200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Dear Applicant,

Thank you for your interests in our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. We are accepting applications now, for a September Kickoff. We will be accepting a maximum of 16 students. You will be notified of your application status after one week.

This nationally recognized premier certification program immerses the student in the yoga knowledge and practical yoga experience to include, training and practice techniques, methodology, anatomy & physiology, yoga philosophy/lifestyle, and practicum.

Whether you are looking to grow your practice because yoga has positively impacted your life or are ready to start teaching yoga, this certification program will give you the tools that you need to positively impact yourself and those people you choose to serve.

Please printout the following application and fill in your information. Mail your application to address below. Include a $100.00 Non-Refundable Registration Fee - check made out to Shamrock Wellness. After your application has been accepted you can choose from the three payment options that are available in the application below.

Please contact us with any questions that you have.

We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.

Kind regards,

Linda Banter & Eric Banter

Send Application & Payment Plan form to:

Shamrock Wellness

PO Box 376

Noblesville, IN 46061

Shamrock Wellness Program Application Yoga Teacher Training

200-Hour Shamrock Wellness

Yoga Teacher Training

Name (as you would like for it to appear on your certificate upon graduation) /
Informal Name (if different from above) /
Mailing Address /
Home Phone / Cell Phone / Work Phone /
Email Address /
Date of Birth / Emergency Contact Name & # /
1. Why do you feel drawn to take this Yoga Teacher Training? /
2. How long have you been studying yoga? Who have you studied under and for how long? Do you have a favorite style(s)? /
3. Have you taught or are you currently teaching yoga? If so, where do you teach? If not, do you plan to teach yoga after completing this course? /
4. What are your three favorite yoga books (title & author)? /
5. What are your special interests and skills outside of yoga? /
6.This yoga teacher program requires a strong commitment of time & resources. Is your life situation such that it allows this commitment? /
7.How is your health and physical condition? Do you have special challenges or disabilities, injuries or surgeries?
8.Is there anything else that you would like to share?

Note: If you need more room please write on the back of these pages.

Program Agreement, Shamrock Wellness Yoga Teacher Training

To begin your registration complete the 3 steps below.

$100.00 Non- Refundable Registration Fee

200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training $3000.00 Tuition 2016-2017 School Year

Step 1: Submit Registration

1.  Fill out the program application above

2.  Submit the application along with a $100.00 non-refundable registration fee to:

Shamrock Wellness

Yoga Teacher Training Program

PO Box 376

Noblesville, IN 46061

3.  We will contact you within 10 days with the status of your application.

Step 2: Choose a Payment Plan – Must add $100.00 non-refundable Registration Fee to all totals below.

OPTION #1: Tuition Amount - $2700.00 - Early Registration with Full Payment: Pay the balance by August 15th 2016. (along with the $100.00 non-refundable registration fee)

OPTION #2: Tuition Amount- $3000.00 - Full Payment: Pay the balance due in full on or before the first day of the training. (along with the $100.00 non refundable registration fee)

OPTION #3: Tuition Amount - $3300.00 - Monthly Payments: (along with the $100.00 non refundable registration fee)

1st Payment 1 month before start - August 1 -$415.00

2nd Payment 1st month - September 1- $415.00

3rd Payment - October 1 - $415.00

4th Payment - November 1 - $415.00

5th Payment - December 1 - $415.00

6th Payment - January 1 - $415.00

7th Payment – February 1 - $415.00

8th Payment – March 1 - $395.00

*For Option #3 - A $25.00 late fee will be charged for each payment

received after the 1st of the month due dates

Step 3: Choose a method of payment

I will send checks/money orders (US $) payable to Shamrock Wellness, LLC by the due dates listed above.

You may automatically charge my Visa / Master card /Amex on the due dates listed above.

Visa/MC/Amex Number: ______

Exp:______Credit Card Verification # (CCV) ______(located on back of card)


Name on card:______

Billing Address (if different from above):


For Option #3 - A $25.00 late fee will be charged for each payment that is received after the 1st of the month due date.

Refunds and Cancellations

Tuition Refund Policy

Cancellation and Refund Policy
Please note: All refunds over $100 will be made by check. Administrative fees charged for Payment Plan options will not be refunded. All refunds will be issued within 30 days of receipt of written notice of cancellation and upon return of the Course Manual.

Denial of Enrollment: If an applicant is denied enrollment, 100% of all student fees and
tuition paid will be returned within 30 days of denial less a $100.00 non-refundable registration fee.

Cancellation before the commencement of classes: If an applicant accepted by SW
submits written notice of cancellation before the start of scheduled classes, SW will refund 100% of all student fees and tuition paid, less a $100.00 non refundable registration fee and a fee of 5% if payment was made by credit or debit card.

Cancellation After the commencement of classes: No refunds will be given after the start of classes, but student will have the ability to complete the Yoga Teacher Training Program the next time it is offered.

If you are unable to complete the certification requirements by the program end date, after you pass the second exam, or are asked to do additional work in order to receive certification, you may receive an extension. The fee for extension, which includes mentoring with a staff person, will be worked out individually with each student at a minimum rate of $75 per hour for staff time. (Total cost may vary depending on the amount of work and the duration of additional mentoring and supervision needed for certification.)

Missed or incomplete classes/trainings may be made up in other training sessions with up to two years for completion.

Yoga 200 Hr. Certificate will not be given to the student until full tuition is paid.

I have read, understand, and agree to the above terms and policies.

SIGNATURE ______DATE______

Printed Name: ______