Council Proceedings

March 18, 2013

The City Council of Lake City, Iowa met in regular session on Monday, March 18, 2013 at 6:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Mayor Fahan presided with the following members present: Bellinghausen*, Green, Himes, Ringgenberg and Kramer*. Department heads/staff present: Michele Deluhery, Jim Janssen, Bobby Rist. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion by Green, second by Ringgenberg, to approve the consent agenda consisting of the agenda, March 4th minutes, summary of claims, February Treasurer and Cash Reports and Morrow’s Standard Beer Permit renewal, unanimous.

Motion by Himes, second by Green, approving the bid from Cornwell, Frideres, Maher & Associates for FY13, FY14, and FY15 audits, unanimous.

Upon review and discussion of pool staff applications (*Kramer and Bellinghausen arrived during discussion), motion by Green, second by Ringgenberg, approving “2013 Pool Applicants/Recommendations”, unanimous. Manager ($4,400) – Chelsey Henkenius; Asst Manager/Lifeguard ($10/$8.00) – Ashley Henkenius; Backup Asst Manager/Lifeguard- Karli Payer ($10/$8.00); Lifeguards ($7.75) – Matthew Nieland, Briana Otto, and Piper Richardson; Part-time ($7.50) – Taylor Davis, Jacob Mayer, and Emily Snyder; and Substitutes ($7.25)– Derrick Henkenius, Aubrey Richardson, and Tess Richardson. Motion by Green, second by Bellinghausen to not change admission rates from last year, unanimous.

Consensus to advertise for bids to sell the vacant lot at 203 E Main Street, upon release from Lewis Otto, the successful bidder in 1997, since transfer of the property from the City’s ownership was never completed.

Presented for council consideration were Building Permits for Nick Gorden, 207 6th Street (detached garage); and Marci Duncan, 1009 W Monroe (house with attached garage). After review, a motion was made by Green, second by Bellinghausen, to approve the Building Permits subject to City Code and Zoning requirements. Unanimous.

Motion by Kramer, second by Green, approving Resolution #2013-09 Granting Prior Approval for an Application for the Lake City, Iowa Tax Abatement Program for Marci Duncan (1009 W Monroe). Ayes – Himes, Kramer, Bellinghausen, Ringgenberg, Green. Nays- None. Approved.

Chief Rist introduced Steve Stauter, Jr. as one of the two new hires for the police officer positions, conditional upon meeting all ILEA requirements. The other conditional new hire, Thomas Steinborn, was unable to attend the meeting.

There being no further business, a motion was made by Kramer and seconded by Bellinghausen to adjourn at 6:57 PM, unanimous.


Gary Fahan



Kimberly Kelly

City Administrator