
1.  Salary Schedules and Contracts

2.  Calendars

3.  Pay Cycles

4.  Bargaining Unit

5.  Job Category/Class

6.  Positions

7.  Deductions/Contributions

8.  Benefits

9.  Addons

10.  Leaves

11.  Payroll Year End and Manual Payroll

12.  Healthy Families AB1522 – Leave Grant

13.  Reports

1.  Salary Schedules

a.  Current Salary Schedules are usually open ended, do not have to create new each year

b.  Review Column/Row Movement are still active

c.  Have there been any Board Approved Salary Schedule Changes that need to be updated in the Cell tab?

d.  If an Addon is attached to a Salary Schedule, make sure still valid

2.  Calendars

a.  Must be created each fiscal year

b.  Review Start/End Dates

c.  Review Contract Days

i.  Make sure Calendars are in balance; Detail must agree with Contract Days

3.  Pay Cycles

a.  Brought forward from previous fiscal year, need to review if still valid

b.  Pay Prds = The number of pay dates that checks will be cut

c.  Earnings Prds – The periods that employees’ actually work and earn

d.  Advance Prds – The number of advance periods, which are periods where there is pay, but no earnings.

e.  Arrears Prds – The number of arrears periods, which are periods where employees are paid after they have earned

f.  Adjust Benefits -

Standard Calculations (Default) 12/Pay Cycle

Base Deductions including arrears/advance = 1/11 of Benefit Deduction Base deduction on monthly earnings period = 1/12 of Benefit Deduction

4. Bargaining Units

a.  Verify Anniversary Options

b.  Do Prorate Options still apply?

c.  Any Benefit Cap Changes?

Update ACA Rates – ACA Defaults and ACA Look Back Periods

4.  Job Class/Categories


a.  Review for Bargaining Unit/Salary Schedule changes

b.  Review for Calendar/Leave Group changes

c.  Check Salary Range information

6. Positions

d.  Verify/ Update FTE on Detail

e.  Verify account codes for FY17 on Account Tab

i.  Run Pay22 for FY17 – Labor Only

f.  End any Position not needed for FY17

i.  Make sure there are no attached assignments prior to ending

MOST COMMON QUESTION: Why dosen’t the Position record show the new assignment information?

The Position Tab in the Position record contains the basic information about the position. The information it shows is from the pay detail that is active as of today, which means it does not show information about next year position assignments. This information will show after the first regular payroll runs in the new fiscal year.

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7. Deductions/Contributions

a.  Changes made in Deduction/Contribution Management (Access depends on Permissions)

b.  If Pay Cycle Changes – review Active Months

c.  Update Dues Rates

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8. Health Welfare Benefits

Benefit Group Setup (can be set by district)

·  This setup allows for the linking of similar benefits when coverage changes at open enrollment

o  The system can then track the costs and annualize based on the previous amounts

This setup allows the ACA Report to identify employees who have opted out of medical coverage already and do not need to be tracked

The system needs the Groups to be MED and OPT

Additional MED Group needed for employee with more than one Benefit Provider

Example – Domestic Partners (Employee =Pre Tax; Domestic Partner = Post Tax)

For existing benefit providers the field will be locked and will require Escape to add the codes

Benefits for Mid-Year Start

HR/Payroll – Employment– Employee Management

Pay Cycle – Annualize FY Benefit Costs

Can override on employee Pay Cylce Tab to take actual premiums per month instead of annualize

·  The choice selected will set the Annual Benefit flag for the entire year based on your selection

·  You will need to change the flag setting for the next fiscal year, this can be done at the same time, by ending the Pay Cycle June 30, copy to July 1, remove the flag

9. Addon Review

Test the Addon to make sure it calculates as expected. If it does not work as expected submit a helpdesk ticket (helpdesk@scoe .org) . Make sure to list the Addon and why it is not calculating as expected.

It is recommended that Addons are set up as follows: Reoccurring Monthly - Set up in Employee Management

Example 1: Substitute Teacher Example 2: Masters/Doctorate Example 3: Cell/Car/Mileage Example 4: Extra Hourly

One Time Payment – Set up in Adjust Pay

Example 1: Coaching Example 2: BTSA

Example 3: Yearbook Example 4: Retro/Off Schedule

Taxes and Addons

How are taxes calculated when using an Addon?

Taxes can calculate differently depending upon the set up of the Addon. Remember the Addon will calculate taxes at the higher rate 25%, if left open.

For example:

You are setting up a lump sum payment in Adjust Pay. The Addon is set up as Hourly. In this case the Addon will tax based upon the Regular Earnings Table, not at 25%. Even though this is a lump sum payment, the Addon is set up as hourly so Escape will calculate the taxes based upon hourly for the entire year.

You are setting up an open lump sum payment . In this case the Addon will tax at 25%. Escape will look at the lump sum payment and treat it as the annual.

It is always recommended that you review the employee snapshot to confirm the Addon is calculating as expected, including the taxes. Taxes are required by law and should not be altered without submission of a new W-4 Form.

Retirement and Addons

Always review the Addon to make sure it is set up properly for STRS and PERS reporting. It is important to look at the employee snapshot. Remember retirees can have different rules and sometimes you may need to override the Addons retirement set up in Adjust Pay.

Addons Setup Review

Sections to review in the Addon

Section 2 – Retirement Information Section 4 – Calculation

g.  Review the STRS/PERS setup a. Verify Salary Schedule

h.  Verify STRS Days/Hours b. Verify the Schedule Cell

Section 3 – W2 and Account Numbers c. Verify Affect Base Pay

a. Verify Account Mask Section 5 Other Addon Information

Section 5 – Other Addon Information a. Set Affect ACA

a.  Set Affect ACA b. ACA Hours

Section 6 – Active Months

a.  Watch Active Months

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10. Leaves at Year End

  Run Leave Reports (HR/Payroll – Reports - Leave)

o  Leave 40 – Approaching Maximum Accrual

o  Leave 02 – Leave Transactions with Excess Leave Balances

o  Leave 04 – Leave Liability by Account

  Review 2016 reports for needed leave adjustments

  Post any remaining 2016 leaves requests

  Pay off any Leave Balances

o  Watch retirement coding

  Pay out any Vacation (non-leave profile based)

o  Watch retirement coding

  Review Leave Balance Profiles for changes prior to the roll forward process for FY17

  Roll Forward Leaves Balances to FY17 (Requires tag)

Warning - Once you load leaves, you will not be able to edit the transactions in the Employee record!

At year end, you need to pay close attention to when the roll forward process is complete. You should not load leaves until you have entered all prior year leave transactions and finalized your roll forward balances.

If you have to post leaves for prior year 2016 (after you have rolled forward) you will need to submit a help desk ticket to have them rolled back. Do not try to enter them into the system they will not post to the prior year FY16, and will reflect in the current year FY17.

Remember if you Roll Forward Leave Balances and any balance shows above the carryover maximum it will create a negative adjustment.

o  After completion, no processing of additional FY16 leave requests in FY16

§  Leaves can be done in FY17

§  Leaves will have FY16 dates but affect the FY17 rolled forward balances

o  Cannot Process July Regular Payroll Unless Roll is Completed

§  ALLOW time to verify/review newly rolled leave balances

  Review Leave Transaction Summary (07/01/2016 date)

Leave Balance Projections

Leave projections can be used to notify an employee of what their balance will be thru June. So, if you are a district that does not allow your employees to accrue over a certain amount this may be a great tool. Recommended to run in March or April to provide notice to the Employee.

Section 1 – Leave Balance Profile

1.  Allow Projections:

a.  If the Allow Projections is flagged with a “Yes” then the leave projections will be part of the Leave Granting Process.

b.  Leave Projections do not show on the Employee Screen.

c.  To view Leave Projections Run the Leave01 Report selecting the following Section 2 - Transaction Type criteria: Projected Grant

End of Year Leave Balances

Some districts allow employees to carry over all or some of their unused leave to the next Fiscal Year.

Section 2 – Grant Information

1.  Limit Carryover

Some districts allow employees to carry over all or some of their unused leave to the next Fiscal Year.

a.  Setting the Limit Carrover flag to “Yes” = Employee can carry over a certain amount of their unpaid leave

b.  Setting the Limit Carryover flag to “No” = Employee can carry over ALL of their unused leave

Section 3 – Balance Profile Grant Ranges

2.  Max Carryover

a.  Setting the Max Carrover flag will limit the amount of leave the employee can carryover.

When leave balances are rolled forward, any remaining balances will now be compared to the Max Carryover. If the leave balance is greater than the carryover Escape will create an adjustment to reset the balance to the max carryover amount.

Paying Off Leave Balances

Some districts pay off Leave Balances at the end of the year using an Addon. Upon submission of posting leaves in Leave Status during the last earnings period, Escape will create a leave adjustment to set the leave balance to zero. Escape will create the addon adjustment in Adjust Payroll with the calculated amount for the employee’s payoff.

Review your Addon, Organization Record and Leave Balance Profile to ensure that it is set up properly. If you need setup/adjustments to the Addon submit a helpdesk ticket to your IT Analyst.

1.  Payoff Addon Setup:

Section 4 – Calculation

Rate 1 Option = D (Daily) or H (Hourly)

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1.  Organization Record Setup

Section 6 – HR/Payroll Setup

Addon Payoff needs to be set up with Addon Payoff information.

2.  Leave Balance Profile Setup

Section 2 – Grant Information

Payoff = Payoff balance in last earning period Limit Carryover = Yes

Section 3 – Balance Grant Ranges Max Carryover – 0

Excess Vacation Leave Balances

Depending upon your vacation leave set up, you can carryover and payout or you can set it up not to accrue a liability.

To set up the vacation leave not accrue a liability you can use the following set up:

Leave Balance Profile: Section 2 – Grant Information

1.  Limit Leave Grant flag = “Yes”

This will prevent excess grants from taking place, avoiding liability at the year end or upon early termination.

2.  Carry Over Max = Enter the desired limit

If the employee is over the max the vacation will not be granted. If the vacation is not granted then you do not have a liability.

In Employee Management you can view the Units Exceeded Column. Escape keeps a historical record of the excess available for viewing in the Leaves tab.

If your district allows carryover and payout the rest. Review your setup, If your set up does not stop excess vacation leave balance you are required to allow an employee to use or receive the equivalent pay.

The Leave Balance Profile record does allow you to choose one or the other, BUT not both. If you find that an employee has accrued more than the maximum carryover amount for vacation you can manually pay out the excess or adjust the leave amount back to the employees original balance.

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11. Payroll at Year End

Unpaid Summer Bucket

  Run Pay 32 - Unpaid Summer Bucket(DNP) Report (HR/Payroll – Reports – Payroll)

o  Run now prior to DNP Payouts in June

§  Verify that any balances for terminated employees have been paid out

o  Run after June DNP Payouts

§  Review for any remaining balances

Error Report – Pay 22

  Review/correct all Labor Errors for FY17 for missing new year accounts

o  Pay 22 – Labor Errors – Use options FY17/ Labor Errors Only

§  Review for account codes not present in FY17

§  Expired accounts may still be mapped in Position Control

·  Adjust Accounts in Positions if necessary

·  Add account string as appropriate

  Review/correct Prior Year and Current Year Liability accounts

o  Pay 22 – Labor Errors – Use options FY17/Labor Errors Only