This written policy is to inform you of company procedures, organization, and guidelines. Please read the policy thoroughly and keep a copy for your records. Bring the policy with you when you report for work, as you will review it with your manager during training. If you have any questions or need clarification ask your manager. Sign the last page and turn in only the last page with your contract. It will serve as record that you have received, read and agree to the following:


You will be scheduled for a time to start work. Please be on time and have your personal needs taken care of before you clock in. Please clock in at the beginning of your schedule and clock out if your break will be over 15 minutes long and you are not requested to stay on the clock by management. You are allowed two 15 minute paid breaks per 8-hour shift. You must take one half hour of unpaid time per day for lunch. Socializing with friends is unpaid time. When on the clock you must have your cell phone turned off or in your room.

All other time on the clock must be spent productively working. The tours, drives and shop have allotted schedules and time frames. If you are on the clock outside of those time frames for some other reason you must notify management. If you forget to clock in or out, management must initial your timecard.

At times, there will be projects such as painting, carpentry, gear repair, etc. Projects will be outlined and assigned by management. Please check with a manager before starting a project.

Tasks such as cleaning vans, organizing tour gear and keeping the premises tidy are daily routines and are part of the job. When those tasks are finished you clock out. If those tasks were completed in an unsatisfactory manner you will be called back to work on your own time.

For the first tour of the day clock in time for a guide is 45 minutes before the tour departure time with two guides and 1 hour if you are solo, absolutely no exceptions. Driver clock in time is 30 minutes prior to departure time for the Klondike Tour and 10 minutes for a Train and Bike drive. Subsequent clock in times depend on tour timing and the schedule. Check with your manager if in doubt about when to clock in.

This time allotment is established to fulfill all necessary preparation as well as to allow for any unforeseen circumstances. If you are late for a tour, you must report to the manager.


Your pay and your contract are confidential. Employee compensation within the company is based on position, experience, performance, and seniority. Employee compensation is to be held in strict confidence. Failure to do so may result in loss of benefits, privileges or even employment.

Paydays are the 5th and the 20th of each month. Payroll periods are the 1st through the 15th (paid on the 20th) and the 16th through the 31st (paid on the 5th). Your time clock report must accurately reflect the actual hours worked every day. You will not be paid for work not on the time card. If you have a discrepancy please see a manager. Management pay is salaried and not subject to wage and hour regulations. Salaried positions will be paid monthly.


The beginning of the season will comprise of a five-day mandatory training session for all new guides, mechanics and sales associates. There will be two sessions, one in May, and one in June. Returning employees will undergo refresher training on safety and revised company procedures.

Employees must attend all required training sessions as outlined in their contract, training schedule and by management. New managers will have a thirty-day training period during their first month of employment as outlined in their contract.

We will do a thorough overview of all company procedures and operations relating to your job description. You will be paid $8.00 per hour for 40 hours of training. You will need to study on your own time to pass the training exam, guide check out and mechanical aptitude test.

Employees must complete the training to the standards outlined in the manual and by management. Any employees unable to complete the training will not be permitted to work until the training can be completed to the satisfaction of management.


We will have mandatory staff meetings every week during the month of May, June and every other week or as needed during the remainder of the season. Please do not schedule other work that would conflict with the staff meeting time. Meetings will generally be held Mondays at 7:00 PM in Skagway and will last for one hour. You will be compensated $8.00 for attending meetings.

If you have a suggestion, grievance or any issue please talk to the manager and it can be addressed during the meeting or in private. If you are harassed in any way, you must notify management within 24 hours. If you cannot work or are sick, please inform your manager in a timely manner.


The second and third floors of the building in Skagway are for resident employees, tenant and staff use only. A tenant must accompany their guest at all times while in the building. See Skagway House Rules for additional housing requirements.

Company equipment such as phones, vehicles, cameras, computers, tour/rental bikes, etc, are not available for personal use. No smoking in the building or on the premises. You cannot leave dogs tied up or running loose on the premises.

The shop is not available for personal use during operating hours. During off hours it may be used with permission from the shop manager. The service area is for employees only. You must have an authorized company mechanic present while working on your bike. All tools are to be used correctly, cleaned and returned to their original place after use. Tools and parts catalogs are not to leave the service area under any circumstances.

If you need a part from stock, you must have it authorized and recorded by the mechanic on duty. It is the responsibility of the mechanic overseeing the service area to make sure the door is locked when finished. After hours shop use is for employee bikes only. Friends cannot hang out in the shop while you work on your bike.


As a contracted employee of Sockeye Cycle, you agree to make this your primary job. We expect all employees to adhere to their commitment for the entire length of your contracted employment. Please notify the employer at your second job that you may be called to work at Sockeye Cycle at any time during the season. Second jobs starting after 6pm are best.


Due to the intensity and short duration of the tourist season, it is important to note that there is not an opportunity for an extended vacation. We will try to schedule two days off each week for each employee. The manager must grant vacation time exceeding two days off in advance. All vacation requests must be submitted to the manager in writing two weeks in advance to be considered. If you have concerns about time off, please address the issue with your manager.


Safety is our top priority, both for our clients and for you. It is of paramount importance that you take this issue seriously and follow tour procedures exactly as they are written. When you show up for work, you need to have a clear head and be ready to deal with people of all ages, moods and abilities. We require that you cease consumption of alcohol at least eight hours before your scheduled work time. Failure to abide by the eight-hour rule may result in the loss of assignments for that day, a written disciplinary report in your file and loss of your bonus. You must wear a bicycle helmet while on the clock and riding a bike for work.

During the day, make sure you get some food, water and refrain from drinking any alcohol or doing any drugs, both prescription and non-prescription, that would affect your ability to think clearly. Please report the use of any prescription drugs that might cause drowsiness while operating a motor vehicle. If an emergency arises, please remain calm and follow procedures exactly. Make sure that you have all the gear with you to deal with an emergency on every tour. Check your radio prior to leaving the shop to make sure it is working and always carry a charged spare battery.

While operating a motor vehicle, you must comply with all state and federal traffic laws, as well as all requirements of the Department of Transportation regarding the operation of a commercial vehicle. It is your responsibility to carry the proper identification and paperwork with you, and to fill out the necessary vehicle maintenance logs. You must become familiar with pre and post-trip vehicle inspections.


Company policies, tour incidents, wholesale prices, and other financial information are confidential. Friends are not eligible for retail, service, or rental “Deals or Barter.” If a friend wants to go on a tour, we will try to accommodate them at no charge.

Please be honest and respectful of the business and our privacy. You can expect to be treated fairly and honestly. If for any reason you feel like you have been treated unfairly or harassed in any way please bring it to the attention of management within 24 hours of the incident.


1. Function according to your job description and follow all company procedures.

2.  Participate in the periodic evaluations done by your manager.

3.  Report to the manager or president any grievances, conflicts, incidents, or misunderstandings.

4.  Conduct yourself in a friendly, cooperative and professional manner with staff and clients.

5.  Contact your manager within 24 hours if injured while on the job. Failure to do so will disqualify you from Workman’s Compensation benefits.

6.  Do not solicit tips and honestly report all pass through money collected for the Alaska Conservation Foundation.

7.  Wear your uniform identifying yourself as a Sockeye Cycle employee while working.


In order to be fair, eliminate inequities among employees and to foster a positive work environment, penalties and corrective measures may be levied. Failure to follow procedures as outlined in the manuals or by management will result in corrective measures.

Employee evaluations will be conducted throughout the season. If your job performance is substandard, you will receive written notice and be given full opportunity to improve. Sockeye Cycle Company retains the right to terminate your employment if your job performance is deemed unsafe, unsatisfactory, or fails to improve after notification.


We are pleased to offer our staff the ability to purchase select bikes, clothing, and equipment at discounted rates. This is a privilege and a benefit for Sockeye Cycle Co. employees only. Please treat it as such. We offer pro-deal and employee purchase for the following manufactures:

-  Trek Bicycles and Accessories

-  Specialized Bicycles and Accessories

-  Quality Bicycle Products - Surly Bikes & Accessories

-  Seattle Bike Supply - Redline Bikes & Accessories

-  Patagonia clothing

- Smith Optics.

These pro-dealing and employee purchase privileges are offered to our staff members with the following criteria:

1) Three parts and accessory orders placed separately with QBP or SBS June 1, July 1, and August 1, at cost plus 15%. Individual orders cannot exceed $750. Amount will be deducted from your next paycheck after taxes are deducted. Items purchased from inventory will be charged cost plus 25%.

2) One bike order from Trek, Specialized, SBS, or QBP at employee purchase price plus all freight costs. For these bike purchases payment must be made with a personal credit card. For bikes ordered from SBS or QBP it will be cost plus 15% deducted from your paycheck.

3) Two Patagonia orders at pro-deal (50%) plus freight placed June 5th and August 5th. Personal credit card is the only method of payment.

4) One Smith Optics order, 2 pairs max, placed June 5th and July 5th., deducted from paycheck.

To be eligible for the employee purchase program you:

- Must be a FT or PT employee to qualify.

- Must have completed 30 days of employment.

- Must be an employee contracted for the season.

Violations of Employee Purchasing Privileges:

Purchasing privileges are for employees of Sockeye Cycle Co. only and not for friends or family of employees. Items purchased through our programs must be for your personal use only. Items purchased are non-refundable or eligible for resale. If you order it, you own it.

Any violation of the employee purchase program is a serious matter, and will result in loss of privileges, monetary compensation equal to the retail value of the item and may jeopardize the program for the entire staff. Please do not abuse this benefit.

Thanks for coming to work for us! We look forward to a fun and mutually beneficial season.


Thomas Ely - President

Dustin Craney – General Manager




I have received and read the Sockeye Cycle Co. Personnel Policy. I understand and will abide by all the policies and procedures as stated and described.

Printed Name: ______

Signature: ______

Witness: ______Date: _____ / ______/ ____


Records, Certificates and Contracts can be scanned and emailed to , faxed or sent to this address:

Sockeye Cycle Co. PO Box 829, Haines, AK 99827, Fax. 907-766-2851