SAMPLE- Use this to prepare your answers before you fill out the on line form.

2016 Social Justice Summer Grant Shared Application

Q1 Social Justice Summer Grants Shared Application

Welcome! Welcome to the shared application process for the Social Justice Summer Grants offered by Hampshire College. With this single application, you will be able to apply for some or all of the grants listed on the Social Justice Summer Grants website. Please note that there are other grants, not included in this application, for which you may also be eligible. You can find those on the Master List of Hampshire Grants.

Application Process: Detailed information about the application process is outlined on the Social Justice Summer Grants website. In order to apply for these grants, you must have ONE internship or Div II/III project in mind for which you are seeking funding. If you would like to seek funding for multiple simultaneous projects/internships, please seek advice on how to proceed. If you are applying for internship funding, you will be asked to submit a letter of support from your internship supervisor. All applicants will be asked to submit a faculty statement of support.

Application Deadline: MONDAY, APRIL 4TH, 2016

Application Tips: We strongly suggest that you type your essays in a separate document and paste them into this form. Your partially completed application will be saved if you continue using the same browser, and you have not cleared your cookies or cache, but it is more reliable to complete the entire application at once. You can see the entire application, including the special essay questions for each grant, by looking at the sample application on the Social Justice Summer Grants website. Once you submit your application, you will no longer be able to retrieve it for edits.

Q2 Personal and Academic Information

Q3 Name as listed in the Hampshire Directory

Q4 Name you would like us to use

Q5 Preferred Pronouns




Other ______

Q6 Hampshire email

Q7 Phone

Q8 Division

Div I

Div II

Div III

Other (please explain) ______

Q9 Name of your academic advisor or committee chair

Q10 Email of your academic advisor or committee chair

Q11 Your expected graduation date

Q12 Will you be returning to campus in the fall?




You will be prompted to answer ifyou answer No to question 12

Q13 Please briefly explain your plans for the fall. Note that these grants are only available for students who will be enrolled in the fall.

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

You will be prompted to answer If you answer Maybe to question 12

Q14 Please briefly explain your plans for the fall. Note that these grants are only available for students who will be enrolled in the fall.

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q15 Funding Request Snapshot

Q16 Are you seeking funding for:

An internship

A project related to your Division II or III

Q17 Please select all the grants from which you are seeking funding. Be sure to check the eligibility requirements to make sure they are a good match for you.

(Note- you need to apply for all that you are interested in the one form- so make sure you are clear ahead of time!)

Charley Richardson (70F) Award For projects or internships related to labor rights, peace studies, and the effects of war. Up to $1800.

CPSC Social Justice Scholars For internships at grassroots non-profit organizations creating social change. Up to $3000.

Ethics and the Common Good Summer Internship Award Up to $3500

Global Migrations Internship Grant For internships at non-profit, non-governmental organizations that work with refugees, migrant workers, new immigrants, and other displaced persons, and/or are concerned with transnational migration, human rights, citizenship, security, and other social justice issues that arise from the movements of persons across national and cultural boundaries. Up to $1000.

Human Rights Fund For projects or internships related to human rights and/or social justice issues. Up to $1000.

James Baldwin Div II and Div III Internship Grant Grants to assist Division II and III James Baldwin Scholars with the costs of doing an unpaid/underpaid internship that relates directly to the student's academic goals and career interests. Up to $3000.

Lestor J. Mazor Endowed Fund For social justice internships with law-related nonprofit organizations in the U.S.A. or abroad. Up to $2500.

Smith-Barr Internship Award For internships with an organization focused on the environment, environmental sustainability, or indigenous communities in either the U.S.A. or the developing world. Up to $2600.

Q18 Are you applying for, or have you already received, any Hampshire grants or funding for this project or internship other than the ones you selected above? (You may select more than one option.)

Yes, I am applying for grants other than the ones I selected above.

Yes, I have received a grant or other Hampshire funding for this project.

No, I have not received or applied for any grants, other than the ones I selected above, for this project or internship.

You will be prompted to answer if you answered yes I have applied for other grants to question 18

Q19 Grants applied for: Please list any grants to which you are applying, other than the ones you selected above,for this project or internship. List the name of the grants and the amounts.

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

You will be prompted to answer if you answered yes, I have received a grant or other Hampshire funding for this project to question 18

Q20 Grants received: Please list any grants or other Hampshire funding you are already receiving for this project or internship. List the name of the grants and the amounts.

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q21 Have you ever received Hampshire funding for an internship or project before? If yes, please explain.

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q22 Aside from the possibility of grant funding from Hampshire, what other support do you have for your internship or project? Please include personal savings, family contribution, housing, donations and any other support.

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

You will be prompted to answer if you indicated that you are applying for funding for an internship on question 16

Q23 Does your internship offer pay or a stipend?



You will be prompted to answer if you said yes to question 23

Q24 Please explain the amount of pay or stipend you will be receiving.

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q25 When you consider all the other kinds of support you may already have, what is the amount of grant funding you need to be fully supported and make the most of your internship or project?* * (To calculate the amount of grant funding you need, you may find it helpful to use the expenses questions: for internships look at questions 36- 43 and for projects look at question 70 on this sample form) It is important to note that we will ask about your expenses later in this application, but you will not be able to return to this page to edit the amount you enter below.

Q26 Knowing that Hampshire grants are not always enough to fully support student projects or internships, what is the minimum amount of Hampshire funding you need to be able to participate in your internship or work on your project in some way?

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q27 Are you receiving Hampshire or Federal Financial Aid?



Q28 Please explain your situation and how receiving this funding will make a difference to you. (200-300 words)

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q29 Attention! Because this page sets the course for the remainder of your application, once you click "next," you will not be able to return to this page. In the rest of the application, you will be able to move back and forth between pages.

If you are applying for an internship you will be prompted to answer questions 30- 63 as applicable.

If you are applying for a project related to your Division II or III you will be prompted to answer questions 64- 78 as applicable.

Q30 About your Internship

Q31 Name of the organization where you will be interning

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q32 Organization website

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q33 Location of your internship (city, state, country)

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q34 Name and title of your internship supervisor

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q35 Internship Hours and Expenses

For the questions below, please give estimates to the best of your ability. Be as realistic as possible. You may need to do some research to figure out the average travel cost to and from your internship, and the average housing, food, and transportation costs for the area where you will be staying. If there is no cost in one of the areas, please enter $0.

Q36 Approximate dates of your internship (mm/dd/yyyy)

Start Date

End Date

Number of Weeks ______

Hours of Work Per Week ______

Q37 Estimated Travel Cost

Travel to/from Internship Site (one round trip) ______

Explanation You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q38 Estimated Housing Cost

Housing cost per week______

Number of weeks ______

Total housing cost ______

Explanation You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q39 Estimated Utiliities Cost

Utilities cost per week ______

Number of weeks ______

Total utilities cost ______

Explanation You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q40 Estimated On-Site Transportation Cost

Transportation cost per week ______

Number of Weeks ______

Total transportation cost ______

Explanation You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q41 Estimated Cost for Food and Personal Necessities

Food/Necessities cost per week ______

Number of Weeks ______

Total food/necessities cost ______

Explanation You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q42 Other Expenses

Total other expenses for the summer ______


You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q43 Total Expenses - please carefully add up your totals from above, including travel.

Total expenses for your summer internship ______

Q44 Is there anything else you need us to know about your expenses for the summer?

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q45 Resume Information

In this section, you can either copy and paste your resume into this application, or list your internship, employment, and other experiences. Which would you prefer?

Copy and Paste my Resume

List my experiences

You will be prompted to answer If you chose to cut and paste in question 45

Q46 Please copy and paste your resume into the box below. You may need to simplify the formatting in order to make it readable.

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

You will be prompted to answer questions 47-49 if you chose to list in question 45

Q47 List your experiences that are related (even somewhat) to your internship. Please list them in order, starting with the most recent. Include internships, employment, student groups, volunteer experience, etc. EXAMPLE: Research Assistant, Voice Male Magazine, Northampton, MA, Summer 2015 - present Signer, Gender Resource Network, Hampshire College, Sept 2014 - May 2015

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q48 List any other employment you have had. EXAMPLE: Building Monitor, Robert Crown Center, Hampshire College, Fall 2015 - present Barrista/Server, Brooklyn Roasting Company, Brooklyn, NY, Summers 2013 – 2015

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q49 List any other experiences or awards you would like us to know about. You may also use this space to tell us anything else you would like us to know about your experience or work history.

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q50 Internship Essay Questions

Please answer each of the following questions in 200-300 words. We recommend that you type your responses in this sample form or into a different document and then paste them into the actual form. Do your best to use clear language and be thorough yet concise. You will have the opportunity to edit your responses before you submit your application.

You will be prompted to answer if you indicated that you are Div II or Div III in question 8

Q51 Please explain your Division II concentration or Div III, and how your summer internship would directly connect with and enhance your academic goals. Be sure to include:

  1. A clear and concise explanation of your Division II or Division III
  2. How your summer experience would directly relate to your academic goals
  3. What issues you expect to grapple with in your internship experience, what you hope to learn, and how this internship will further an aspect of your Division II or Division III

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

You will be prompted to answer if you indicated that you are Div I in question 8

Q52 Please explain your intended course of study, and how your summer internship would directly connect with and enhance your academic goals. Be sure to include:

  1. A clear and concise explanation of your intended course of study
  2. How your summer experience would directly relate to your academic goals
  3. What issues you expect to grapple with in your internship experience, what you hope to learn, and how this internship will further an aspect of your studies

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q53 Describe your specific responsibilities and how you will be supervised during the course of this internship.

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q54 What are your career goals (however tentative or general they might be), and what skills and/or knowledge do you expect to gain that will help clarify or move you toward these goals?

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q55Special Essay Questions for the Grants you selected

In the following pages, you will find essay questions for each grant you selected. You can click "next" to page through all the questions before you begin, and then return to the first question. Since you are not able to de-select any of the grants at this point, if you change your mind and decide not to apply for any of them, simply write "Decided not to apply" in the essay box and continue to the next question.

You will only be prompted to answer the questions related to the grants you selected in question 17.

Q56 Essay Question for Charley Richardson(70F) Award

Charley Richardson's life work focused on organizing and building the collective voice and power of workers and their unions, especially in relationship to changes in work processes and the organization of work, the impact of new technology, and issues of occupational safety and health. He also sought to amplify the voices for peace among those most impacted by war, including military families, those in the military, veterans, those caught in the cross-fire of war, and others. How does your internship further the ideals and activism of Charley Richardson?

You can draft your answer here- and then copy and paste it onto the on-line form

Q57 Essay Question for CPSC Social Justice Scholars

Please explain how your proposed internship addresses issues of social change/social justice, both in reference to the work of the organization and your role as an intern.