UNOFFICIAL COPY AS OF 03/19/14 14 REG. SESS. 14 RS BR 2101

A RESOLUTION honoring the Montgomery County High School Mock Trial Team upon winning the 2014 state championship.

WHEREAS, the Mock Trial Program is an initiative that trains high school students to interpret facts presented in civil and criminal cases. The teams prepare a court case, and team members play the roles of attorneys, witnesses, and time-keepers. The competitions are held in actual courtrooms and evaluated by real judges and attorneys; and

WHEREAS, on March 14-16, 2014, mock trial teams from around the Commonwealth competed at Eastern Kentucky University and the Fayette County Courthouse to crown the best mock trial team in Kentucky; and

WHEREAS, the Montgomery High School Mock Trial Team won this event, capturing their fourth consecutive state title and their 13th overall. The team will now go on to represent Kentucky in the National High School Mock Trial Championship in Madison, Wisconsin, in May; and

WHEREAS, Montgomery County placed two teams in the state competition. The Red Team won the state title, but the Blue Team had a strong showing, finishing in fourth place. The Red Team went undefeated through tournament play, defeating Newport Central Catholic, Louisville DuPont Manual, Louisville Eastern, and Louisville St. Xavier. In the championship round, Montgomery County faced Ft. Thomas Highlands, taking seven of the nine judge's ballots to rightfully win the state title; and

WHEREAS, Montgomery County High School was anchored by strong individual performances in the state tournament. The Red Team's Meredith Ledford won an Outstanding Attorney Award and Seth Drake won an Outstanding Witness Award. On the Blue Team, Jenna Leach won an Outstanding Attorney Award and Summer Taylor won an Outstanding Witness Award. Andrea Tyra was selected by the judging panel as the Outstanding Attorney for the championship round, and Seth Drake was named the Outstanding Witness; and

WHEREAS, the Montgomery County High School Mock Trial Team is ably coached by Jon Mansfield, who is assisted by John "Chip" Manley. For the direction Coaches Mansfield and Manley have given this team of promising young adults, and for the extraordinary accomplishment of winning their fourth consecutive Kentucky state championship, this honorable body commends the Montgomery County High School Mock Trial Team on this day and grants them best wishes as they continue to make their school, the citizens of Montgomery County, and people from across this Commonwealth proud;


Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

âSection 1. The House of Representatives hereby congratulates the Montgomery County High School Mock Trial Team upon winning the 2014 state championship, acknowledges the hard work of all those students who gave of their time and talent to make the team a success, and commends the leadership of their coaches for creating an environment where these young adults could be successful in their efforts.

âSection 2. When the House of Representatives adjourns this day, it does so in honor of the Montgomery County High School Mock Trial Team.

âSection 3. The Clerk of the House of Representatives is directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to Representative Richard Henderson for delivery.

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