December 5, 2016
Board Attendees: Beverly Binder Lori Balsamo, Laura Coster, Shelly Davenport, Scott Meyr, Laurie Olsen, Laura Paynic, and Sherry Uhlen
Board Members not present: Dorothy Foster and Kris Meyr
- The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm
- Secretary’s Report
- October and November 2016 minutes were approved.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Transferred $1242 from Raffle/Ads to general income, Boosters 10% of sales
- $100 from Meyrs to Concessions, make note on spread sheet that this was a sale of full box of Fannie Mae
- $2300 approximately used from some NY trip payments from student accounts
- Balance of $12,318.27 with payment due to charter company for NY Trip
- President’s Report
- Preparing for Holiday Concert this coming Thursday.
- FOFA sold more than 130 poinsettia plants – they will let us know what our students earned.
- FOFA will also let us know what our students who sold pies earned.
- Fundraising:
- Laurie Olsen was able to secure two days at Barnes & Noble at the Promenade to wrap gifts for a donation. The BalsamosKupers will work 12/20 and the Balsamos, Kupers, & Fosters will be there 12/21.
- Coffee House – Friday, January 6, 2017; 6-10PM
- Money will be split between all kids working/performing
- Performances will be limited to 2-3 minutes
- Concessions donated – Dorothy may need help getting donations
- Laura Coster will check if the event can be put on the cube
- Lori Balsamo will put together schedule with Laurie Olsen, Bev Binder, and Dorothy Foster
- These women will have a small meeting before the Coffee House Event
- Chili’s – 60-90 day fundraiser
- Start date December 15 or in January
- We will be given a code to share with our families which is good Monday thru Wednesday.
- Give the code to the server when odering – we get 15%
- A mention was made of doing a guest chef fundraiser at BD Mongolian Beef. We could possibly have a slide show going of the year’s events
- Hospitality:
- Planning of Middle School Festival, Tuesday January 10
- Pizza Hut price went up; however, they will give us the $7/pizza price
- Need to borrow orange coolers again to serve lemonade
- Need 14 volunteers throughout the event – 2 @ 2:30; 5 @ 3:30; 4 @ 5:00; 3 @ 6:30
- Would like to have someone to take pictures during the event for slide show to show kids at end of day before concert. Sherri Uhlen will talk to her daughter Enrica who has a friend in photography class.
- Volunteers:
- Sherri will line up volunteers for Middle School Festival
- Newsletter:
- Newsletter will go out tomorrow.
- SpiritWear:
- Order went in for Holy Cow. $306 in orders; profit of $41.50
- Orders have been delivered
- Yard signs were delivered
- Website:
- Please forward anything to be posted on the website to Shelly Davenport
- Choir Director’s Report:
- IMEA results come in today – 4 students made All State and 1 girl was recognized in Composition. All State is in January.
- Holiday Concert this coming Thursday.
- Field trips to feeder schools have started.
- Plugging away at preparation for NY Trip. We now have 64 students going – numbers are fluctuating due to family situations/finances.
- The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 6, 2017,at 7:00 pm
- The meeting was adjourned.