Lake Harriet Community School Read-a-thon 2018
Kindergarten- fifth grade students are invited to participate in the LHCS Read-a-thon (RAT). The purpose of this annual event is to foster a love of reading and have fun! The Read-a-thon is also a fundraiser for LHCS.
● New simple website for student to track total minutes and fundraise! *preferred method
○ Easier to manage donations via .
○ If a student cannot access the internet, please submit the attached forms.
● New Prizes!!
Students keep track of the time (in minutes) they spend reading or being read to during non-school hours from February 3 to March 2. Reading at school cannot be counted for RAT minutes.
Students ask family, friends and neighbors to sponsor them by making pledges for the Read-a-thon.
1. Register on & create a login (and receive multi-color pen!)
2. Customize your fundraising page & Send emails to friends and family.
· Remember to enter your “Estimated Minutes” on your Personal Settings page.
· Pledges can be fixed amounts or per minute read/ read to.
3. Read as many minutes as you can and keep track using the calendar attached.
4. At the end, Update "Estimated Minutes" with your actual minutes on your Personal Settings page
· (My account->My page->Settings)
5. Turn in your minutes calendar with parent signature and WIN prizes for you and your classroom based on minutes read or donations!**For non-website donations, please submit with pledge form.
Read-a-Thon Important Dates:
Feb 3- first day to read for the Read-a-thon - Students begin to solicit pledges and record minutes read outside of school hours.
Feb 9- Literary Character Day - Students, teachers, and staff are invited to dress up as their favorite literary character. The costumes must be safe & fun (non-violent, not scary, no weapons).
Feb 11- Book Fair at Wild Rumpus, 12 - 5pm - A portion of the day’s sales will be donated to the Read-a-thon. Wild Rumpus, 2720 West 43rd Street, Minneapolis
Feb 15- Mismatch Day - Dress up in wild colors, mismatched shoes, different colored socks or different patterns (for example, stripes with polka dots, colors that clash, etc.)
Feb 20- Family Author Night in the Lower Campus Cafeteria, 6:30 - 7:30pm - Join us for a fun evening with local author and illustrator Rick Chrustowski, His books will be available for purchase starting at 6:15, or you can bring in your own to get signed.
Feb 22, 23- Used Book Sales at Lower and Upper Campuses – 9pm - 5pm both days, kids will also have scheduled times with their classrooms to shop.
Feb 23- LHCS Spirit Day - wear LHCS spirit wear or school colors
March 2- Pajama Day - last day to read for the Read-a-thon
March 3- Tally all minutes read, enter into website or if utilizing forms, begin collecting pledges.
March 9- All money MUST be entered online/turned in to school office to qualify for prizes
March 23- Read-a-thon Awards Assembly - Lower Campus Gym
Thank you to our Read-a-thon sponsors!
Thank you to all our students, parents, teachers, staff, and Read-a-thon volunteers for making this event a success! Thank you to all families, friends, local businesses and neighbors who provide support, financial and otherwise for the LHCS PTA. Any questions? Contact RAT 2018 chairs: Jenny Bender & Bruce Gerth