August 2013

Find out about our successes and achievements in the Ayrshire Post, the Cumnock Chronicle, the Mauchline Echo and the Mauchline S1 website for pictures and information about school activities and events.

Our Primary School and ECC handbooks are now online at

Please check your child’s schoolbag regularly to ensure that parents and carers do not miss important information.

We are collecting:

  • Ragbags – don’t forget we have a permanent Ragbag recycling station in the playground. Just send in bags of old clothing to be recycled and our ECOcommittee will recycle them at any time of the year!

The Parent Council

Please contact the Chair of the PC, Mrs Scott, on 07749536524, or for information on PC activities. We also have a Parent Council Facebook page.

EAC OnSite Services have asked HTs to inform parents that as of August 2013, the price of the 2 course school lunch will increase by 5p to £1.95.

The school will be involved in a trial of the OnSite Services cash-cafeteria service from the 22nd October until Christmas. After which parents and pupils will be asked which system they prefer. The menus sent home at the start of term have the cost of all individual items on the menu. As well as the light meal/snack style options full meals will still be available as they are now. Pupils entitled to free meals will be able to choose from either menu to a value of £1.95. The option of weekly prepayment of £9.75 per week will remain, pre-paid pupils having £1.95 to spend each day. A representative from OnSite Services will be available at the October Parents’ Open Evening for further explanation and food tasting.

Information on School Meals Theme Days to follow.

Your generosity and support for the school is continually appreciated. Because of the generosity of our parent forum, between 31/3/12 and 28/6/13 we have been able to spend over£5800 on the following resources and activities:

National Trust for Scotland membership (x2)£140

Sports Day Achievement Stickers£ 13

School activities–Subsidised Transport £2385

Affiliation to Coalfield Community Transport£ 70

Football team entry fees and affiliation£ 20

SFA Football coach training£ 95

PVG checks£207

Trophy engraving£ 43

“Zumba” instructor£150

ECC literacy resources and visitors£230

Health & Wellbeing resources£281

Copyright licence£ 99

Science resources£ 40

Outdoor learning resources£124

Leadership resources£ 13

Social Studies resources£415


Assembly resources£216

Literacy resources (Scots)£105

RME resources£ 79

Maths resources£136

Library books£100

Prizes and awards£153

Christmas resources£ 8

Medical room blanket/resources£ 37

Expressive arts resources£ 12

Extra-curricular clubs (resources)£ 20

Butterfly Kits£139

Chicken Kit£245

Challenge 25 Hospice Hero

This session we have elected to celebrate 25 years of the Ayrshire Hospice by supporting the hospice as our nominated charity for the year. Our pupils will encounterAgent H and work on hospice and charity related lessons over the course of the session. Further information on the Agent 25 initiative can be found on the Ayrshire Hospice website.

JAFFA CLUB: JesusAFriendForAll

Do you want something fun to do on Sunday mornings? Then come along to the JAFFA Club at the church hall. Meet in the church for 11.15am. Then we go over to the hall for activities. We finish at 12.15. All primary school age children are most welcome to come along (no charge). Contact Janice Taylor of Mauchline Parish Church for further details.

Hi, I’m Barry Holmes the new EAC Active Schools

Co-ordinator for the Auchinleck Learning Partnership. In my role I will be providing opportunities for children to try out and take part in various sports and activities as well as introducing them to clubs creating pathways to sport and coaching as well as participation in lunch time and after school clubs

Volunteers are a very important part of the structure as if it was not for them a lot of clubs could not run and children would miss out on good sporting activities. If you are interested in volunteering or would like to ask a bit more about it please feel free to contact your school office who can pass you onto me or contact me directly on 01290 420617. I’ll also be available on the October Parents’ Open Evenings to talk to parents and carers.

EAC MEND Programme: Ages 7 – 13

Starting on Tuesday September 24 2013

MEND: Mind, Exercise and Nutrition….Do it!

This is a community, family-based programme for children aged 7 – 13, who are above their ideal healthy weight, and their families. The multi-component programme places emphasis on healthy eating, behaviour change, physical activity and healthy family lifestyles.

If you would like to refer a child to the MEND programme or would like to discuss the content in further detail, please feel free to contact Lesley Fowler on 01563 576684 oremail.

Please note that places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. All information will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Closure of Mauchline After School Care

Parents, carers and pupils of Mauchline PS & ECC who access the after-school childcare service, recently received a letter to explain that the service would permanently close on the 11th of October 2013. Although based in our school for parental convenience, the service was run by the Zone Initiative in Dalmellington and was independent of the school and East Ayrshire Council. Unfortunately pupil numbers using the service have dropped over the last few years and after a great deal of consideration the Zone have reluctantly determined that the service is no longer financially viable and have decided to close in October.

Another local childcare provider has indicated that they may be able to grow their business to provide after-school childcare within our community. Once again this is a private local business and is independent of the school and the council. However I am happy to assist and support local businesses which have a direct and positive impact on the care and welfare of our pupils and therefore have “text-messaged” parents and carers to ask them to share their views with the potential child-care provider on their Facebook page.

Shop Window Project

Once again this year we will be displaying our pupils’ art work in the local shop windows. To support the Mauchline Agricultural and Horticultural Show on the 7th of September, our theme will be “Harvest Fruit, Flowers and Vegetables”. A big THANK YOU to all of the local businesses who have agreed to donate some of their display window for our artistic creations. The children will be delighted to hear any comments or compliments you would like to share with them about their efforts.

If you wish further information on any issue or have any ideas or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact Mrs McLean (HT). The school number is 01290 550306. Further information for parents or carers is available in our school handbook, improvement plan and standards and quality report, all of which are available for collection from the school reception.

Diary dates 2013/14

2 Sept 2013: P1 full day

3 Sept: Parent Council Meeting at 7pm

7 Sep: Mauchline Agricultural and Horticultural Show

11 Sept: ECC Parents Curriculum Meeting at 11am and 2.30pm in the school Open Area

17th Sept at 12.00: Come and Try School Meals at 12:00 for P2 and P3 parents and their children

20th and 23rd Sept: Mid-term Holiday

26 Sept: Dress Down Day – European Day of Languages theme

27 Sept at 9.30am: P6 class led assembly

1 October at 9.30am: P5/6 class led assembly

8 Oct at 9.30am: P3 led Harvest Service in school

9 October all day: P6 and P7 pupils Flu Immunisation Programme

9 October from 6.45-8pm: Parents’ Open Evening

10 October from 6.45-8pm: Parents’ Open Evening

12-21 October: End of term holiday

22 October: Pupils return to school

22 October at 7pm: Parent Council Meeting

25 October: Dress Down Day

12 November at 9.30am: P6/7 Class led assembly

15 November: Children in Need - Wear Something Spotty Day (this month’s Dress Down Day)

19 November at 9.30am: P7 Class led assembly

28 November (eve): School fundraising event – Family Christmas Quiz

3 December at 7pm: Parent Council Meeting

10/11 December am: P1 and P2 Nativity performance

12 December at 9.45am: P5 led Christmas Service in Mauchline Church

13 December am: joint sessions -Nursery Christmas “Sing-a-Long”

16 December pm: P1 and P2 Christmas Party

17 December pm: P5 and P6 Christmas Party

18 December am: Pantomime – Peter Pan

18 December pm: P3 and P4 Christmas Party

19 December am: joint sessions-ECC Christmas Party

19 December eve: P7 Christmas Party

21 Dec – 5 Jan: End of term holidays

6 Jan: Pupils return to school

28 January at 7pm: Parent Council Meeting

4 March at 7pm: Parent Council Meeting

22 April at 7pm: Parent Council Meeting

17 June at 7pm: Parent Council Annual General Meeting