

Agenda Item: 2

List of Expected TILF Deliverables for 2011

Purpose: Consideration

Submitted by: CTI Chair

/ Second Senior Officials’ MeetingBig Sky, United States
17-18 May 2011


List of Expected TILF Deliverables For 2011

CTI/CTI Sub-forum / Expected Deliverables[1]
Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI) / -Completion of the Final Assessment of TFAP II.
-Implementation of action plans to address the 8 chokepoints identified in the Supply-Chain Connectivity Framework (SC Framework).
-Adoption of a capacity-building program to enhance the ability of economies to implement the various types of advance rulings.
-Agreement on a measurable methodology to track APEC’s progress towards the ten percent improvement by 2015 in supply-chain performance.
-Programme for Enhancing the Capacity of APEC Local/Regional Logistics Sub-Providers.
-Updated market access, SPS,TBT and customs procedures in the Convergences/Divergences Study.
-Development of action plan and implementation of tailor-programs for strengthening REI.
-Seminar on Dissemination ofEnvironmental Technologies held on 10 May 2011.
-APEC Regulatory Cooperation Advancement Mechanism on Trade-Related Standards and Technical Regulations (ARCAM) Dialogue on Interoperability Standards for Smart Grid held on 11-12 May 2011.
-Identification of possible “next generation trade and investment issues” on which APEC could usefully do important and meaningful work in 2011.
-Identification of a list of top barriers SMEs confront in trading in the Asia-Pacific region, jointly with the SMEWG.
-Trade Policy Dialogues on Next Generation Trade and Investment Issues (7 March); EGS NTMs (11 May); and Regulatory Cooperation on Submarine Communications Cable Protection (TBC ).
Market Access Group (MAG) / -Information sharing and exchange views on developments in the multilateral trading system, e.g ITA implementation.
-Progress APEC Elements for Simplifying Documents and Procedures Relating to ROOs: surveys on the use of IT in ROO and on minimum data requirements in FTAs to be finalized and completed intersessionally, and the results presented at MAG3.
-All economies to have completed task of providing links to English translations of their tariff and ROO information on the WebTR.
-Explore enhancements to the WebTR, through building on the existing information in it and possibly introducing a search function within a tariff and ROO information platform.
-Continued work on remanufactured products, including a discussion of further steps to facilitate trade in this area and undertaking long-term capacity-building efforts in this area, considering the respective development needs of all economies.
-Workshop on Managing Remanufactured Products at the Border, to be held in margins of SOM3 in September 2011.
-Completion of sectoral analyses on machine tools and parts, and on toys and games.
-Completion of case studies on Chile, Mexico and Viet Nam’s EGS markets.
-Review of EGS Information Exchange (EGSIE) Tool including updating EGSIE’s regulatory information pages, including proposed environmental sub-sectors and timelines.
-Launch of new work stream to address NTMs and NTBs affecting trade and agricultural products in the region. As part of that work-stream, further discussion of a paper presented by New Zealand on non-tariff barriers affecting wine.
-Increased participation in the APEC Pathfinder for Self-certification of Origin to (9+x) economies. MAG members to report on a yearly basis on progress towards implementing self-certification.
-Capacity-building Workshops on the APEC Pathfinder for Self-certification of Origin held in Philippines and Brunei Darussalam, and final workshop to be held in Viet Nam in June/July 2011. Results of Self-certification Pathfinder workshops to be consolidated and made available on AIMP and WebTR.
Group on Services (GOS) / -The Workshop on Addressing SME Business Constraints through Services was held on 2 March 2011 in Washington, D.C. The workshop examined the role that backbone services i.e. business, ICT, logistics, and financial services play in enabling SMEs to better achieve their business and export potential.
-Completion of the APEC Legal Services Initiative website ( which includes a compilation and comparison of information on regulatory regimes for foreign lawyers in APEC member economies and contacts for regulating and peak bodies in APEC member economies.
-Development of a databank of attorneys who work on trade and investment in the APEC region and capacity building seminars for international business lawyers under the APEC Legal Services Project.
-The development of the APEC Services Trade Access Requirements (STAR) Database which will be a business-friendly tool to enable services businesses to identify market access and behind-the-border requirements affecting market entry for trade in services in APEC member economies.
-A Trade Policy Dialogue on Environmental Services held on 9 May 2011 and the development of a paper on environmental services to identify the key policy issues relevant to the environmental services sector and what can GOS do to contribute to the EGS agenda.
-A workshop under the Sharing Key Success Factors and Experiences in Trade in Services for SMEsproject will be held in the margins of GOS3 in September 2011.
-A workshop under the APEC Accounting Initiative to be held in the margins of GOS3 and the development of an electronic repository of information on the regulation of accounting and auditing services by foreign professionals in the APEC region.
Investment Experts’ Group (IEG) / -Implementation of “APEC Strategyfor Investment” including The APEC Public-Private Dialogue on Investment.
-The first APEC Public-Private Dialogue on Investment was held on 4 March 2011 under the theme of “Investing for Growth: How to Spur Tangible and Robust Private Sector Investment in Infrastructure and Economic Growth”. The Dialogue covered three major topics: (i) Infrastructure development through improvements in the investment climate; (ii) Leveraging FDI for economic growth; and (iii) Prevention and resolution of investment disputes.
Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance (SCSC) / -A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between APEC SCSC-FSCF and the World Bank to be signed as part of the FSCF suite of events, held in Big Sky, Montana on 18 May. The key purpose of the MoU is to strengthen high level support from within the Bank for food safety issues and to provide a positive statement on the importance of food safety capacity building, at a regional and global level.
-International Consumer Product Health and Safety Organization’s (ICPHSO) Annual Meeting and Training Symposium held in Orlando, Florida on 22-25 February 2011.
-6th Conference on Good Regulatory Practice held on 1-2 March 2011.
-Workshop on Sustainability in Building Construction (Commercial Buildings) — Efficiency and Conservation held on 3-4 March 2011. Completion of a survey examining the “greening” of commercial buildings in the APEC economies. A second workshop will be held in September or October 2011.
-Implementation of the Solar (PV) Standards and Conformance Measures Survey and Workshop project which consists of a survey on three categories of solar technologies (PV cells, solar water heaters, concentrated solar power) and a workshop to take place at SOM3 in 2011.
Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures (SCCP) / -Authorized Economic Operator (AEO):
  • Development of an AEO Capacity Building Plan (SCCP2: September 2011); and
  • Development of an AEO Best Practices document (SCCP2: September 2011).
-Trade Recovery:
  • Development of a Trade Recovery Communications Mechanism using the following steps (SCCP2: September 2011):
  • Designate a 24/7 days a week office and/or center as points of contacts within each economy for the exchange of trade recovery information;
  • Define minimum set of standardized elements to be exchanged between economies;
  • Compile information sharing instruments that are not limited to customs instruments; and
  • Evaluate alternative communication mechanism options to exchange trade recovery information in order to improve the security, efficiency and timeliness of information exchange.
-Intellectual Property Rights:
  • Completion of a Mutual Enforcement Operation in postal and express courier facilities targeting counterfeit pharmaceuticals (June-July 2011);
  • Written report identifying effective practices for IPR enforcement in postal and express courier facilities (result of the aforementioned operation – November 2011); and
  • Development of APEC Guidelines for Customs Border Enforcement on IPR Infringement (SCCP2: September 2011).
-Single Window: Regional Workshop on Single Window (October 2011)
-Coordination with the Private Sector:
  • APEC Customs Business Dialogue (SOM III: September 2011)
  • AEO Roundtable discussion (SOM III: September 2011)

Intellectual Property Rights Experts Group (IPEG) / -Seminar on Successful Experiences Implementing Tools for Traditional Knowledge Protection to be held in Peru in September 2011.
-Advanced APEC Project for Training Intellectual Property Right Information Facilitators using e-learning contents, IP Xpedite, a follow up to 2009 project on the training of intellectual property rights information facilitators with the e-learning contents IP Xpedite. Compared to 2009 project, this project will take a more advanced approach and cover a broader scope of subjects based on the feedback received from last year’s attendees. New features includeintroducing various case studies, analyzing advanced IP information, filing strategies, focus on other types of IP in addition to patents and holding a seminar to learn about success stories and exchange concerns on IP of participants’ own economies.
Business Mobility Group (BMG) / -An APEC Best Practice in Border Capabilities Model.
-A new security-enhanced APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC).
-Annual reporting arrangements against the ABTC Client Service Framework.
-A web-based trial of APEC’s Regional Movement Alert System.
-Improved processing of the ABTC, in particular, renewal applications.
-Strengthened collaboration with other APEC fora, in particular, the SCCP and CTTF.
-Reporting on the BMG’s KPIs andcontribution to TFAPII Goals.
Electronic Commerce Steering Group (ECSG) / -Completion of all the remaining Data Privacy Pathfinder projects establishing the policy framework for the implementation of the Cross-border Privacy Rules (CBPR) system.
-Completion of the workshop on Operationalizing the APEC Cross-border Privacy Trade Rules System (March).
-Completion of Informal Meeting on Global Value Chains Workshop (March) and development of concept paper on the specific future initiative and collaboration with other fora (September).
-Development and implementation of the workshop on cost/benefit analysis issues for certification into the CBPR system (September).
-Development and implementation of the Research and Workshop on On-line Cross-border Trade in APEC Region.
-Development and implementation of the Workshop on Supply Chain Connectivity: E-Commerce as a Main Driver and Integration Tool.
Automotive Dialogue (AD) / -An agreement to streamline import procedures for demonstration vehicles to facilitate the diffusion of advanced automotive technology throughout the APEC region.
-Agreement on market access principles relating to the treatment of autos in new generation trade agreements.
-A recommendation to focus on international harmonization of standards and regulations concerning leading edge automotive technologies before different national standards are established. Participation as appropriate in expected CTI discussions of regulatory convergence (e.g., ARCAM).
-Summarizing and bringing to the attention of Energy/Transport Ministers, the AD’s work on harmonization of leading edge automotive technologies, government policies to promote innovative and green technologies, and work to facilitate the diffusion of advanced automotive technologies through streamlined import procedures for demonstration vehicles.
Chemical Dialogue (CD) / -Revised Strategic Framework for Chemicals in the Asia-Pacific Region to be submitted to Ministers Responsible for Trade in recognition of 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry
-Submit review of economic contribution of chemicals to the Asia-Pacific region to Ministers Responsible for Trade
-GHS implementation status report to Ministers Responsible for Trade
-Development of a project proposal for 2012 to support Regulators’ Forum
-Creation of a website to make APEC economies’ laws and regulations pertaining to chemical transportation and emergency response available to first responders
-Consideration of regulatory issues related to “chemicals in articles”
-Behind the border barriers to the deployment of green technologies
-APEC CD contribution to ICCM-3
-APEC CD contribution to the UN CSD Rio+20 conference
Life Sciences Innovation Forum / -Progress reports on the RHSC 2020 Strategic Framework and Roadmaps for Regulatory Convergence to Trade Ministers in May; finalize at RHSC meeting in SOM 3 for submission to Trade Ministers and Leaders in November together with identified priority work areas (PWAs2).
-Capacity building projects on MRCT, quality assurance for stem cell manufacture; Good Review Practices
-Development of a high level NCD-focused health event jointly with the HWG in September 2011
-Completion of the LSIF Enablers of Investment Checklist by additional economies (Canada and the United States)
-Completion of the LSIF Survey on information and communications technology (ICT) applications in health and analysis update by additional economies (Chinese Taipei and Thailand).
-Assessing how the Enablers of Investment Checklist can be used to strengthen health systems through public-private sector partnerships on the implementation of key elements
-Outcomes of September 2011 anti-counterfeiting drug detection technology workshop and future work plan
-Development of a white paper showing the benefits of prevention, detection, early intervention and integrated disease management programs on key chronic disease health indicators that could be addressed by health and wellness programs in the APEC Economies.
-Examination of ways of increasing transparency and participation in rule making in the life sciences sector


[1] Extracted mainly from CTI Sub-fora Convenor Reports submitted at CTI1 (2011/SOM2/CTI/010/011/017/021/028/029/030/028/029/036/038)