Lia KidoguchiYoga Teacher Training: Final Project


“Be mindful of the quality of energy you bring to the mat today, how your mind feels, take stock of how you arrive here this morning. Bring hands together at heart center in Anjali mudra, think of what you wish to cultivate by being here, set your intent for your practice today. (Pause) Turn the breath into sound: (three times:) Aum.”

Virasana - Cat/cow - DownDog (stay) -

lunge knee down - tuck back toes, sit back on heel, bow, front toes pull back (hamstretch) - shift to lunge, reach arms way back - DownDog

incorporate into Surya A, knees/chest/chin instead of chataranga and cobra instead of UpDog

add Virabadhrasana A and incorporate into Surya B

optional: add 3-legged dog, add knee to same elbow/opposite elbow (4x)


Pada Hastasana

Utthita Trikonasana

Parivrtta Trikonasana

Utthita Parsvakonasana

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana

Prasarita Padottonasana, hands between feet, then hands interlaced behind back

Parsvottanasana (Egyptian), launch into

Balancing Poses:

Virabhadrasana III

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

Crouching Pigeon, lead into arm balance

Vinyasa to Virabhadrasana II, look at hand as you switch side, open to

Virabhadrasana II, switch back to other side,

Vinyasa into Balasana, shift to

toes tucked, sit on heels

crouch in toe-balance, knees together, lotus blossom mudra

tippy-toe Uttanasana

crouch in toe-balance, knees apart, lotus blossom mudra




wriggle shoulders inside knees, hands behind feet for arm balance: Bhujapidasana - Shoulder-pressing Pose

straddle sit, twist, then “Janu Sirsasana”

then Revolved Janu Sirsasana, but “bottom” hand onto opp ankle

Baddha Konasana

grab toes into straddle leg tail balance

roll back into wide-legged Halasana (plow)

roll back to straddle leg tail balance

Baddha Konasana

grab toes into squeeze leg tail balance

roll back into Halasana (plow)

into Salamba Sarvangasana (Supported Shoulderstand) hold

back to Halasana

roll to supine


happy baby

dble knee to side twist


Lesson Plan for a Beginner Group of Students
With Some Vinyasa Basics Experience

Beginning Meditation, in Virasana (on block). Cues: Sit between feet, knees together. If knees come apart, place block between ankles to sit on, manually move calves to sides for more space. Sit up tall, one hand on top of the palm in lap, thumbs touch lightly.

“Be mindful of the quality of energy you bring to the mat today, how your mind feels, take stock of how you arrive here this morning. Bring hands together at heart center in Anjali mudra, think of what you wish to cultivate by being here, set your intent for your practice today. (Pause) Turn the breath into sound: (three times:) Aum.”

Interlace fingers, stretch forward, up, side to side,

Lower onto hands and knees for a few cat/cow, up to Adho Mukha Svanasana for a few breaths,walk feet to hands, Samsthithi.

Surya Namaskar A “Prep”Do 3 times

Samasthithiinhale: sweep arms up, look at thumbs

Uttanasanaexhale: fold forward, bend knees, rest body on thighs, let head hang

inhale: ½ way up, straight back

High Plankexhale: plant hands, spread fingers, step one then the other foot back to high plank, drop tail down, lift belly up, stay for another

inhale: check your posture, lengthen spine, strengthen core

Push Downexhale: lower down knees, chest, chin, completely onto belly, leave hands where they are

Bhujangasanainhale: lift heart center forward and up into Cobra with strength of your back, no weight in hands

Adho Mukhaexhale: lift belly and hips and straighten arms, then lift knees into Downward Dog, hold

Svanasanafor five breaths, (adjustment cues)

inhale: lift onto tiptoes, bend the knees,

Uttanasanaexhale: step one then other foot forward between hands into forward bend

inhale: ½ way lift

exhale: pull body towards thighs with strength of belly

inhale: all the way up, heart leads, sweep arms up, look at thumbs

Samasthithiexhale: release arms into Samasthithi

Surya Namaskar B “Prep”

Do “Lunge version” 2 times, “Virabhadrasana A version” 2 times


Utkatasanainhale: sit down, palms together touch fingers to earth, sweep arms up, look at thumbs

Uttanasanaexhale: fold forward, bend knees, rest body on thighs, let head hang

inhale: ½ way up, straight back

Catarangaexhale: plant hands, spread fingers, step or jump back to high plank, with same breath

Dandasanalower down ½ way into Cataranga Dandasana (or do the previous version)

Urdhva Mukhainhale: roll shoulders back and down, lift heart center forward and up with strength,

Svanasanaroll over onto toe nails, keep knees lifted off mat in your Upward Dog

Adho Mukhaexhale: lift belly and hips up and back into Downward Dog

Svanasanainhale: lift onto tiptoes, bend the knees,

Lunge*exhale: step R foot between hands, knee over ankle, L knee straight or rest on floor,
heel up, progression, hold each for at least one full breath:

body parallel to R thigh, barely any weight in fingertips
body parallel to R thigh, lift arms in line, hands by thighs (core strength)
lift heart center to upright body, arms still in line with trunk
finally lift arms, look at thumbs, turn palms to face each other or even back

inhale: replace hands on mat,spread fingers

Catarangaexhale: step R foot back to high plank, with same breath lower down ½ way


Urdhva Mukhainhale: roll shoulders back and down, lift heart center forward and up with strength,

Svanasana roll over onto toe nails, keep knees lifted off mat in your Upward Dog

Adho Mukhaexhale: lift belly and hips up and back into Downward Dog

Svanasanainhale: lift onto tiptoes, bend the knees,

Lunge*exhale: step L foot between hands, knee over ankle, R knee straight or rest on floor,
heel up, progression, hold each for at least one full breath:

body parallel to L thigh, barely any weight in fingertips
body parallel to L thigh, lift arms in line, hands by thighs (core strength)
lift heart center to upright body, arms still in line with trunk
finally lift arms, look at thumbs, turn palms to face each other or even back

inhale: replace hands on mat,spread fingers

Catarangaexhale: step L foot back to high plank, with same breath lower down ½ way


Urdhva Mukhainhale: roll shoulders back and down, lift heart center forward and up with strength,

Svanasana roll over onto toe nails, keep knees lifted off mat in your Upward Dog

Adho Mukhaexhale: lift belly and hips up and back into Downward Dog, hold for five breaths,

Svanasana(adjustment cues)

inhale: lift onto tiptoes, bend the knees,

Uttanasanaexhale: step one then other foot (or jump) forward between hands into forward bend

inhale: ½ way lift

exhale: pull body towards thighs with strength of belly

Utkatasanainhale: “sit down”, sweep arms up, look at thumbs

Samasthithiexhale: release arms into Samasthithi

*for “Virabhadrasana A version” replace “Lunge” with:

Virabhadrasana Aexhale: step R foot between hands, knee over ankle, drop L heel to floor,

inhale: lift heart center to upright body, lift arms palms together, look at thumbs,

exhale: replace hands on mat,spread fingers, step back to Cataranga Dandasana, vinyasa, naturally, do second replacement with L foot forward between hands.

Sequence of Poses:

Standing Poses:

  1. Padangusthasana

in Samasthithi, separate feet about hip-width, place hands on hips

inhale: lift heart center to sky, look up

exhale: fold forward, bend knees as much as needed to hook “peace fingers” around big toes,

inhale: ½ way up, straight back,

exhale: fold over thighs with strength of belly, but also pull on toes (elbows out to side, shoulders away from ears) while pushing toes into mat. (hold for 5 breaths)

Option: instead of hooking toes, hands grasp opposite elbows

inhale: ½ way up, straight back,

exhale: fold, at end of exhale release toes, place hands on hips

inhale: all the way up to Samasthithi

  1. Utthita Trikonasana

from Samasthithi, take big step with R foot towards back of mat and turn to face R side wall. Turn legs and pivot feet, so R leg turns out and toes point to back end of mat, L leg turns slightly in, so toes point in at an angle. Keep R kneecap lifted. Square off pelvis with side walls, raise arms to shoulder height.

inhale: cock pelvis towards L, reach R hand towards back end of mat, keep pelvis and ribs squared off with side wall, as if standing between 2 panels, keep R kneecap lifted.

exhale: reach R hand towards mat on outside of ankle, if necessary, touch shin instead (or, use a block). Lengthen L hands to sky, look at L hand. (hold for 5 breaths)

some cues: tuck tail, pull R hip forward, L hip back, lengthen R side body, pull R rib cage forward and L rib cage back to square whole body, keep R kneecap lifted, push down the length of the L leg from hip to heel, lengthen out the spine from L hip to crown of head, breathe.

with inhale, lengthen body to upright, turn legs to set up for posture to the L.

exhale: lengthen into Triangle Pose over L leg, hold for 5 breaths.

skip “Return to front of mat between standing asanas” then stepping out again. Instead, with inhale, lengthen body to upright, turn legs to set up for next pose to the R.

  1. Utthita Parsvakonasana

inhale: turn legs and pivot feet, so R leg turns out and toes point to back end of mat, L leg turns slightly in, so toes point in at an angle. Keep R kneecap lifted. Square off pelvis with side walls, raise arms to shoulder height.

exhale: bend R knee into alignment over R ankle, reach R hand towards mat on outside of ankle, L hand towards wall to form a straight line from heel over hip to hand, look at L hand, pull shoulders away from ears, turn L arm in so palm nearly faces wall behind. Keep pelvis and ribs squared off with side wall, as if standing between 2 panels. Modification: if necessary, place R elbow onto R thigh. (hold for 5 breaths)

some cues: tuck tail, pull R hip forward, L hip back, lengthen R side-body, pull R rib cage forward and L rib cage back to square whole body, push R knee into arm, push down the length of the L leg from hip to heel, lengthen out the spine from L hip to crown of head, lengthen side-body from heel to fingertips. Breathe.

with inhale, lengthen body to upright, straighten R leg, turn legs to set up for posture to the L.

exhale: lengthen into Extended Side Angle Pose over L leg, hold for 5 breaths.

with inhale, lengthen body to upright, turn both legs parallel to set up for Prasarita.

  1. Prasarita C

widen stance , turn legs and pivot feet, so both sets of toes are slightly turned in, keep both kneecaps lifted. Interlace fingers behind back, squeeze shoulders, either pull palms of hands together or keep elbows slightly bent.

inhale: lift heart center up, pull fingers down behind,

exhale: fold forward from hips, lift hands to sky. Keep shoulders away from ears, pull shoulders onto the back and towards each other even as hands are reaching up and aim overhead. (hold for 5 breaths)

inhale: bring interlaced hands to tail, lift spine ½ way up

exhale: release hands, bring to hips, bend knees

inhale: lengthen all the way up to standing, step to front of mat, Samasthithi

Balancing Poses:

  1. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana A through D

both hands on hips, inhale: balance on L foot, lift up R knee, grasp R big toe with R “peace fingers”, straighten out R knee but keep R shoulder back, square with L. If necessary, keep knee bent on inside of arm, or even hold top of shin with hand. Bend elbow to pull leg closer, but keep trunk upright. (hold for 5 breaths)

cues: keep pelvis square and neutral, both hip bones same height, and forward of pubic bone, do not tuck tail!

Open R leg towards R, look over L shoulder, (hold for 5 breaths) again, keep both hip bones same height, and pelvis, ribs and shoulders square

Return R leg and gaze to front, bend elbow to pull leg even closer, but keep trunk upright, then bring R hand back to hip, hold straight R leg out front, (hold for 5 breaths)

exhale: bend knee lifting up a bit more, then straighten leg down, and without shifting/fidgeting,

inhale for Standing Straight Leg Balance (oops: “Extended Hand Big Toe Posture”) on other side.

Forward Bend:

  1. Dandasana

In tall seated position, straight legs together, toes pulling towards knees, kneecaps lifted, roll shoulders back and place fingertips on mat by hips, elbows pull towards each other, push down through palms, lift heart center up and drop chin into hollow of throat, lengthening the cervical spine. (hold for 5 breaths)

cues: keep lifting chest towards chin, but avoid jamming chin down. Airway stays open, nearly as if trying to lift the nape of the neck up as face looks down into lap.

  1. Pascimottanasana

From Dandasana, lift head back up onto spine,

inhale: sweep arms up,

exhale: tilt forward from hips, lengthening spine over legs, try to keep spine as straight as possible for as long as possible, use core strength to pull torso towards thighs, then place hands on side calves, ankles, or “peace fingers” at big toes and pull some more. Keep gaze (drishti) on toes. (hold for 5 breaths)

inhale to release and return to tall seated position

  1. Marichyasana A

exhale: bend R knee up and bring R heel close to sit bone, keep a little space between R foot and L thigh, L leg stays straight, active

inhale: raise R arm up, lift ribs off pelvis, lengthen spine

exhale: fold body forward and reach R arm first forward on inside of R knee, then bend elbow and wrap arm out and around R leg and place back of R hand onto sacrum, reach back with L arm and bind the pose, either by grasping L wrist with R hand, or by hooking fingers. Gaze at toes. Hold for 5 breaths, then release this side and repeat on other side.


  1. Marichyasana C Modification

exhale: bend R knee up and bring R heel close to sit bone, L leg stays straight, active

inhale: lift ribs off pelvis, lean back just a little to create room between femur and ASIS, twist towards R and come back onto sit bones. Hug R leg with L arm, reach R arm around back and either place fingertips by the coccyx to support the spinal lengthening, or wrap towards the L thigh to support the spinal twist. Look over R shoulder.

Modification: Place L elbow against outside of R knee and either raise hand up or actively align lower arm with shin.

In full version, the L humerus is wrapped tightly around outside of R knee and the L hand reaches back towards sacrum, R hand reaches back as well to possibly bind.

Hold for 5 breaths, then hold posture but look over L shoulder for one more full breath. Finally untwist and repeat on other side.

Transition from seated to supine position with a controlled sequential roll down of spine from tail to head. Then bend the knees and place feet close to sit bones, feet parallel or slightly turned in, for Bridge Pose.

Back Bend:

  1. Urdhva Dhanurasana (Bridge Pose Modification)

In bent-knee supine position, lift pelvis and sequentially peel up spine into thoracic extension, lift heart center towards sky, clasp hands underneath and roll shoulders back and walk them in towards each other. (hold for 5 breaths)

cues: squeeze knees towards each other, keep heart center lifting up and toward chin, but do not place additional weight into head and neck, keep airways open, do not turn head.

At the end of 5th breath, unclasp hands, walk shoulders open, and sequentially release vertebrae back into mat one by one. Keep heels on floor.

Hug knees into chest or “Happy Baby” for counter stretch.


  1. Viparita Karani

Sit with R side close to a wall, lower body onto L side to floor, scoot both sit bones closer to the wall. As you roll onto back slide legs up the wall.

Adjust distance of pelvis to wall for comfort in hamstrings, possibly place a blanket under sacrum, so all muscles can relax. If legs tend to excessively turn out place a sandbag on soles of feet, or loop a strap around balls of feet to keep feet in a somewhat parallel position with heels resting on wall, knees straight but not locked, neutral pelvis and spine resting on floor.