The Bath House, Gwydir Street, Cambridge, CB1 2LW. Registered Charity No. 1048144

Lifecraft Members’ Code of Conduct

How we work together at Lifecraft

Lifecraft is a user led organisation for people with mental health needs and welcomes asMembers people who use or have used mental health services and people whoexperience mental distress.

As a user led organisation Lifecraft has the aim of involving itsMembers as much as possible in the running of the organisation

We believe that every Member can make his or her own valuable contribution toLifecraft and that we can build on each other's strengths.

It has the aim of mutual support between Members and aims for a friendly, relaxedand supportive atmosphere at all times.

We welcome people regardless of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender,sexuality, disability, age or any other grounds which may make them subject todiscrimination.

Lifecraft does not tolerate any form of discrimination and has a zero tolerance policy towards any verbal or physical violence orintimidation and will take any complaint seriously. A Member who is disruptive at Lifecraftfor whatever reason can be asked to leave immediately.

What we ask of Members:

  • All Members should treat everyone, whether Member, staff or volunteer, with respect at all times
  • All Members should be supportive of each other
  • Respect other Member’s confidentiality
  • Uphold the user led and self-help ethos on which Lifecraft was founded
  • To attend at least two Members' meeting per year (held on the firstMonday of each month) and the Annual General Meeting at which we elect our Trustees

Drugs and alcohol

Lifecraft does not have the resources and expertise to support people whose major issue isaddiction to non-prescription drugs or alcohol, because of the disruptive behaviour which suchaddiction can cause. Only in very exceptional circumstances will such people be accepted asMembers, and only if they have been successfully receiving treatment as part of a recoveryprogramme for at least three months.

Please note–

  • We will not allow alcohol on the premises.
  • If Members come to the club under the influence of drugs or alcohol or their behaviour is very disruptive they will be asked to leave immediately.
  • The preparation, possession or use of illegal substances is not allowed on the premises or in the vicinity of the Bath House and if discovered will be reported to thepolice and the Member will be banned for a minimum of three months.

Our policies and procedures are availableto all Members and must be followed at all times.