South TraffordLocality Partnership Voluntary Sector Grants Scheme 2017

What is the name of your group/ organisation?
Date your group/ organisation was established:
Provide details of two members of the group / organisation that we can contact about this application.Applicants should not be related to each other.
Name (main contact):
Daytime telephone:
Email: / Name (secondary contact):
Daytime telephone:
We will use your information tocontact you about this application.
We also send regular e-bulletins and updates, if you do not wish to be added to our contact listplease tick here. ?
Does your group / organisation have a bank account? (If no, please ensure you complete section 3 of the form) / Yes ? No ?
If the project involves the use of a park, land or buildings do you have permission to use these? / Yes ? No ?
N/A ?
Where an organisation applies for funding to work with children or vulnerable people, a Safeguarding Policy is needed:
Does the project involve working with children/vulnerable people?
Do you have a Safeguarding Policy? If yes, please include with your application. If no, contact the Partnerships & Communities Team (contact details in the guidance notes) who can provide advice on what you need to do. / Yes ? No ?
N/A ?
Yes ? No ?
N/A ?
You need to be a formal group with accounts and a constitution to apply for a grant. Please confirm that you have the following:
A constitution or rules of association
Financial statement or accounts
If you are in the process of setting up as a formal group, your constitution and bank account must be in place before the Come and Vote Event on Sunday 4thJune 2017. / Yes ? No ?
Yes ? No ?
In progress ?
Have you previously received a grant from the Trafford Voluntary Sector Grants programme?
Yes ? No ?
Have you received any other funding from Trafford Council since April 2015?
Yes ? No ?
If yes, please provide further information:
Our eligibility check will consider any previous funding received and the quality of the monitoring information provided.

Please note that if a grant is approved you must keep receipts of all expenditure.

Please provide details of your organisation’s bank account. We cannot make payments to personal bank accounts.
If you are in the process of setting up a bank account for your group please indicate here ?
Please note that your bank account will need to be set up and details confirmed prior to the Come and Vote Event on Sunday4thJune.
Name of organisation’s bank account
Name of bank/building society
Bank account sort code
Bank account /building society roll number
Please provide an original copy of your bank statement if you would like to receive a direct BACs payment, if successful.
Who can sign the cheques for the bank account? Please give names of at least two unrelated signatories
1. / 2.
3.1. Tell us about your group: who are you and what your do? (Maximum 200 words)
3.2 Tell us about your project and what you would like funding for (Maximum 300 words)
Provide details of what you will deliver if your application is successful. Think about the ‘what, where, when, who, how’ (how will you know what difference will be made?)
3.3 How do you know your project is needed? (Maximum 250 words)
Have you talked to local people? What have they told you about your project and idea?
3.4 Does your project directly benefit the community and residents of the South Trafford Locality?
Yes ? No ?
If no, please explain why you are applying for this fund...
3.5How will you minimise the environmental impact of your project?
For example, litter picking after events, using recycled materials where possible
4.1 How will your project make a difference, how will you measure it and what evidence will you collect to be able to show us this?
Please note successful projects will need to complete project monitoring and evaluation forms, which will be used to monitor progress towards these aims. The Partnerships and Communities team will support you to develop good monitoring plans.
Example Project Aim
To increase the confidence of older people online/ and enable them to use the internet safely / Example Measures
30 individuals aged 65+ attending our training sessions
Online confidence improved in 60% of attendees
Feedback will be gathered with surveys, discussions and photographs before, during and after the training.
Project Aim 1 / Measures
Project Aim 2 / Measures
Project Aim 3 / Measures
5.1 Please complete the table below showing how much funding you are requesting. How much will each part of your project cost? Maximum available from this Voluntary Sector Grants scheme is £2,000.
Item or activity / A. Total Cost / B. Amount requested from this grant scheme
5.2 If the total in column A is higher than the total in column B, tell us where the rest of the funding is coming from (Maximum 100 words)
(Please outline details of any other grant awards, pending grant applications, match funding or donations in kind your project has secured or is in process of securing)
5.3Will you be using the funding to pay another person / organisation to deliver any part of the activity? If so please explain what and why (Maximum 150 words)
(This could be hiring specialist services, management fees, paying another organisation do the activity on your behalf)
5.4How have you worked out your costs? (Maximum 200 words)
You need to provide estimates/quotes/internet pricing of anything above £300. Please ensure costs include VAT(at 20%). Have you provided these? / Yes ? No ?
How did you hear about the Voluntary Sector Grants Programme?
Poster ? Thrive Mail-out ? Previous application ?
Twitter ? Newspaper ? Other ?
Did you have all the information you needed to complete the form? / Yes ? No ?
Was the application form easy for complete? / Yes ? No ?
Any other feedback on the application process and form?

Would you like some help to complete the form? Please look in the Guidance Notes for details of how to access support. You can call and email us at any time.

Please return your application form to the Partnerships & Communities team by emailing: .

Or post to: Partnerships & Communities Team, Trafford Council, 1st Floor Extension, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Road, Stretford, M32 0TH.

All applications must be received by 9am on Monday 15th May 2017

Applications received after this date will not be accepted.

All applicants will receive a receipt once the application is submitted. If you are not contacted to confirm receipt of your application please let us know.