County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing

RFQ No. 900731, Addendum No. 2

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July 13, 2011





RFQ No. 900731


Drug Testing Kits and Laboratory Services

Specification Clarification/Modification and Recap of the Networking/Bidders Conferences

Held on June 16 and 17, 2011


Notice to Bidders

This County of Alameda, General Services Agency (GSA), RFQ Addendum has been electronically issued to potential bidders via e-mail. E-mail addresses used are those in the County’s Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) Vendor Database or from other sources. If you have registered or are certified as a SLEB please ensure that the complete and accurate e-mail address is noted and kept updated in the SLEB Vendor Database. This RFQ Addendum will also be posted on the General Services Agency (GSA) Contracting Opportunities website located at

The following Sections have been modified to read as shown below. Changes made to the original RFQ document are in bold print and highlighted, and deletions made have a strike through.

Responses to Written Questions

Q1)  The Alameda County Probation Department has required that the selected laboratory be SAMHSA certified. This is the highest level of certification and helps measurably to ensure that results are accurate, consistent and performed to the highest standards, which is vitally important when an individual’s freedom may be in jeopardy. On this bid, the Probation Department has elected to also include CAP and CLIA waived labs as acceptable. Since retaining a SAMHSA certification is expensive, this means that the lab being used will not have SAMHSA certification. Did the Probation Department intend to delete the specification that a laboratory must be certified by SAMHSA?

A1)  Yes. The laboratory does not need to beSAMHSA certified.

Q2)  Since this is an RFQ, will the award be based on the lowest bidder meeting the minimum qualifications?

A2)  Yes, as long as the devices are certified under the FDA-510K, as stated on page 8 of the RFQ.

Q3)  Will any specifications for the hair testing be provided?

A3)  No.

Q4)  Page 5 of the RFQ, Paragraph B (SCOPE), states:

All testing laboratories will confirm positive results and/or test negative results with radioimmunoassay (RIA), thin layer chromatography (TLC), gas chromatography (GC), and/or gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and/or liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), which will ensure compliance with the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Is there any reason why ACPD will now accept confirmatory testing by TLC and/or GC because the gold standards of GC/MS or LC/MS/MS are not as confirmatory?

A4)  No.

Q5)  Page 5 of the RFQ, Paragraph B (SCOPE), Second Paragraph states:

These tests will detect methamphetamine, amphetamines, ecstasy, cocaine, opiates, benzodiazepines, tetrahydrocannabinol, synthetic cannobinoids and other substances as required.

At this time, there are no onsite devices that detect synthetic cannabinoids. Please clarify this.

A5)  There are some devices that can detect synthetic cannabinoids where the test is administered, however, if the bidders cannot do this, then an alternate can be proposed and stated as such in the Exhibit I – Exceptions, Amendments, Clarifications.

Q6)  Page 5 of the RFQ, Paragraph B (SCOPE), states:

All testing laboratories will confirm positive results and/or test negative results with radioimmunoassay (RIA), thin layer chromatography (TLC), gas chromatography (GC), and/or gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and/or liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), which will ensure compliance with the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Is there any reason why ACPD will now accept confirmatory testing by TLC and/or GC because the gold standards of GC/MS or LC/MS/MS are not as confirmatory?

A6)  No.

Q7)  With the movement to “Buy American” is there any advantage to a product that is manufactured in this country as opposed to China?

A7)  No. However, Alameda County will give preference to all vendors, submitting as “prime”, who are inside of Alameda County and/or certified as a SLEB with Alameda County.

Q8)  Products that are sold over-the-counter or on the Intranet enable a donor to pretest themselves with the identical product before appearing at the Probation Department. It enables donors to purchases and experiment with a product to determine how much of a drug may be used and still circumvent detection. It is an invaluable aid in specimen substitution. Is there any advantage to bidding a product that is not sold to the public?

A8)  It would be advantageous; however, it is not a requirement.

Q9)  Regarding urinanalysis on-site devices, are the results of onsite urine devices currently being photocopied?

A9)  No; however, it is of consideration in connection withthebilling and collection of new drug testing fees.

Q10)  Regarding urinanalysis on-site devices, does the five minute window start at the time the specimen is being collected?

A10)  Yes.

Q11)  Regarding oral fluid on-site devices, a heavy emphasis is placed on the onsite urine test being FDA cleared. Is it of any concern that no onsite oral fluid device is FDA cleared?

A11)  The oral fluid device should be FDA cleared; however, if this is not possible, then an alternate can be proposed and stated as such in the Exhibit I – Exceptions, Amendments, Clarifications.

Q12)  Regarding oral fluid on-site devices, it appears from the configurations sought, there is a specific product in mind. Is this correct?

A12)  No.

Q13)  Regarding oral fluid on-site devices, are results to be stable for a minimum of one hour or a maximum of one hour?

A13)  The results must be stable for a minimum of one hour.

Q14)  Regarding laboratory services, overnight delivery can be substantially more expensive than two-day delivery. Is it essential that the bidder provide overnight delivery?

A14)  It would be preferable for overnight delivery; however, it is not required.

Q15)  Regarding laboratory services, is the training that is to be provided onsite, or will web-based training sufficient?

A15)  Web-based training will be acceptable.

Q16)  Regarding laboratory services, the laboratory screening results must be reported out within 24 hours of receipt. Is laboratory screening part of this bid?

A16)  Yes, as stated on page 9 of the RFQ, Section D (Specific Requirements), Item 4.a. Laboratory Qualification Criteria.

Q17)  Since treatment decisions may be made on the basis of a urine drug screen, must the onsite products be CLIA waived?

A17)  The treatment decision is not based on the urinanalysis.

Q18)  Who is the current vendor?

A18)  The current vendor is National Safety Compliance, Inc.

Q19)  Does Alameda County Probation require drug screening kits with an accuracy rate of 97% or greater?

A19)  Yes.

Q20)  What is the current pricing for each item on the bid form?

A20)  The 4-Panel test kits are $6 per unit and the laboratory tests are $18.

Q21)  How many locations will the product be shipped to?

A21)  One location which will be in Alameda County

Q22)  Will product be shipped all at once or incrementally throughout the year?

A22)  The product will be shipped incrementally throughout the year.

Q23)  If shipped incrementally, how many times?

A23)  There are no set ordering periods.

Q24)  Is this an all or nothing bid or may the vendor only bid on a certain line item?

A24)  This will be awarded to one vendor and not by line item. Bidders should bid on all items.

Q25)  Page 6 of the RFQ, Paragraph C (VENDOR QUALIFICATIONS), Item. 1., states:

Vendor must have at least five (5) years of recent experience in providing laboratory testing services and supplies.

Does the bidder need to have a laboratory in order to meet this specification?

A25)  No, these services can be subcontracted out; however, the laboratory being used must have at least 5 years of recent experience.

Q26)  Page 6 of the RFQ, Paragraph C (VENDOR QUALIFICATIONS), Item 2.c., states:

The laboratory used by the vendor must have the following certifications (proof of these certifications must be included with bid submittal):

(c) State of California certification to provide Alcohol, Methadone, Amphetamine (AMP), Cocaine (COC), Opiates (OP), Phencyclidine (PCP), and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) testing;

Is this the same as the DEA Controlled Substance Registration Certificate for Analytical Labs?

A26)  Yes.

Responses to Verbal Questions

Q27)  Is the County is doing an oral fluid drug testing project through Redwood Laboratories?

A27)  No.

Q28)  Will the oral fluid testing project through Redwood Laboratories transpire before this bid is awarded?

A28)  No.

Q29)  It looked as though some of the specifications regarding the oral fluid tests had come from a product the County is currently looking at; did Redwood Laboratories provide the County with those specifications?

A29)  No.

Q30)  Is the County’s movement towards focusing on oral fluid tests over urine tests due to the large number of males beings tested and the County having a large number of female officers?

A30)  Yes, the Probation Department would like to have more mobility to do the drug tests. The County staff is 75% female and the population of adult juveniles is over 95% male.

Q31)  Is the County interested primarily in products with instant testing as well as lab confirmations to go with the testing which the County is doing themselves? The County does not need the services of a collection agency, correct?

A31)  Yes.

Q32)  If the oral fluid tests are inconclusive, does the County want the ability to send the same sample to the lab?

A32)  Yes.

Q33)  Does the County want the lab results back within 24 hours?

A33)  That would be preferred; however, it is not a requirement.

Q34)  How many employees does the County intend to have log in and see the results?

A34)  At this time, the Probation Department would like to initially have approximately 20 probation officers and additional administration staff to have read-only access to any web-based results, but this may increase through the contract term.

Q35)  Does the County have a web coordinator, a person to view the results and then disburse the results out?

A35)  No.

Q36)  Is the County’s ideal situation to have 98 end users to view results?

A36)  Yes, but if it is not financially feasible, the Probation Department will require at least 25 staff to view the results.

Q37)  Do all employees have access to a computer?

A37)  Yes.

Q38)  Is the County looking to test for the use of illegal drugs and prescription drugs?

A38)  Yes.

Q39)  Does the County have the need for medical review officer to be interfacing on the prescription drug part?

A39)  At this time, the Probation Department is not interested in this as it is not financially feasible, but the Probation Department would like to know if this option is available for future use.

Q40)  Would the County like oral fluid tests as well as urine tests?

A40)  Yes, the oral fluid test is primary.

Q41)  Is the vendor is to provide oral fluid kits?

A41)  Yes.

Q42)  Why has the County decided to no longer require a SAMHSA Certified lab?

A42)  The Probation Department would like to have a larger qualified vendor pool bidding on this contract.

Q43)  Does the County want all 10,000 samples sent at one time?

A43)  No.

Q44)  Will the County require a drug cup for urine that has a flat side for the purposes of photo copy?

A44)  The Probation Department would like the option to have a flat side for photocopying; however it is not a requirement.

Q45)  Has the County considered snapping a photo of the drug cup with a phone or camera?

A45)  No.

Q46)  Would the County consider using two different devices, one for testing and one for lab confirmation?

A46)  No, the County does not intend to consider this.

Q47)  Page 7 of the RFQ, Section D (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 2., states:

Urinalysis On-Site Devices Minimum Qualification Criteria

Is the County not going to bid in urinalysis?

A47)  The Probation Department would like the option to have the urinanalysis test; however, the primary testing option will be saliva.

Q48)  Page 7 of the RFQ, Section D (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 2., states:

Urinalysis On-Site Devices Minimum Qualification Criteria

Would the County like to be able to test on all ten (10) substances listed?

A48)  Yes.

Q49)  Page 8 of the RFQ, Section D (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 3., states:

Oral Fluid On-Site Devices Minimum Qualification Criteria

Would the County like to be able to test on all ten (10) substances listed?

A49)  As stated on page 8 of the RFQ, Section D (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS), Item 3., the following combinations need to be tested on:




Q50)  How many urine testing cups does the County intend to use?

A50)  The estimated usage per year is approximately 1,800.

Q51)  How many saliva testing kits does the County intend to use?

A51)  The estimated usage per year is approximately 7,000.

Q52)  Did the Probation Department consider hiring staff just to do the testing?

A52)  No.

Q53)  Approximately how many confirmations did the County have last year?

A53)  There were a total of 140 confirmations done last year.

Q54)  Do admissions obviate the need to do confirmations?

A54)  Yes. A form is created and the actually test form is where it is admitted and signed. This is what is used as the positive sample in court.

Q55)  Are the County employees familiar with the Chain of Custody forms?

A55)  Yes.

Q56)  How is the County currently handling drug testing? Is the County buying from a third party provider? Is the County using the same format but with urine rather than oral fluid?

A56)  Currently, the ACPD is drug testing with urinanalysis tests; however, the ACPD will be moving to the oral fluid tests. The County does not have any oral fluid tests at this time.

Q57)  What is the County’s thinking regarding synthetic cannabinoids?

A57)  The Probation Department wants to have the ability to test for synthetic cannabinoids.

Q58)  Would the County like to use ETG testing?