U.S. History: Oct. 15-19


  • Unit
  • Reintegration of the South and the Incorporation of the West
  • Learning Target
  • Identify and evaluate the influences on the development of the American West
  • Analyze significant events for Native American Indian tribes, and their responses to those events in the late nineteenth century
  • Assessments
  • Video quiz
  • Notes
  • Strategies
  • Whole-group viewing with interspersed notes
  • Modified lecture/discussion
  • Activities
  • Students will view a segment form Ken Burns’ The West, primarily focusing on the twin economic endeavors of the Transcontinental Railroad and Cattle Trails
  • Differentiation and extensions
  • As needed


  • Unit
  • Reintegration of the South and the Incorporation of the West
  • Learning Target
  • Identify and evaluate the influences on the development of the American West
  • Analyze significant events for Native American Indian tribes, and their responses to those events in the late nineteenth century
  • Assessments
  • Video quiz
  • Notes
  • Strategies
  • Whole-group viewing with interspersed notes
  • Modified lecture/discussion
  • Activities
  • Students will view a segment form Ken Burns’ The West, primarily focusing on the twin economic endeavors of the Transcontinental Railroad and Cattle Trails
  • Students will also watch a segment pertaining to the destruction of the buffalo and one with the Battle of Little Bighorn
  • Students will watch Effects of the Indian Wars and The Frontier Passes into History clips from hippocampus
  • Differentiation and extensions
  • As needed according to IEP or 504


  • Unit
  • Reintegration of the South and the Incorporation of the West
  • Learning Target
  • Analyze the immediate and long-term influences of Reconstruction on the lives of African Americans and U.S. society as a whole
  • Compare and contrast the experiences of African Americans in various U.S. regions in the late nineteenth century
  • Assessments
  • Video quiz
  • Notes
  • Strategies
  • Whole-group viewing
  • Modified lecture/discussion
  • Activities
  • Students will watch Race Relations in the New South video clip from hippocampus
  • Students will discuss/debate the differences between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. du Bois
  • Students will read about and discuss the Plessy v. Ferguson case
  • Differentiation and extensions
  • As needed according to IEP or 504


  • Unit
  • Reintegration of the South and the Incorporation of the West
  • Learning Target
  • Identify and explain significant issues and components of the Populist movement and their impacts
  • Assessments
  • Video quiz
  • Notes
  • Strategies
  • Whole-group viewing
  • Modified lecture/discussion
  • Activities
  • Students will view Farming on the Plains, Farming Becomes a Business, and The People’s Party form hippocampus
  • Students will read about and discuss the Wizard of Oz as a Parable to Populism
  • Differentiation and extensions
  • As needed according to IEP or 504


  • Unit
  • Reintegration of the South and the Incorporation of the West
  • Learning Target
  • Assessments
  • Strategies
  • Activities
  • Unit 6 exam
  • Differentiation and extensions
  • As needed according to IEP or 504