HarikshaLearningCenter for CP / MR Children

Precise reportfor the month of August 2010

Total Number Working Days of the Learning Center22Days

Weekend Holidays (Saturday & Sundays)08Days

Parents meeting01Day

Children’s Average Attendance of the LearningCenter27Children

Total Number of Children 32Children

Long Absentees03 Children

(Logeswaran blisters in the head is not cured, underwent regular treatment to avoid the contagious to other children he is not attended the learning center up to 29th of this month.

Ajai Guru consulted in various doctors in Tiruvannamalai and children hospital, Chennai for the appropriate dosage medicine for his frequent episode of epileptic convulsion, at present his problem got subsidized and under the appropriate medicaments, he came back to our learning center on 12th of August 2010.

Lakshmi’s bronchitis problem got worsen, we explained the parents, the need of the treatment with higher institution. The parents took her to Chennai Children’s Hospital and then to JIPMERHospital, Pondicherry, now she is under the treatment as an inpatient in JIPMER hospital. She is not attending our learning center from 10th of this month.

We received information on 12th August 2010 through a school teacher that a mentally retarded child aged around 12 years are laid down in the market road, beside him for there is a bundle, the bundle consist of snakes used for the roadside show. The boy is not able to communicate anything about their parents. The boy found in the streets from last night 11th August 2010, the public tried to gather information about the boy, but they are not able to collect any information and not able to communicate with him. He passes the urine and motion in the sitting posture itself.

Immediately the action taken to rehabilitate the boy, the staff Kanchana and Kamakshi rushed their and found that the boy is CP/MR, brought the boy to our LearningCenter. Our staff helps the child to take bath and make him clean and tidy. We provided the needed food to him, then we made call to the District Differently Abled Welfare Officer for the official procedure, at first he advised to keep the child with us, but we explained him that we have no residence facility, then he make arrangement with another residence home to keep the child, the DDWO informed to drop the child in the arranged residence home.

We obtain the official letter from the village president for transporting the child from Avalurpet to the arranged residence home by the Government official and we handed over him. The next day we received the authorization letter from DDWO in triplet copy, handed over one copy to village president, one copy to the Village Administrative officer and we kept one copy.

Two days after a man and women came to our learning center asking about the handed over boy. We collected the information about the family, they are from TirukovilurVillage, they have one girl and a boy, the girl is normal studying in the normal school. The boy is CP/MR they have disable ID card.

The husband and wife is making street snake show in the crowd areas. They came to MelMalayanurTemplefor the street snake show, after the show the husband drunken alcohol and conflict started, so the father took the snakes and the boy with him. In the middle he get down in Avalurpet and consumed more liquor, left the snakes and his son in Avalurpet and went somewhere. He forgotten about this issue, when he went to meet his wife in Malayanoor after two days they realize the missed the child somewhere. They went around the villages wherever they conducted the snake show. Finally they got the information in Gingee that a child handed over to a residence home by us.

The parents expressed their wish that they want to take back their child with them. We directed the parents to the DDWO office for the official procedure. As per the norms the procedure are taken place.

Consolidated News for July 2010

3rd August we obtain the forward letter from District Differently Abled Welfare Officer to the Secretariat recommending our LearningCenter for the Recognition.

7th August 2010 the regular parents meeting conducted.

17th August 2010 – Syed Irfan, 14 years, Male, S/o Amanulla brought by his paternal uncle for admission in our LearningCenter. The boy is with the complaints of Autism. The boy is from 2 km away from the child Sharmila’s village, ie., SankilikuppamVillageto pick up him the vehicle has to travel 4 kilometer per trip. The child is kept in the waiting list.

27th our Learning Center children honored Mother Theresa’s 100 year birthday by 2 minutes silent prayer.

31stAugust 2010 measurement given for the uniform stitching.

Parents Meeting

The regular parents meeting conducted on 7th August to discuss about the development / achievement of their children. The topics were discussed are 1. Climate Changes cause fever, cold, epileptic convulsion – so the parents are follow the medicines regularly advised to take medical attention immediately. 2. Gunapriya’s mother shared the information that the father is got the job transfer to Chennai, so in another month they might be discontinue from our LearningCenter.

Self Help Group Meeting

The meeting conducted on 7th August 2010 simultaneously on the same day of parents meeting. KALKI – Self Help Group members revolved the amount ` 12,000/- Poovarasan, Sharmila, Kalai – parents shared equal amount as a loan. 12th of August the amount with drawn from the bank, Poovarasan’s parents utilize the amount to reimburse the jewel loan, Sharmila’s parents utilized the amount to deepen the agriculture well, Kalai’s mother purchased a calf. The 2nd Self Help Group Bank account is opened as a joint account. The bank account is operated by the Managing Trustee and Vinitha’s Mother, the bank account opened on 23rd August 2010. Under the 2nd Group Manjula’s mother received ` 2,000/-due to her personal problem. Palani’s parents are irregular to pay the monthly subscription, with the all other members approval the previous subscription ` 880/- paid by Palani’s parents is re-imbursed. The parents all are instructed to pay the monthly subscription regularly on time.

Birthday Celebration

On 10th August 2010 Palani’s Birthday celebrated, on 16th August Kalaiselvi’s birthday celebrated with all our LearningCenter.

Medical Treatment

On 4th August 2010 Gunapriya got affected with vomiting, on 23rd got affected with fever – treated with the physician and needed medical treatment provided.

On 24th Deepak and Ranjitha treated for the complaints of Cold and Coughing.

Marudhupandi got allergy because of his food (dry fish) eating in the morning in house on 25th of August.

On 25th Manjula and Kanniammal got affected with cold treated with the appropriate medical treatment.

On 25th Poovarasan got fever the father treated with the physician.

Arjun had diarrhea on 26th the needed medical treatment provided.

Additional Support to Children & Family

To compensate the mal nutrition and in need of supplement support are Lokeswaran, Gowtham, Arjun, Manjula, Vinitha, Poovarasan, Gokul, Palani, Venda, Lakshmi, Vignesh and Parameswari are provided with supplementary health drinks (Junior Horlicks).

Kalai is provided with the special self help group monthly subscription` 110/-we are paying from our LearningCenter, the remuneration ` 200/- paid for her vocational activity, the milk support ` 250/- started from this month.

The children Gowtham and Paramenswari are supported `400/- for the medicine expenses, `250/- for the monthly milk expenses from this month.

Parents / Visitor – Visit

The parents and the visitor 28 person visited our LearningCenter in August 2010.

Local Contribution

On 4th Mr. Balakrishnan contributed Rs. 4,000/- to celebrate his daughter’s birthday on 22nd of this month.

Muneeswaran (Madha Medicals – Avalurpet) sponsored the special mid time meal on 6th of this month to celebrate his son Ramprasath birthday.

Mr. Shridhar and family contributed ` 10,000/- on 12th of August to purchase the steel cabinet to keep the children things, and toilet chairs.

On 30th August Mr. Babu sponsored the mid time meal to celebrate his son Dhaneswaran’s birthday.

On 4th August Shanthi parents Contributed ` 250/-on 6th Sharmila parents contributed ` 250/- On 27th Ranjani parents contributed ` 200/- Praveen parents contributed ` 1000/- towards the vehicle running expenses. On 20th Deepak parents contributed 10 liters of kerosene for cooking purpose.

Reported By

P. Ravi,

Managing Trustee,