharmacy, Dept of Pharmacy Administration. Provide guidance and mentorship to
Department faculty in teaching, scholarship, and service. 09/07- 11/07.
Director, Office of Assessment and Educational Strategies. Duquesne
University’s Mylan School of Pharmacy. Develop formative and summative
assessments of the School’s curriculum. Monitor students’ progress in the areas
of cognitive moral development, communication skills, and professionalism.
Collate data gathered from internal sources with data gathered from preceptors
and employers. 7/01-7/07.
Professor w/Tenure, Duquesne University Mylan School of Pharmacy.
Instruct courses in health care systems, health economics, and research
methods. Research in pharmacist workplace satisfaction, direct-to- consumer
prescription drug advertising, and pharmacy benefits design. 07/06-06/07.
Associate Professor w/Tenure. Duquesne University Mylan School of Pharmacy,
Assistant Professor, Duquesne University Mylan School of Pharmacy, 07/98-
Assistant Professor, Long Island University’s Arnold & Marie Schwartz
(AMS) College of Pharmacy. Instruct courses in pharmacaeutical care
systems, communication, and operations management. 1/96-6/98
Teaching Assistant, Northeast Louisiana University (NLU) School of Pharmacy. Re-design and instruct courses in community health education and over-the-counter
medications, 1/95-12/95.
Teaching Assistant, NLU School of Pharmacy, Professional practice
laboratory. Supervision of students preparing medication orders, 8/92-12/94.
Staff Pharmacist, Children's Medical Center, Dallas, TX. Intravenous
admixture, drug utilization evaluation, satellite pharmacy operation, drug
distribution, supervision of technicians, 1/92-8/92.
Staff Pharmacist, Methodist Medical Center, Dallas, TX. 11/90-1/92
Assistant Pharmacy Manager, Kroger Food and Drug, Dallas, TX.
III. Teaching
A. Courses Taught
1. Professional Degree Courses
Professional Practice Seminar
Self Care in Pharmacy Practice
American Health Care Systems
Integrated Case Studies
Health Care Economics
Social and Behavioral Aspects of Pharmacy Practice
Research Methods in Pharmacy Administration
Service-Learning Experience in Pharmacy
2. Professional Degree Courses (AMS College of Pharmacy)
Pharmaceutical Care Systems
Communication in Pharmacy Practice
Human Resources Management in Pharmacy
Pharmacy Operations Management and Policy
Community Health Education
3. Graduate Courses (Univ. of Oklahoma)
Oral/Written Presentation Skills in the Social/Admn Sciences
4. Graduate Courses (Duquesne University)
Research Methods in Pharmacy Administration
Graduate Seminar
5. Graduate Courses (AMS College of Pharmacy)
Seminar in Pharmacy Administration
Social and Behavioral Aspects of Pharmacy Practice
B. Academic Advisement
Program Coordinator, Specialty Concentration Program in Pharmacy
Management , Duquesne University, 2000-2007.
Faculty Advisor, Student chapter of the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy,
March 2000-2009
Faculty Advisor, Pharmacy Graduate Students Association, January 2005-July
Faculty Advisor, Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association-Allegheny County
Pharmacists Association Student Chapter, November 2006-July 2007.
Chair, Dissertation Committee, Gretchen Peirce
Chair, Thesis Committee, Erin R. Holmes, Danielle P. Nath, Manish S. Shah, Neel
Shah, Hemangi Parekh, Mark H. Conklin
IV. Scholarship
A. Books/Book Chapters
Desselle SP. Part Editor, Social & Behavioral Sciences Section, Remington, 22nd
Ed. Philadelphia, PA: Pharmaceutical Products Press, 2012.
Desselle SP and Zgarrick DP (eds). Pharmacy Practice Management: Essentials
for All Settings, 3rd Ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2013.
Desselle SP. Pharmacy care as a management movement. In: Desselle SP and
Zgarrick DP (eds). Pharmacy Practice Management: Essentials for All Settings,
2nd Ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2008, pp. 3-17.
Desselle SP. The pharmacist and the pharmacy profession. In: RL McCarthy,
KW Schafermeyer, and K Plake (eds.). Health Care Deliver—A Primer for
Pharmacists, 5th ed. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett, 2011.
Desselle SP and Zgarrick DP (eds). Pharmacy Practice Management: Essentials
for All Settings, 2nd Ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2008.
Desselle SP. Pharmaceutical care as a management movement. In: Desselle SP and
Zgarrick DP (eds). Pharmacy Practice Management: Essentials for All Settings,
2nd Ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2008, pp. 3-17.
Desselle SP. Performance appraisal systems. In: Desselle SP and
Zgarrick DP (eds). Pharmacy Practice Management: Essentials for All Settings,
2nd Ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2008, pp. 165-184.
Desselle SP and Zgarrick DP (eds). Pharmacy Practice Management: Essentials
for All Settings. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2004.
Desselle SP. Pharmaceutical care as a management movement. In: Desselle SP and
Zgarrick DP (eds). Pharmacy Practice Management: Essentials for All Settings
New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2008, pp. 3-18.
Desselle SP. Performance appraisal systems. In: Desselle SP and
Zgarrick DP (eds). Pharmacy Practice Management: Essentials for All Settings,
2nd Ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2008, pp. 163-181.
Desselle SP. The pharmacist and the pharmacy profession. In: RL McCarthy
and KW Schafermeyer (eds.). Health Care Delivery—A Primer for
Pharmacists, 4th ed. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers, 2007.
Desselle SP. The pharmacist and the pharmacy profession. In: RL McCarthy
and Kenneth W. Schafermeyer (eds.). Health Care Delivery—A Primer for
Pharmacists, 3rd ed. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers, 2004.
Desselle SP, Hammer DL (eds.) Getting Adjusted as a New Pharmacy Faculty
Member: Handbook for Pharmacy Educators. Binghamton, NY: Pharmaceutical
Products Press, 2002.
Desselle SP. The pharmacist and the pharmacy profession. In: RL McCarthy
and Kenneth W. Schafermeyer (eds.). Health Care Delivery—A Primer for
Pharmacists, 2nd ed. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers, 2001.
Content reviewer for NCPA Employee Manual.
B. Refereed Publications
Planas AG, Fu K, Desselle SP. A thematic analysis of physicians’ views of
participating in a research network that includes pharmacists. Under review.
Lamb MM, Desselle SP. Content analysis of diabetes apps on the iPhone:
Examination of utility, veracity, and comprehensiveness. Diabetes Educator. Under
Peirce GL, Desselle SP, Bolino M, Draugalis JR, Davis T, Spies AR.
Organizational citizenship behaviors of pharmacy faculty. International Journal
of Educational Management. Under review.
Condren ME, Desselle SP. The fate of pediatric prescriptions in community
pharmacies. Journal of Patient Safety. 2013. doi: 10.1097/PTS.0b013e3182948a7d
Davis TL, Desselle SP. Perceptions of a faculty cohort using Education Scholar
as a basis for faculty development in active learning strategies. Currents in
Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. 2013;5:394-401.
Harrington AR, Desselle SP, Apgar DA, Hesselbacher E, Pie A, Quesnel E,
Warholak TL. Pharmacy students’ opinions of direct-to-consumer advertising.
Research in Social and Administration Pharmacy. 2013;9:458-466.
Peirce GL, Desselle SP, Bolino M, Draugalis JR, Davis T, Spies AR. Identifying
psychological contract breaches in academic pharmacy using a modified Delphi
procedure. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2012;Article 112.
Holmes ER, Desselle SP. The use of speech disfluency as an indicant of paradigm
development in pharmacy’s academic subdisciplines. Research in Social and
Administrative Pharmacy. 2012; 5:311-326.
Desselle SP. Treating mentoring as a scholarly endeavor. American Journal of
Pharmaceutical Education. 2012;76:Article 108.
Desselle SP, Peirce GL. The intersection of job satisfaction and preceptor
development: Opportunities for academic pharmacy programs. American Journal
of Pharmaceutical Education. 2011;75:No.171.
Desselle SP, Peirce GL, Crabtree BL, Acosta D, Early JL, Kishi DT, Nobles-
Knight D, Webster AA. Pharmacy faculty workplace issues: Findings from the
2009-2010 COD-COF Joint Task Force on Faculty Workforce. American Journal
of Pharmaceutical Education. 2011;75:Article No. 63.
Schmitt MR, Desselle SP. Pharmacists’ perceptions of the value of certification.
Journal of Pharmacy Technology. 2010;26:340-351.
Desselle SP, Skomo ML. Factors related to pharmacists’ care of migraineurs.
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 2010; 6:232-245.
Conklin MH, Desselle SP. Factors associated with pharmacy academician work
satisfaction. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. 2010;2:20-30.
Skomo ML, Desselle SP, Shah N. Development and construct validation of the
pharmacists’ care of migraineurs scale. Headache. 2009;49:54-63.
Schmitt MR, Desselle SP. Pharmacists’ attitudes toward technician certification: a
qualitative study. Journal of Pharmacy Technology. 2009;25:79-88.
Skomo ML, Desselle SP, Shah N. Migraineurs’ perceptions of the role of
pharmacists in providing care. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 2008;
Kamal KL, Desselle SP, et al. Content analysis of FDA warning letters to
manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and biologics. Drug Information Journal.
2009.43: 385-393.
Skomo ML, Desselle SP, Berdine HJ, O’Neil CK. Impact of a pharmacist
intervention on migraineur physician-consulting behavior. Journal of the
American Pharmacists Association. 2008;48:32-37.
Conklin MH, Desselle SP. Quality of work life and productivity in pharmacy
academia. Journal of Pharmacy Teaching. 2007;14:53-78.
Conklin MH, Desselle SP. Development of a multidimensional scale to measure
work satisfaction among pharmacy faculty members. American Journal of
Pharmaceutical Education. 2007;71:Article No. 61.
Conklin MH, Desselle SP. Job turnover intentions among pharmacy academicians.
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2007;71:Article No. 62.
Naik S, Desselle SP. An evaluation of cues, inducements, and readability of
information on drug-specific websites. Journal of Pharmaceutical Marketing and
Management. 2007;17(3/4):61-81.
Desselle SP, Holmes ER. A structural model of CPhTs’ job satisfaction and career
commitment. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2007; 47:58-72.
Surratt CK, Desselle SP. Considerations in the administration and interpretation
of pharmacy student evaluations of teaching. American Journal of Pharmaceutical
Education. 2007; 71.Article no.6.
Skomo ML, Desselle SP. Factors influencing migraineur consulting behavior in a
university population. Headache. 2006; 46(5): 742-9.
Desselle SP. CPhTs’ views on medication preparation errors and their needs for
additional education and training. American Journal of Health-Systems Pharmacy.
2005; 62:1992-7.
Desselle SP, Surratt CK, Astle J, White LA, Yacovilli L, Barnhisel G, Jewell M,
Shippen H, Holmes ER. Evolution of a required service-learning course: lessons
learned and plans for the future. Journal of Pharmacy Teaching. 2005; 12:33-40.
Desselle SP. Job turnover intentions among certified pharmacy technicians. Journal
of the American Pharmacists Association. 2005; 45:676-83.
Desselle SP. Construction, implementation, and analysis of summated rating
attitude scales. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2005;
69(5):Article 97.
Desselle SP. Snapshot of U.S. certified pharmacy technicians: a nationwide quality
of worklife study. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2005; 45:
Holmes ER, Desselle SP, Nath DM, Markuss JM. Ask the pharmacist: An analysis
of online drug information services . Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2005; 39:662-7.
Miller MJ, Desselle SP. Knowledge of a managed pharmacy benefit among
employees of a large employer group. Managed Care Interface. 2005; 18(1):33-42.
Holmes ER, Desselle SP. Is scientific paradigm important for pharmacy education?
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2004;68(5):No. 118.
Surratt CK, Desselle SP. The neuroscience behind drugs of abuse: a service-
learning project. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2004;68(4):
Desselle SP, Mattei, Vanderveen RP. Identifying and weighting units of
productivity among faculty. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.
Desselle SP. Direct-to-consumer advertising and pharmacy practice. American
Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2004;68(4):No.66.
Holmes ER, Desselle SP. Evaluating the balance of informative and persuasive
content within product-specific print DTCs ads. Drug Information Journal. 2004.
Shah M, Holmes ER, Desselle SP. The use of persuasion in print DTC ads:
a content analysis of popular consumer magazines from 1995-2000. Journal
of Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management. 2003; 15(3):23-43.
Desselle SP. Consumers’ lack of awareness on issues pertaining to their prescription drug coverage. Journal of Health and Social Policy. 2003; 17(3):23-39.
Holmes ER, Tipton DJ, Desselle SP. The impact of the internet on community
pharmacy practice: a comparison of a Delphi panel’s forecast with emerging trends.
Health Marketing Quarterly. 2003; 20(2):3-29.
Holmes ER, Desselle SP. The prevalence of informational appeals in direct-to
consumer advertisements of prescription drugs among leading consumer
magazines. Journal of Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 2003; 20(4):132-141.
Desselle SP, Collins CC, Harrold MW, Kalis MM, Quattrocchi EJ. Quantitative
and qualitative assessments of consensus within pharmacy’s academic
subdisciplines. Journal of Pharmacy Teaching. 2002; 9(4):1-33.
Desselle SP, Collins CC, Harrold MW, Kalis MM, Quattrocchi, EJ. Consensus
within five academic subdisciplines of pharmacy: Progress toward
establishing their scientific paradigms. Journal of Pharmacy Teaching. 2002; 9(2): 27-46.
Desselle SP, Vaughan MA, Faria TF. Creating a performance appraisal
template for community pharmacy technicians using the method of equal-
appearing intervals. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association.
2002; 42(5):768-779.
Cheng JWM, Kalis MM, Desselle SP, Feifer S. Comparison of the effectiveness
of traditional lecturing and a patient-based approach in pharmacy students’
ability to apply revised treatment guidelines for hypertension. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 2002; 66(4):395-401.
Desselle SP. Constructing mail survey questions to maximize the rates of return
and assure the validity and reliability of responses. Journal of Managed Care
Pharmacy. 2002; 8(3):225-231.
Desselle SP. Implementing mail survey questionnaires. Journal of Managed
Care Pharmacy. 2002; 8(2):157-161.
Giannetti VJ, Desselle SP, Umezwa C. Counseling behaviors among samples of
Japanese and American pharmacists. Journal of Social and Administrative
Pharmacy. 2001; 18(6):210-218.
Desselle SP, Tipton DJ. Factors contributing to the satisfaction and
performance ability of community pharmacists: a path model analysis.
Journal of Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 2001; 18(2):15-23.
Desselle SP. Determinants of satisfaction with prescription drug plans.
American Journal of Health-Systems Pharmacy. 2001; 58(Jun 15):1110-1119.
Desselle SP. Patient satisfaction with and knowledge of their prescription drug
coverage. Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy. 2001; 7(1):34-42.
Desselle SP. Consumer preferences for pharmacy benefits design and methods to
fund a Medicare prescription drug benefit. Journal of Managed Pharmaceutical
Care. 2001; 3(1):15-36.
Harrold MW, Desselle SP. Development and assessment of an Internet-based
tutorial to supplement the teaching of medicinal chemistry within a multi-