Mr. Sullivan Name ______

AP World History Date ______

Textbook Guided Reading POD 13 Mings, Qings & Mughals Period ______

Directions: Please complete these questions as a means to BEGIN studying and preparing for the upcoming POD test. It is your responsibility to complete this task by the due date. You may wish to refer to your class notes and materials, as well as your textbook for assistance in the completion of this task.

All answers should be placed on the answer worksheet below

Each Question is worth 1 point

Nota bene: The corresponding textbook page numbers are included with each question for your assistance.

Question / Answer / Question / Answer / Question / Answer / Question / Answer / Question / Answer / Question / Answer
1 / 17 / 33 / 49 / 65 / 81
2 / 18 / 34 / 50 / 66 / 82
3 / 19 / 35 / 51 / 67 / 83
4 / 20 / 36 / 52 / 68 / 84
5 / 21 / 37 / 53 / 69 / 85
6 / 22 / 38 / 54 / 70 / 86
7 / 23 / 39 / 55 / 71 / 87
8 / 24 / 40 / 56 / 72 / 88
9 / 25 / 41 / 57 / 73 / 89
10 / 26 / 42 / 58 / 74 / 90
11 / 27 / 43 / 59 / 75 / 91
12 / 28 / 44 / 60 / 76 / 82
13 / 29 / 45 / 61 / 77 / 93
14 / 30 / 46 / 62 / 78 / 94
15 / 31 / 47 / 63 / 79
16 / 32 / 48 / 64 / 80

1. In 1368, the Yuan Empire was overthrown and replaced by the

a. / Manchu Empire.
b. / Yi Kingdom.
c. / Ming Empire.
d. / Song Empire.
e. / Tang Empire.

REF: p. 355

2. To demonstrate their rejection of the Mongols, the Ming emperors

a. / severed relations with the Middle East and Central Asia and closed the borders to foreigners.
b. / built the Great Wall of China and deported all Mongols.
c. / changed the official language from Mongolian to Chinese.
d. / marched all the Mongols to the Korean border.
e. / formed close ties with the Manchu instead.

REF: p. 356

3. The emperor Yongle improved the imperial complex built by the Mongols called the

a. / Imperial House.
b. / Forbidden City.
c. / Heavenly Gates.
d. / Dragon's Court.
e. / Red Square.

REF: p. 356

4. Because Mongols controlled access to the Silk Road after the overthrow of the Yuan, the emperor Yongle put an emphasis on

a. / trade by ships.
b. / overland trade through India and Arabia.
c. / trade through Buddhist monasteries.
d. / trans-Pacific exploration.
e. / none of these; trade decreased because people could not afford to travel by Silk Road and pay Mongol tariffs.

REF: p. 356-357

5. Zheng He's primary accomplishment was

a. / converting barbarians to Islam.
b. / discovering new lands in the East.
c. / bringing wealth to China.
d. / acquiring Ming tributary states.
e. / discovering the Philippines.

REF: p. 357

6. Why didn't Ming China develop seafaring for commercial and military gain?

a. / The emperor feared outside contacts and influence.
b. / The peasantry were a strong voting lobby and refused to support it.
c. / The merchants were opposed to losing their domestic markets.
d. / The Mongol threat from the north took priority over seafaring.
e. / The Japanese merchants undercut the market and stole China's trading partners.

REF: p. 357

7. What was the primary reason for the slowdown of technology after Yongle's death?

a. / limitation of the mining industry by the Ming empire.
b. / Japanese coastal piracy prevented transmission of new ideas and techniques.
c. / a religious edict by the conservative traditional elements
d. / collapse of the economy with the flood of silver from Spanish and Portuguese explorers.
e. / none of these

REF: p. 357

8. Which of the following was not a reason for economic decline in China after the death of Yongle?

a. / Decreased production of metal
b. / Lack of commercial development
c. / Reemphasis of the classic examination system, rather than commercialism
d. / A switch to growing staple crops instead of commercial crops
e. / Resurgence of the bubonic plague

REF: p. 357

9. Water Margin and The Romance of the Three Kingdoms are examples of

a. / Ming literature.
b. / Ming racehorses.
c. / Ming silk tapestry designs.
d. / Ming wallpaper.
e. / famous Ming sailing vessels.

REF: p. 358

10. The Ming produced one of the most prized commercial products of Eurasia:

a. / green or ginseng ink.
b. / teakwood clocks.
c. / porcelain.
d. / lightweight cannon.
e. / wool.

REF: p. 359

11. Which of the following areas were not under Mongol domination?

a. / Japan
b. / Korea
c. / China
d. / Vietnam
e. / Russia

ANS: A REF: p. 359

12. Which coastal area did the Mongols see as crucial to choke off the sea trade of their enemies?

a. / Southern China
b. / Japan
c. / Korea
d. / Vietnam
e. / Singapore

REF: p. 360

13. The relationship between the leading family in Korea, the Koryo family, and the Mongols was that

a. / they were mutually hostile.
b. / the Koryo family became attached and loyal to the Mongols.
c. / the Koryo family revolted against the Mongols and expelled them from Korea.
d. / the Mongols considered the Koryo family and all Koreans "barbarians."
e. / of parents and children, with the Koryo family as the parents.

REF: p. 360

14. Two main areas of mechanized production in Yi Korea were in

a. / celadon pottery and cannon.
b. / cotton and movable-type font.
c. / glass and metal.
d. / silk and pottery.
e. / porcelain and gunpowder.

REF: p. 360-361

15. The rise of literacy in Korea resulted from the

a. / combination of an improved printing system and the han'gul writing system.
b. / institution of a university system.
c. / spread of woodblock printing from China and the Mongol writing system.
d. / imposition of Japanese rule, which forced the formation of public schools.
e. / popularity of Islam, which required that all Muslims read the Quran.

REF: p. 360

16. Unlike in Ming China, the development of agriculture in the Yi kingdom was based on what cash crop?

a. / Wheat
b. / Rice
c. / Sugar
d. / Cotton
e. / Tobacco

REF: p. 360-361

17. What military techniques or innovations made the Yi military a formidable defensive force?

a. / cannon with gunpowder-driven arrow launchers.
b. / compound bows and chain mail.
c. / battering rams and Trojan horses.
d. / phalanxes of soldiers deployed by rota.
e. / the development of poison gas canisters.

REF: p. 361

18. What prevented the Mongols from invading Japan?

a. / The Mongols feared the samurai military prowess.
b. / The jungle heat prevented their horses from continuing.
c. / A storm prevented them from establishing a base.
d. / Mongol tactics were no match for the Japanese military technology.
e. / The Japanese launched a surprise attack on the Mongol naval base.

REF: p. 361

19. How did the threat of Mongol invasion affect Japan?

a. / Japanese clans took political control of their regions.
b. / Japanese merchants lost huge sums of money in the Mongolian markets.
c. / Japanese monks were held hostage.
d. / The Japanese military government spent a lot of time building coastal defenses, hoping to consolidate the warrior class.
e. / Japan reinstated direct imperial rule.

REF: p. 362

20. Kamikaze means

a. / suicide.
b. / triumphant death.
c. / wind of the gods.
d. / honorable death.
e. / wisdom of the gods.

REF: p. 362

21. The ancestor of modern Vietnam was formed when Annam

a. / annexed Champa.
b. / defeated Mongol forces.
c. / was defeated by China.
d. / was annexed by Korea.
e. / signed the Treaty of Amur with Russia.

REF: p. 364

22. Although the Delhi Sultanate had its problems, it did provide a

a. / reliable and safe water supply to the region.
b. / new irrigation system of qanats to the region.
c. / safe haven for religious exiles.
d. / centralized political authority to India.
e. / new unifying religion in the form of Islam.

REF: p. 379

23. Which of the following did not help to increase Indian Ocean trade between 1200 and 1500?

a. / The collapse of the Mongol Empire, which disrupted the overland trade routes
b. / Increased demand for luxury goods such as jewels, fine textiles, and precious metals
c. / The invention of the astrolabe
d. / The construction of larger ships, making shipping cargo more profitable
e. / The rising prosperity of Asian, European, and African states, which stimulated expansion

REF: p. 379

24. The characteristic ship of the Arabian Sea was the

a. / galley.
b. / junk.
c. / skow.
d. / caravel.
e. / dhow.

REF: p. 379

25. The largest, most technologically advanced ship in the Indian Ocean was the Chinese

a. / galley.
b. / junk.
c. / skow.
d. / dhow.
e. / caravel.

REF: p. 380

26. The different regional networks of the Indian Ocean trade were tied together by

a. / commercial interests.
b. / political authority.
c. / religious authority.
d. / a common language.
e. / the threat of Chinese intrusion.

REF: p. 379

27. By 1250 the most important trading city of the Swahili Coast was

a. / Cairo.
b. / Kilwa.
c. / Timbuktu.
d. / Casablanca.
e. / Johannesburg.

REF: p. 381

28. The economic and political power of Great Zimbabwe was based on long-distance trade in

a. / gold, copper, and salt.
b. / silk, porcelain, and iron.
c. / olives, wheat, and pepper.
d. / books, wool, and wine.
e. / qurans, ink, and wheat.

REF: p. 382

29. What caused the collapse of the empire of Great Zimbabwe?

a. / monsoon flooding
b. / conquest by Christian Ethiopians
c. / deforestation and cattle overgrazing
d. / prolonged drought that killed agriculture
e. / The order of Sultan Muhammed ibn Tughluq that the city be abandoned

REF: p. 382

30. What significant cultural feature allowed the regions of Aden and Ethiopia to thrive commercially?

a. / common monetary units
b. / mutual tolerance of diverse religions
c. / polyglots were common
d. / mutual abolition of slave trade
e. / none of these

REF: p. 383

31. What was unique about Gujarat trade compared to African and Arabic?

a. / Gujarat manufactured goods for trade
b. / Gujarat required non-Hindu traders to pay a special tariff
c. / Gujarat was significantly inland
d. / Gujarat had artisanal guilds that dictated trade standards
e. / Gujarat refused trade with the European states

REF: p. 383

32. As trade increased in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the Strait of Malacca became the center of a political rivalry between

a. / Java and Ceylon.
b. / Siam and Tibet.
c. / India and Gujarat.
d. / Majapahit and Chinese pirates.
e. / Calcutta and Bombay.

REF: p. 384

33. Because of the trade through the Strait of Malacca, Malacca became an important port and

a. / the focus of the annual Buddhist pilgrimage.
b. / a meeting place for traders from around the Eurasian world.
c. / replaced Madagascar as the most important slave-trading port.
d. / became one of the most homogeneous cities in Southeast Asia.
e. / became known as the "Asian Tiger."

REF: p. 384

34. What evidence supports the belief that eastern Pacific islands were settled as a result of planned expeditions by Polynesian mariners?

a. / DNA evidence
b. / Linguistic similarities
c. / Transference of indigenous plants
d. / Settlements in Easter Island and New Zealand
e. / All of these

REF: p. 421

35. The island of Madagascar was settled by

a. / Malayo-Indonesians.
b. / Polynesians.
c. / Arabs.
d. / Africans.
e. / both A and B.

REF: p. 422

36. Sailing in the Indian Ocean was less difficult and dangerous than in other places because

a. / it is shallow.
b. / there is less wind.
c. / the monsoon winds are predictable.
d. / it isn't an ocean, but rather a large saltwater lake.
e. / there are no sharks.

REF: p. 422

37. The vessels of the Indian Ocean were called:

a. / junks
b. / triremes
c. / galleons
d. / dhows
e. / sloops

REF: p. 422

38. How did the rise of medieval Islam give trade in the Indian Ocean an important boost?

a. / The Muslim cities in the Middle East provided a demand for commodities.
b. / Networks of Muslim traders tied the region together.
c. / The Muslim traders shared a common ethic, language, and law.
d. / Muslim traders actively spread their religion to distant trading cities.
e. / All of these

REF: p. 422

39. The Ming Empire attempted to create new Indian Ocean contacts by

a. / sending out seven imperial fleets between 1405 and 1433.
b. / employing Mongol horsemen to travel the Silk Road.
c. / attempting to defeat the Portuguese in the famous sea battle of Calcutta.
d. / establishing maritime courts to deal with pirates and privateers.
e. / building "artificial" islands.

REF: p. 422

40. Which of the following statements is not true of Chinese-African contacts circa 1415-1433?

a. / At least three trading cities in East Africa sent delegations to China in 1415.
b. / Zheng's voyages were extended to Africa.
c. / Zheng's voyages stimulated the Swahili silk market.
d. / The Chinese imported more pepper as a result of this contact.
e. / Many cultural misunderstandings led to the Sino-African War.

REF: p. 423-424

41. The Chinese treasure ships of Zheng He carried

a. / people and animals as settlers for far-flung colonies.
b. / silk, metals, and other valuable goods as gifts for distant rulers.
c. / soldiers to fight the Japanese pirates in the Sea of Japan.
d. / balsa wood for buoyancy.
e. / salted fish.

REF: p. 423