Pitching Climate Action on the Ground – Template and Guidelines

How will the climate action pitches work?

This year’s Global Landscapes Forum: Climate Action for Sustainable Development will pioneer an innovative format to showcase outstanding initiatives that strive to realize global climate and development goals at the landscape level.

These high-level pitches provide a perfect opportunity to introduce new initiatives as well as proven concepts to an expert audience, international media and those following online from across the globe.

At the event, climate action pitches will take place in two stages:

Stage 1:

A plenary session set up in “Dragon’s Den” style will bring together leading experts from global policy, climate finance and research. Here, organizations driving innovative climate action will have the opportunity to pitch their initiative or idea to experts and receive immediate feedback.

We encourage organizations to build their pitch around a specific ask: What do they hope to get out of the Forum? Is it additional funding for their work? Specific policy recommendations? A call for partnerships?

Stage 2:

During the Forum’s cocktail reception, organizers behind the initiatives will break out into separate rooms where they can meet with interested policy makers, investors and potential partners for focused discussions around specific opportunities for climate action.

Organizers will host their own individual cocktail receptions within these breakout rooms that will be covered by their contribution fee.

Event organizers will work closely with international media such as the Financial Times, The Economist, Thomson Reuters and othersinvited to cover the pitches.

Who can make climate action pitches?

In order to provide sufficient space for the individual initiatives, a maximum of three carefully selected climate action opportunities will be featured at the Forum.

The Forum’s science committee will evaluate applications in a competitive and transparent process.

Forum partners aim at bringing together initiatives at different stages of development: from seed to early and later stages.

How can we apply?

Please submit your application by filling out the online form below. You can direct further questions to Ms. Deanna Ramsay at .

What does the host fee cover?

Presenting a pitch costs EUR 5,000. This fee goes toward covering the costs of organizing the Global Landscapes Forum, the venue and supporting technology. The fee also includes the cocktail reception set aside for the “Meet the Pitchers” events during the cocktail reception.

What are the next steps?

  • Deadline for applications 11 September
  • Notification of successful candidates starting 17 September

Application to pitch an investment opportunity

(Please read the guidelines in conjunction with this application form)

Content focal point(name, email, tel.):
Communication focal point(name, email, tel.):
Social media focal point (name, email, Twitter handle, Facebook page):
Lead organization:
Partner organizations:
Organization’s contact details:
Postal address:
Climate action opportunity proposed for pitch:
Please name the person that would present the climate action opportunity (this person will make your pitch during the Dragon’s Den):
What are the three key outcomes you would like to achieve by making your pitch:
(Try to be as specific as possible – for example, instead of “fundraising“ write “USD 1 million in seed funding“)
Please briefly describe the content of the climate action opportunity you would like to introduce. (max. 300 words)
How is your approach to climate action different from other initiatives? What are its innovative characteristics? (max. 200 words)
How does your climate action opportunity realize global policy at the landscape level? How does it relate to INDCs and the Sustainable Development Goals? (max. 200 words)