Fakultätsgraduiertenzentrum Sport- und Technische Universität München
Supervision Agreement
in the contextof doctoral procedures at the
Graduate CenterDepartmentofSport and Health Sciences
This agreement between the supervisor and the doctoral candidate is based on the current status of the doctoral project. With regard to the further processing of scientific questions, it can and shall at all times promotethe further expansion in the individual elements of qualification and milestones attainedwithin the scope of this agreement.
An agreement is made between
Ms. / Mr. Given name, Surname[doctoral candidate]
Email: Email address
Institute / Faculty: Institute
Ms. / Mr.Given name, Surname[supervisor]
Email: Email address
Institute / Faculty: Institute
Mentor for the doctoral endeavors is:First name, Surname
Email: Email address
Institute / Faculty: Institute
1. Contents and outline of the doctoral project
The doctoral candidatewill work on the following topic towardshis/herdoctoral thesis:
Working title of the doctoral thesis
Intended doctoral degree: ☐Dr. phil.☐Dr. rer. nat.
☐A copy of the proposalfromdate is to be found as an enclosure.
☐A copy of the proposalis not available at the time of enrollment in the list of doctoral candidates, but will be submitted within the next 6 months, that is, at the latest, by date.
For the preparation of a proposal, see also the Guideline for the doctoral degree.
2. Schedule
2.1The intended doctoral degree should be completed within _____years.
2.2Valid for the intended doctoral degree is the outline, along with the time schedule which is to be found in the enclosure.
2.3The doctoral candidateis committed to precisely report the current state of his/her work to the supervisor. The supervisoris committed to reserve time for the discussion of this work and to promote the quality of the doctoral procedure through advice and a discussion. Every______months, detailed discussionswill be held regarding the progress of the doctoral procedure, the results of which are also to be recorded in writing.
2.4According to §15 section 7 of the statutes from the TUM Graduate School, a feedback discussion will be carried out between the doctoral candidate and his/her supervisor, at the latest within two years after the effective date of this agreement, during which a decision will be made concerning the continuation of the doctoral project. A prerequisite for this is the submission of an interim-report to the Graduate CenterDepartment as well as to the supervisor, as regulated by § 14, section 3 of the statutes of the Graduate Center Department of Sport and Health Sciences. The Graduate Center Department of Sport and Health Scienceswill be informedin writing by the supervisor regarding the successful conclusion of thisdiscussion.
3. Elements for the doctoral qualification
3.1 With an application for enrollment in the list ofdoctoral candidates, the candidate will become a temporary member of the TUM Graduate School (TUM-GS). A membership for at least two years, as well as the participation in the qualification-program of the TUM-GS, is a prerequisite in accordance with § 8 of the doctoral statutes.
3.2 The present supervisionagreement specifies the individual qualificationprogram for the doctoral candidate. It can be adapted at anytime, although it must conform with the requested qualification program within the scope of the graduatecenter noted above. The TUM-GS makes funds available for this in accordance with § 16 of itsstatutes (see also Guideline for the doctoral degree).
3.3The following compulsory elements for qualificationhave been agreed upon:
a.Participation in a kick-offseminar of theTUM-GS within the first half year of membership.
b.Integration in the academic environment of theTUM through
☐Presence at the TUM or at one of the following partnerinstitutions[1]: ______and/or
☐teachingatthe TUM (e.g., lectures, practical courses, guidance of practical courses and in the completion of dissertations), or
☐cooperation in the following research-group of theTUM: ______.
If this integration takes place through teaching or participation in a research-group, the following concrete activities are planned:
Activity / Duration/Extent_____ / _____ /
_____ / _____ /
_____ / _____ /
_____ / _____ /
c.Participation in subject-related courses of the Graduate Center Department of Sport and Health Sciences. Compulsory is: (1)Apresentationin the colloquium for doctoral candidates which is planned for the winter/summersemester _____(please strike that which does not apply), as well as (2)attendance atthat colloquium on at least 10 occasions, and (3)participation in an elective program to the extent of at least 70 credits. Participation is planned in:
Events / Semester / ExtentWinter School / _____ / 20
Editors Series / _____ / _____ /
_____ / _____ / _____ /
_____ / _____ / _____ /
_____ / _____ / _____ /
d.Discussion of the researchresults in the international scientificcommunity.
This can be realized through the submission of a publicationto an acknowledged, peer-review journal, to the Proceedings of an international convention with a peer-review procedure or through an oral presentation along with a discussion at an international scientific convention.
Deviating, but comparable accomplishmentsto that specified by the Graduate Center Department of Sport and Health Sciencescan only be acknowledged if they wereapplied for in advance.
Planned is/are: _____
3.4In addition, participation in the following optional elements of qualificationis planned:
a.Interdisciplinary seminars offeredatTUM-GS or at other TUM Institutes of Higher Learning. The TUM-GS recommends and provides funds for participation in at least three courses. Planned are:
Course / Organized by / Length_____ / _____ / _____ /
_____ / _____ / _____ /
_____ / _____ / _____ /
b.International integrationduring the doctorate(e.g., stays abroad, conferencevisits or integration of international guests in the doctoral procedure). The TUM-GS recommends longer international research visits and supports these financially (see also Guideline for the doctoral degree).
Activity / Institute visited or presenting an invitation / Country / Duration (in days)_____ / _____ / _____ / _____ /
_____ / _____ / _____ / _____ /
_____ / _____ / _____ / _____ /
4. Working materials
Supervisors and doctoral candidateshave discussed with one another the working materialsrequired for the research (e.g., laboratory-access, measurement technology, computer technology or additional materials). The doctoral candidatehas been clarified with regard to possibly restrictive basic conditions. Here, the following is recorded (if applicable):
_____ /_____ /
5. Measures for the compatibility of family and the scientific activity
The following agreements have been made (if applicable):
_____ /_____ /
6. Good scientific practice
All involved parties commit themselves to the observance of the guidelines for the safe-guarding of good scientific practice and the procedures to be undertaken in the event of misconduct (see The doctoral candidate is aware that, according to § 6 section 7of the statutes of theTUM, dissertations that have already been submitted for examination-purposes, cannot be submitted as a doctoral thesis.
7. Regulations in the event of conflicts
In the event of conflicts which result from non-compliance with the obligations noted, a discussion will immediately be carried out between the parties in order to restore the fulfillment of the original agreement. Support on this occasion should especially be provided by the mentor. If no agreement can be reached, each party can contact the dean, the management and arbitration board of the TUM-GS or the impartial ombudsperson of the TUM.
8. Severability clause
If individual regulations of this agreement should be invalid, either partially or fully, the agreement remains valid on the whole.
Place,datePlace, date
Doctoral candidateSupervisor
Note taken
Place,datePlace, date
MentorDirector of the Graduate CenterDepartment
(if necessary, seesimple letter in the enclosure)
Copies to:
The original copy of the Supervisory Agreement is to be held in the files of the primary institute responsible for granting this doctoral degree at the time that the application of the candidate was put on the list of doctoral candidates.
Copies are to be given to
1.The Supervisor
2.The Mentor
3.The GraduateCenterDepartment
Technische Universität München│GraduateCenter Department of Sport and Health Sciences
Georg-Brauchle-Ring 60-62 │ 80992 Munich │ Tel. + │ Fax + ││
FGZ-SG Supervision Agreement
[1] Partner Institutes are public, academic research institutes recognized by the Department GraduateCenter of Sport and Health Sciences.