5thcourse of Medical faculty (international)

№ / Name of lecture / h
1 / Atopic dermatitis inchildren / 2
2 / Bronchial asthmain children / 2
3 / Pyelonephritisesin children / 2
4 / Glomerulonephritis in children / 2
5 / Hemorrhagic diatheses in children / 2
6 / Leukemia in children / 2
7 / Chronic gastritisin children, peptic ulcer of duodenum / 2
8 / Biliary pathology in children (chronic cholecystocholangitis, biliary diskynesia) / 2
9 / Birth trauma. Perinatal lesions of central nervous system (CNS) / 2
10 / Intrauterine infections / 2
11 / Atopic dermatitis inchildren / 2
12 / Vaccinal prevention. Schedule of vaccination. Postvaccinal reactions and complications / 2
13 / Diffused diseases of connective tissue (collagenoses) in children / 2
№ / Name of practical class / h
1 / Allergic diseases of respiratory apparatus: bronchial asthma, allergic rhinosinusitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis. The causes of development, clinical manifestations, diagnostics, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention / 6
2 / Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system in elder children: chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of duodenum, biliary diskynesia, chronic cholecystocholangitis. / 6
3 / Kidney diseases inchildren: pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, dysmetabolic nephropathy. The causes of development, clinical manifestations, diagnostics, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention. The measures of urgent help at acute and chronic renal failure. / 6
4 / Acute rheumatic fever, notrheumaticcarditisin children. The causes of development, clinical manifestations, diagnostics, differential diagnosis, step-by-step treatment, prevention. / 6
5 / Diffused diseases of connective tissue (collagenoses) in children (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, dermatomyositis). / 6
6 / Hemorrhagic diatheses in children: hemophilia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (Werlhof's disease), purpura rheumatica (Schönlein-Henoch disease). / 6
7 / Acute leukaemiasin children / 6
8 / Hemolytic disease of newbornson rhesus incompatibility and system ABO. Jaundice of newborns. / 6
9 / Pneumonia of newborns. The causes of development, clinical manifestations, diagnostics, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention. The urgent help for acute respiratory failure. / 6
10 / Perinatal lesion of central nervous system. The causes of development, clinical manifestations, diagnostics, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention, rehabilitation at reconstruction period. The urgent help to newborns with acute stroke, principles of syndromal intensive therapy / 6
11 / Purulo-septic diseases of newborns. The causes of development, clinical manifestations, modern methods of diagnostics, treatment, prevention. / 6
12 / Vaccinal prevention. Schedule of vaccination. Postvaccinal reactions and complications
13 / The parasitogenic diseases on children. Etiology, clinical picture and treatment of helminthiasis / 6
14 / Final test class, where part of multifunction exam is made: total computer testing on all sections of pediatrics and individually, on patient, knowledge, skills, got by student during studying of disciplineare valued. / 6