Recap of the Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting

January 26, 2018

The January 26, 2018 Hillsborough County Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting was called to order by Chair Porter at 8:30 a.m.

Members Present: Chair Linda Porter, Vice Chair Kay Doughty, Marlin Anderson, Barbara Aderhold, Adam Elend, Tu Mai, Joseph Pullara, Eric Seidel, Eric Johnson, Joseph Odda and Wendell Duggins.

Members Absent: Joseph Caetano.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given and members introduced themselves. The CAC purpose was read.

Public Comment: None.

Review of Meeting Recap: The December 15, 2017 CAC meeting recap was reviewed and unanimously approved.

2018 Elections: The ballot contained the following names: Kay Doughty for Chair; Adam Elend, Eric Johnson, Tu Mai, and Joseph Pullara for Vice Chair. Prior to voting, Mr. Pullara removed his name from consideration. Kay Doughty was elected Chair and Tu Mai was elected Vice Chair.

Discussion of Future Projects: Mr. Mike Merrill, County Administrator, spoke to the growth in Hillsborough County, including challenges. He presented the 2018 and 2018 initiatives. Mr. Merrill spoke to P3’s, and a downtown example. He spoke to client self-sufficiency, and discussed wrap around services when a citizen presents with an issue. He discussed improvements in customer service and satisfaction. Finally, he spoke to transforming our service model and fiscal sustainability. Altogether, these create community prosperity. He discussed further utilizing P3’s, considering a 311 service, and a citizen satisfaction survey. He spoke to cost of services and level of service provided. He reviewed the importance of knowing per unit cost.

Mr. Merrill proposed that the CAC members working one on one with County experts in their interest areas, and bringing back their knowledge gained to the collective. He suggested that this be done over the course of 3 or 4 months. Mr. Elend asked what the second half of this project would be. Mr. Merrill provided an example of how to make up for $30 million lost revenue due to the expected homestead exemption. Mr. Merrill spoke to CAC members working with designated staff and teams to create solutions.

Mr. Seidel asked if the budget recommendations produced by the CAC last year were helpful. Mr. Merrill provided response. Mr. Johnson discussed moving on past the budget recommendations. Mr. Anderson asked for a perspective impact of the $30 million homestead exemption. Mr. Anderson asked, and Mr. Merrill noted that for the joint meeting with the BOCC this year a work plan can be provided. Mr. Elend recommended an advisory role, whereby the CAC provides recommendations on staff developments, rather than the CAC leading recommendations. Ms. Doughty discussed recommendations that are best for the County, absent politics. She asked about logistics and Mr. Merrill noted the flexibility allowed in this proposal. Ms. Aderhold and Mr. Merrill discussed planning and land use issues and duplication in regulation.

Following Mr. Merrill’s presentation, the CAC reviewed the areas presented, which were:

  • P3’s
  • Client Self Sufficiency
  • Customer Service & Satisfaction
  • Transforming Our Service Model
  • Fiscal Sustainability

On motion by Mr.Elend, and seconded by Ms. Doughty, the CAC unanimously voted to engage on the project. Mr. Elend appreciated Mr. Merrill bringing a project with measureable outcomes. Mr. Seidel found the five topics to be vague. Mr. Odda re-read the mission. The CAC noted that a general topic of interest, such as transportation or land use, may be interconnected with all of these project areas.

The CAC discussed the next meeting, where they will select areas of interest to be assigned to individually and set a work plan. The CAC requested additional detail on each area and which senior staff member is assigned.

The CAC discussed having a successful outcome in this project.Mr. Odda pointed out that the BOCC is not required to accept and apply every recommendation.

Other Business: The CAC discussed other areas of interest, including transportation.

The CAC adjourned at11am.