Advancement Via Individual Determination

Kell High School


Course Description:AVID is an elective course that offers the instruction of strategies and skills that will support students in advanced college-preparatory courses and ultimately prepare students for entrance into four-year colleges. This class provides students with direct instruction in organizational strategies, study skills, time management, goal development, testing techniques, ethics, critical thinking, writing to learn, college awareness, and academic collaboration with tutors (AVID facilitators) and teachers.

AVID’s Mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.

The Foundation of AVID: AVID is founded on an acronym called “WICOR.”

  • Writing
  • Inquiry
  • Collaboration
  • Organization
  • Reading

We feel these skills are essential to you becoming a truly successful student. In addition, AVID is founded on the concept of Rigor. An AVID student pushes himself/ herself to be successful in challenging or “rigorous” courses in high school. I will work with you this year to help you determine your academic strengths in order for you to take more challenging (and therefore more rewarding) classes in those areas.

Course Objectives:

  • Students will take courses that meet four-year college entrance requirements.
  • Students will participate in tutorials for academic courses.
  • Students will learn and apply AVID skills including notetaking, organization, time management, and goal setting.
  • Students will improve their oral communication skills through a variety of activities, including presentations and Socratic Seminars.
  • Students will participate in writing to learn activities, including notetaking, logs, and essay writing.
  • Students will learn to evaluate their own and other’s writing.
  • Students will prepare for college entrance examinations, including the SAT, SAT Subject, and ACT.
  • Students will complete and present a Multi-Grade Level Portfolio of their work in AVID.

Expectations of the AVID student:

TO be in AVID is an extremely high honor. What we need from you is an honest commitment to do your best. Please understand that the purpose of AVID is to push you to be a better student, and will therefore accept constructive criticism and help from your AVID teacher as well as the AVID site team. You must provide the desire, determination, motivation and hard work needed for success in AVID and your other classes. Failure to adhere to these expectations will result in program probation or dismissal.

AVID Academic Honor Cords:

Earning an honor cord for graduation is a privilege awarded to those students who have shown great commitment to their academics. Our AVID seniors are able to receive an AVID honor cord by completing the following:

  • Years in AVID: a minimum of 2 years in AVID, in good standing.
  • Cumulative GPA: a minimum of a 3.0 GPA
  • Rigor of Coursework: Students must take both honors and AP classes. While there is no minimum number of honor courses required, a minimum of 2 AP courses must be completed (C or above) along with the necessary AP exams.

Follow dress codes and rules about no electronics/cell phones. Respect yourself. Take pride in your work. Respect your classmates and your teachers. Please see Kell’s Handbook for specific disciplinary measures for those who do not comply with the rules.

In order to obtain the correct e-mail information and establish contact with me, I am asking all parents/guardians to send me an e-mail the first week of school at . Please put your child’s name in the subject line.

Snapshot of the Week- Because we are on an A/B schedule this year, AVID will look like this:

Tuesday / Wednesday/
Thursday / Friday
AVID Curriculum
/ AVID Tutorials / Binder Evaluation
Motivational Activities

A good quality, 3-ring binder, 1 ½” minimum

Colored tab subject dividers to separate each class and also further organize each class, including AVID.

Zipper pouch to store supplies or a specific pouch in your book bag designated for your utensils

  • Pens
  • Pencils
  • Highlighters (at least the following three colors: pink, yellow, and green)

Calendar/Agenda to record assignments, quizzes, tests, important dates, etc.

Notebook paper (we will make into Cornell notes)

One composition notebook to leave in class

A=90-100; B=80-89; C=74-79; D=70-73; F =69 or below

50% WICOR Strategies (Daily Grades & Participation)

Writing – rewrites, class/text/video notes, learning logs, journals, SAT vocabulary exercises;

Inquiry – Leveled questions, Socratic seminars, critical thinking activities, philosophical chairs;

Collaboration – projects, study/review groups, jigsaws, group thinks, table talks, table tests;

Organization - binder checks

Reading – SQ3R, KWL, assigned essays/articles, text chapters, multiple perspective papers)

40% Tutorials

Your success in AVID depends greatly on your participation in the tutorials. These will occur once a week, at 25 points apiece, and your grade will be based on your preparation of questions, participation in the session and reflection upon completion.

10%Final exam

Includes parts from all of the above.



KHS Open House

Tuesday, August 25th at 6:30pm

AVID Syllabus Contract & Contact Form

Please fill out this page and return toby Tuesday, August 11th

You and your student’s signatures below indicate your agreement with the following:

We have reviewed the class syllabus.

We understand Kell’s High School cellphone and electronic device policy.

We understand the grading policy.

We recognize the requirements for AVID seniors to earn an AVID graduation honor cord.

We will send an e-mail toMs. Bogozan the first week of school.

When possible, I (the parent) am willing to be contacted by email.

If we have access to the Internet, we will access to check our child’s progress.

Student Name: ______AVID Class Period: ______

(Please print)

Student Signature: ______


(Mother/ 1st Guardian’s Name & Relation to student)(Father/ 2nd Guardian’s Name & Relation to student)


(Home Address)(Home Phone)


(Mother’s Occupation and Work Number)(Father’s Occupation and Work Number)


(Mother’s cell number)(Father’s cell number)


(Mother’s Email – optional, but encouraged)(Father’s Email – optional, but encouraged)

Signature of Parent/Guardian who reviewed syllabus:______

Please use the portion of this page to tell me anything else you think may help me to best educate your child.