Mellis Church Of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School

Report for School Year 2014 – 2015

Name of Child:

My achievements this year have been:
Next year I want to improve my:

Absence (as a % of total sessions to date of report)

(Please note that 90% is considered minimum)

Punctuality A. B. C. D.

Annual Report Format

Welcome to your child’s school report. This is designed to:

  1. Give parents and children a concise update on where the child is on his/her educational journey, and to give guidance on how to move forward.
  2. Give parents numerical data which is standardised against a National standard.
  3. Give parents an update as to their child’s social and emotional progress within school, and their learning behaviour.

Class Teacher Comment

Head Teacher Comment

Academic Achievement

Each subject area is reported in reference to two aspects.


This is a summation of the four headings: Concentration, Presentation of Work, Oral Contribution in Class, Quality and Punctuality of Homework.


This measures your child’s performance against new expectations of what a child should be able to achieve in a given subject and in a given age group.

For the purposes of reporting both attainment and effort, the school uses the following system.

A / Significantly Above the age related expectations of that year group.
B / Slightly Above the age related expectations of that year group.
C / Meeting the age related expectations of that year group.
D / Slightly below the age related expectations of that year group.
E / Significantly below the age related expectations of that year group.

A brief qualitative statement follows this regarding your child’s strengths/achievements in this subject, and their areas for development.

Core Subjects


Achievement Grade / Overall Effort Grade
Quality and Punctuality of Homework
Presentation of Work
Oral Contribution in Class
Strengths and Achievements
Areas for Development


Overall Achievement Grade / Overall Effort Grade
Quality and Punctuality of Homework
Presentation of Work
Oral Contribution in Class
Reading and Comprehension
Strengths and Achievements
Areas for Development
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
Strengths and Achievements
Areas for Development
Writing Composition
Strengths and Achievements
Areas for Development


Achievement Grade / Overall Effort Grade
Quality and Punctuality of Homework
Presentation of Work
Oral Contribution in Class
Strengths and Achievements
Areas for Development

Information, Communication Technology

Achievement Grade / Overall Effort Grade
Presentation of Work
Oral Contribution in Class
Strengths and Achievements
Areas for Development

Foundation Subjects

Subject / Achievement Grade / Overall Effort Grade: /

Presentation of Work


Oral Contribution in


Strengths and Achievements
Objectives for next Year

School End of Year Exam and Teacher Assessment

2014 – 2015

Name of Child……………………………………………

Year Group…………………………….

End of Year Exams and Final Teacher Assessments

Subject Area / Exam Result / Teacher Assessment
Reading Comprehension
Writing Composition / n/a
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (Overall)
Punctuation and Grammar
Spelling / n/a
Mental Arith / n/a
Science / n/a

Parent Response Form

July 2015

Name of Child………………………………………………………………….

Parent Comment on Child’s Report
I have received my child’s School Report
Signed……………………… Date……………………….