South Lakes Primary Care hot topics in October 2013

·  The first 6 months of the new Organisation has proved quite challenging and varied for Primary Care. With the introduction and division of Enhanced Services throughout NHS England, Public Health and CCG, it has been a steep learning curve, not least in understanding the complexities of redistribution of responsibilities. By now Practices across the south network should have received returned scanned copies of their countersigned agreements for local commissioned Service Level Agreements. If Practices are unsure of their current position, please contact us.

·  Welcome to Bentham Practice ‘officially’ joining South Lakes Locality and taking on all locally commissioned Enhanced Services from October onwards. Primary Care is delighted to be able to share Bentham’s news that they passed a recent CQC inspection with flying colours, and one Assessor wants to join the Practice, what an achievement!

·  Primary Care ran a very successful, well attended PLT event at the Netherwood around the launch of the new Cumbria Local Improvement Scheme (the LIS). The improvement scheme will run over the next 3 years and focuses on 6 elements including Education and Training, Care Planning and Primary Care transformation. The majority of Practices have signed up and received a resource pack. Further support and facilitation will be made available to practices over the coming months. Watch this space.

·  Referral Support work continues to make excellent progress, focusing on the current programme around Practice investigation of outpatients, non elective and emergency admission activity. A series of Practice peer review meetings are underway, throughout the network, to discuss findings and feedback issues. We look forward to sharing the outcomes with Practices and Commissioners, as a learning opportunity for future ways of working and Service redesign.

·  South Cumbria network forums have been introduced to provide an opportunity to share information and make decisions along with Practice Manager representatives from both South Lakes and Furness Localities. These forums are working very well and will continue to be scheduled on a regular basis.

·  Primary Care has met with Primis and the South Lakes IT representative to input to the current planning of a comprehensive electronic Template and Protocol Library The Library will be available for sharing , so that all Practices will be able to import templates to Emis Web, thus ensuring consistency and clinical governance of county-wide data collection.

Please contact us if you have some feedback or information you want to share with us………Hazel, Angie and Gill, Primary Care team, South Network.